HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-15 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE May 15, 2002 ITEM #1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 PM. ITEM #2. Roll call. Present were Committee Members P. Messinger, R. Boldus, J. Berg, J. Volimas, L. Lulf, H. Lovelace, C. Skeps, and K. Manias, Alternate. Unable to attend was T. Goodwin due to another commitment. Also present were Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud, Environmental Resources Coordinator Barb Moeller and Recording Secretary Pat Vinje. ITEM #3. Approval of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee minutes of May 1, 2002. The minutes of the May 1, 2002Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting were discussed. There was no further discussion and the minutes were approved as printed. ITEM #4. Citizen comments. There were no citizens present at the meeting. ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects. Staff had no additional items to add at this time. ITEM #6. Public Hearing ? Consider an ordinance amending Title 7, Chapters 2 and 12 of the Lakeville City Code concerning water surface management. Chair Messinger opened the public hearing to hear comments regarding the proposed ordinance amendment to Title 7, Chapters 2 and 12 of the Lakeville City Code concerning water surface management. The amendment to the ordinance includesthe following changes: changing the words powercraft and powerboats to watercraft. - changing the verbiage under time restrictions for Lake Marion from - one half (1/2) hour after sunset until eight o?clock (8:00 AM) to sunset until sunrise. setting the maximum speed limit for watercraft at 40 MPH from - sunrise to sunset, except in a no-wake zone on Orchard Lake. setting the maximum speed limit for watercraft at 15 MPH from - sunset to sunrise, except in a no-wake zone on Orchard Lake. 02.17 Motion by Skeps, seconded byLarry Lulf to recommend to City Council approval of an ordinance amendment to Title 7, Chapters 2 and 12 of the Lakeville City Code Concerning Water Surface Management. Ayes - 8 Nayes - 0 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 2 May 15, 2002 Motion passed. ITEM #7. Adopt-A-Pond Stewardship Program. During the 2002 season, the number of ponds to be adopted will be limited to five pilot projects for this first year. Adopt-A-Pond is a stewardship program that will be available to residents that have ponds in their backyards and wish to participate in this voluntary program. The program is based on the success of the barley straw treatment project at Valley Lake. The goal is to improve water clarity and quality in area stormwater ponds.The program will consist of three components; 1.) Barley straw treatment, 2.) Increased naturally vegetated buffer zones, 3.) Debris clean up on the perimeter of the adopted pond (Spring and Fall). Refrain from dumping yard waste in or around the buffer areas. There are more than 200 stormwater ponds within the City. Some residents have shown interest in the program. After the program is approved by City Council, neighborhood meetings will be set up to educate the residents regarding the process. The limit of five ponds will enable staff to assess the cost, staffing needs and time involved with the program. 02.18 Motion by Boldus, seconded byBerg to recommend to City Council approval of the Adopt-A-Pond Stewardship Program. Ayes - 8 Nayes - 0 Motion passed. ITEM #8. Mallard Shores preliminary and final plat. Mallard Shores is located at the northeast quadrant of Pilot Knob Road and th 170 Street. The site is approximately 40 acres and is located directly south of the proposed northeast sector community park. The preliminary plat proposes to construct 180 townhome units. There are 70 units in the final plat. There have been changes to the final report since they were distributed to the committee. Changes have been made to estimated credits due to the developer in later phases of the project. Recommendations for the first phase development are accurate. Additional credits were negotiated with the developer beyond the mediated settlement amount of $196,900.00. The additional credits are compensation for the loss of four units due to the cities request to provide additional width to the greenway. Additional credits are being credited to future phases. The total park dedication fee for the entire plat is $249,500.00. (8 x 1,585 = 12,680.00) (172 x 1,325 = 227,900.00). After all credits have been utilized the park dedication fund will still receive a cash payment at the final phase of $79,500.00. Following final approvals from the City Council the 40 acres north of the Mallard Shores plat will become a City park. An additional item to note not included in the report is the elimination of the sidewalk on the west side of Embers Avenue and the addition of a trail along the west side of Road D to Pilot Knob Road. Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 3 May 15, 2002 02.19 Motion by Volimas, seconded by Lovelace to recommend to City Council approval of the Mallard Shores preliminary and final plat including park dedication credits as outlined in Alyson Morris?s memo dated 5/10/02 to satisfy the park dedication requirement in addition to all natural resources requirements detailed in the Engineer?s report associated with tree preservation, grading, drainage and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District. The developer will also be required to construct an 8-foot bituminous trail along the north side of the plat entrance road from Pilot Knob Road easterly to the greenway trail. From that point, a 10-foot th bituminous trail will be constructed south along the greenway to 170 Street. At this point, the developer will construct an 8-foot bituminous trail th along the north side of 170 Street to Embers Avenue. The City will reimburse the developer the cost of the above-mentioned trails. In addition, the developer will construct 5-foot concrete sidewalks along the th east side of Embers Avenue from 170 Street north to the plat?s north boundary. Developer will be responsible for the cost of the sidewalk. Also, two greenway accesses on the east side of the development will be paid for by the developer in addition to the developer paying for the trail access on the west side of the plat along the north side of Road D. Ayes - 8 Nayes ? 0 Motion passed. ITEM #9. Morgan Square preliminary plat. th Morgan Square is located west of 35W, south of 205 Street and directly west of the Muller Family Theatre complex. The property consists of approximately 17 acres. The proposed development is for 111 townhouse units. The developer will be required to construct sidewalks on both sides th of Morgan Avenue from 205 Street south to the plat boundary. The developer will be required to provide appropriate right of ways for future th trails along 205 Street. Review of the Parks and Open Space System Plan indicates no planned park facilities for this area of Lakeville. 02.20 Motionby Boldus, seconded bySkeps to recommend to City Council approval of theMorgan Square preliminary plat including a cash contribution in the amount of $175,935 (111 units x $1585) to satisfy the park dedication requirement in addition to all natural resources requirements detailed in the Engineer?s report associated with tree preservation, grading, drainage and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District. The developer will also be required to construct sidewalks on both th sides of Morgan Avenue from 205 Street south to the plat boundary. The developer will be required to provide appropriate right of ways for future th trails along 205 Street. Review of the Parks and Open Space System Plan indicates no planned park facilities for this area of Lakeville. Ayes - 8 Nayes - 0 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 4 May 15, 2002 Motion passed. ITEM #10. Unfinished business. Valley Lake Park concept plan. - Discussion centered on the proposal to relocate the entrance to Valley Lake. The committee discussed potential future impacts of high-density th developments proposed just north of 160 Street in Apple Valley and the potential impact of non-resident use of Valley Lake Park. The discussion surrounded whether or not changing the direct access to the park from Galaxie Avenue to a westerly access might have implications on future park use or overuse. It was the general consensus of the committee that the existing access with its 4-way stop light system including controlled pedestrian crossing system has far more benefits for Lakeville residents than potential future non-resident park use. The committee felt that relocation of the entrance would impact an existing open space area, plus the future proposed impacts of having a major fuel retail operation across from the proposed westerly access might present additional challenges. It was decided the existing access is the most desirable location when considering all the issues. ITEM #11. New business. There was no new business to discuss at this time. ITEM #12. Announcements. The next meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee is scheduled for June 5 at 5:00 PM for the Annual Spring Park Tour. Meet at Ritter Farm Park Environmental Learning Center. The regular meeting will follow the tour with pizza and refreshments. ITEM #13. Ajournment. The meeting adjourned at 7:52 PM. Respectfully submitted, _____________________________________ Patricia J. Vinje, Recording Secretary ATTEST: _____________________________________ Pat Messinger, Chairperson