HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-17 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE April 17, 2002 ITEM #1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 PM. ITEM #2. Roll call. Present were Committee Members P. Messinger, R. Boldus, J. Berg, J. Volimas, L. Lulf, H. Lovelace, C. Skeps, T. Goodwin and K. Manias, Alternate. Also present were Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Pat Vinje. ITEM #3. Approval of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee minutes of April 3, 2002. The minutes of the April 3, 2002Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting were discussed. There was no further discussion and the minutes were approved as printed. ITEM #4. Citizen comments. There were no citizens present at the meeting. ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects. The Lakeville Area Arts Center Board and staff attended a Strategic - Planning Retreat Saturday, April 13, 2002. The focus of the retreat was on programs. The grant application for Klamath Trail Phase III has progressed - through the preliminary review of the grant process. The outlook appears to be favorable to receive up to $100,000 for this project. A neighborhood meeting will be scheduled following receipt of further information from the DNR regarding the grant status. The meeting is expected to take place in the middle or end of May. Storm sceptors will be installed at Antlers Park and at Oak Shores Park - parking lots. This will remove the sediment from the water before it enters lakes and ponds. New paved parking lots will be installed at both Oak Shore Park parking lots. Ingraham and Associates will provide concept plans for Valley Lake - Park, Antlers Park and Prairie Lake development for review at the meeting on May 1. City Council adopted an interim ordinance at the April 15 meeting - temporarily prohibiting the approval of new residential plats in an effort to develop appropriate land use controls to protect the planning process. Residential plats that have begun the approval process or have already received approval in addition to senior housing, low and moderate income rental housing, manufactured homes, churches and schools are exempt from the ordinance. The ordinance will remain in effect until April 14, 2003 or until official growth controls have been adopted, whichever occurs first. The Council also adopted an interim Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 2 April 17, 2002 ordinance temporarily prohibiting development and new construction in the area east of the I-35/County Road 50 interchange to allow the City time to study, design and officially map future road alignments. The ordinance will be in effect until the adoption of official maps and other official controls or April 14, 2003, whichever occurs first. nd ITEM #6. Century Ridge 2 Addition preliminary and final plat. Wensmann Homes is proposing a 10-unit multi-family residential housing development located east of Ipava Avenue and south of Century Junior High School located on 1.28 acres. The Century Ridge final plat of 108 attached townhouse lots was approved by City Council on April 16, 2001. Committee members asked why this was a preliminary and final plat as opposed to a final plat of another phase of the Century Ridge plat. It was explained that the area was not part of the original plat but rather ghost platted and planned to be platted following the removal of existing homes. 2.13 Motion by Berg, seconded by Lulf to recommend to City Council nd approval of the Century Ridge 2 Addition preliminary and final plat and a cash requirement of $15,850 ($1585 X 10 units) to satisfy the park dedication requirements in addition to all natural resources requirements detailed in the Engineer?s report associated with tree preservation, grading, drainage and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District. Ayes ? 9 Nayes ? 0 . Motion passed. ITEM #7. Willow Ridge preliminary and final plat. thth Willow Ridge plat is located north of 210 Street west of Royal Woods 4 rd Addition and south of Lake Marion Estates 3 Addition. The plat consists of 29 single-family lots located on 18 acres. Review of the Comprehensive Park, Trail and Open Space System Plan indicates no park search area. th Meadows Park located at 207 and Jacquard would serve this development. 02.14 Motion by Goodwin, seconded by Skeps to recommend to City Council approval of the Willow Ridge preliminary and final plat including a cash requirement of $45,965 ($1585 x 29 lots) to satisfy the park dedication requirement in addition to all natural resources requirements detailed in the Engineer?s report associated with tree preservation, grading, drainage and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District. Ayes - 9 Nayes ? 0 Motion passed. Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 3 April 17, 2002 ITEM #8. Environmental Resources 2001 Annual Report. Barb Moeller, Environmental Resources Coordinator, presented the 2001 Environmental Resources Annual Report. Accomplishments include the following: ? Development of the Wetland Management Plan is 70% complete. Of 400 wetlands in Lakeville, 300 have been assessed. ? Restoration of South Creek. ? Stormceptor cleaning completed on seven stormceptors in 2001 and will be cleaned and maintained at least twice per year. ? Street sweeping in spring and fall. ? South Creek monitoring completed. ? Storm sewer stenciling program involved one Cub Scout group. th ? Wetland Health Evaluation Program (WHEP) completed the 4 year of monitoring. ? Riverwatch Volunteer Stream Monitoring was conducted on South Creek. ? Citizen Assisted Monitoring Program (CAMP) for 2001 was completed. ? Projects for Valley Lake, Orchard Lake, Lee Lake and Lake Marion were outlined. ITEM #9. Environmental Resources 2002 Work Plan. Barb Moeller, Environmental Resources Coordinator, introduced Steve McComas of Blue Water Science. Steve referred to reports prepared by Blue Water Science regarding lakes in Lakeville. ? Lake Marion ? Eurasian water milfoil is not as great a threat as once thought on Lake Marion. Milfoil, however, continues to be present in several locations. Monitoring will continue. ? Orchard Lake ? Curly leaf pond weed is a recreational nuisance present on Orchard Lake which dies back in early summer and enhances algae blooms. ? Valley Lake ? Barley straw has been used at Valley Lake to inhibit algae growth. Measurable improvement was apparent in 2001. ? Lee Lake ? The barley straw program may possibly be started on Lee Lake. Barb spoke of the projects/programs planned for completion in 2002 which included the following: ? Completion of Wetland Management Plan. ? Monitoring South Creek restoration repairs. ? Develop Environmental Resources section for City web site. ? Continuation of stormwater pond cleaning. ? Stormceptor cleaning no less than twice per year. ? Installation of stormceptors at Antlers Park and Oak Shores Park. Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 4 April 17, 2002 ? Street sweeping which began in March. ? Continuation of storm sewer stenciling program. ? Development of ?Adopt A Pond? Stewardship Program. ? Wetland Health Evaluation Program continues. ? Riverwatch Volunteer Stream Monitoring will continue on South Creek. ? South Creek monitoring will continue. ? Citizen Assisted Monitoring Program (CAMP) continues. 02.15 Motion by Goodwin, seconded by Skeps to recommend City Council approve 2002 Environmental Resources Work Projects/Programs and approval of the agreement between the City of Lakeville and Blue Water Science for providing scientific services for Valley Lake, Orchard Lake, Lee Lake and Lake Marion. ITEM #10. Unfinished business. Committee member John Berg expressed concern regarding the Antlers th Park/205 Street crossing signal. He has witnessed traffic not yielding to pedestrians approaching the crosswalk. He stated the speeding and traffic violations need to be enforced by the Lakeville Police Department. Violations are lower in the City of Lakeville, compared to neighboring cities, according to his research. Berg requested visibility and/or a timeline for a remedy to the situation. Berg feels it is the responsibility of the committee to provide safety to the trail using public. th Staff responded that the installation of the crosswalk at Antlers Park/205 Street was an attempt to increase safety. Consultant, WSB, continues working with the contractor and company responsible for the motion sensor detector in an attempt to complete the project. The Antlers Park flasher may be relocated closer to the trail providing more convenient access to the push button system. Staff will bring awareness to the situation and provide an update at the next meeting. Member Volimas commented that information received from Lakeville?s animal control officer about private services that offer dog certification classes or testing was not very responsive. Most providers of this service were located on the north side of the Twin Cities. Staff will talk with animal control to see if other opportunities exist in the south metro area. ITEM #11. New business. The Environmental Assessment Worksheet for the Prairie Lake development was handed out to the committee. Members are welcome to review the worksheet and provide written comments no later than May 16. ITEM #12.Announcements. Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 5 April 17, 2002 The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for May 1, 2002 at 6:00 PM. ITEM #13. Ajournment. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM. Respectfully submitted, _____________________________________ Patricia J. Vinje, Recording Secretary ATTEST: _____________________________________ Pat Messinger, Chairperson