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September 17, 2003
ITEM #1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Council Chambers at City Hall at
6:00 PM.
ITEM #2. Roll call.
Present were Committee Members R. Boldus, J. Berg, C. Skeps, T.
Goodwin and J. Volimas. Unable to attend were P. Messinger and H.
Lovelace. Also present were Parks and Recreation Director Steve
Michaud, Environmental Resources Coordinator Mac Cafferty and
Recording Secretary Pat Vinje.
ITEM #3. Approval of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources
Committee meeting minutes of August 20, 2003.
The minutes of the August 20, 2003 Parks, Recreation and Natural
Resources Committee meeting were presented. The minutes were
approved as written.
ITEM #4. Citizen Comments.
There were no citizens present at the meeting for items other than what is
scheduled on the agenda.
ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects.
The Village Creek Park playground is being installed. The project is
going along well. Staff is working with Wensmann Development and
McNamara Contracting to receive quotes for greenway trail paving.
Guard rails will be installed along sections of Klamath Trail near the
curve at Orchard Lake Elementary. No Parking signs will also be
The Greenway boardwalk has been installed.
The Lakeville Area Arts Center held its first art fair which was very
successful. The second anniversary celebration also went very well.
ITEM #6. Andersons Century Farm 4 Addition preliminary and
final plat.
Colleen Ratzlaff La Beau, representing Ratzlaff Homes, Inc. has submitted
applications for preliminary and final plat of Andersons Century Farm 4
Addition consisting of two single family lots located on the north side of and
adjacent to 178 Street, east of Idalia Path. The preliminary and final plat
is a replat of Outlot A, Andersons Century Farm 2 Addition. There is a
wetland which was degraded through farming activity prior to the
development of the property for single family homes. It will be mitigated,
filled and developed into two single family lots. Replacement of the
wetland is proposed through the purchase of banking credits from a
wetland south of Lakeville. The park dedication is equal to $2,000 x 2 lots
for a total of $4,000.
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September 17, 2003
03.34 Motion by Berg, seconded by Volimas
to recommend City Council
considerapproval of Andersons Century Farm Fourth Addition
preliminary and final plat including a cash contribution in the amount of
$4,000 to satisfy the park dedication requirements.
In addition, the developer is required to follow all natural resources
requirements detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated
with tree preservation, grading, drainage and erosion control and further
recommendations by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation
District, if applicable.
Ayes ? 5 Nays ? 0
Motion passed.
ITEM #7. Discussion ? Elimination of lifeguards and warming
house attendants.
Fiscal cuts imposed by the State have affected cities including the City of
Lakeville. The Lakeville City Council set the levy for taxation at their
meeting Monday, September 15. Among the cuts in the City budget are
the elimination of lifeguards and warming house attendants.
Member Messinger could not attend the meeting but relayed comments on
the issue to staff. They are summarized as follows: In the past, the City
has been a leader and out front doing the right thing. Now they are content
doing what everyone else is doing. They have always been the leader, not
the follower. This is a disappointment to her as a committee member and
Staff continued the discussion on the issue. The budget for lifeguards is
approximately $64,465. Lifeguards have been eliminated in other cities
and counties this season. In the past 29 years there have been no
drownings in the City associated with management of the beaches.
Currently, the beaches within the City are set up as they will be next
season which includes a designated swim area with buoys and signs
indicating no lifeguards are on duty at parking lot entrances, at the ends of
the trails and on the beach. Signage is most important in the absence of
lifeguards. The buoys will be removed September 18.
Warming house attendants were eliminated from the budget also. The
budget for attendants is approximately $64,956. The plan for the upcoming
winter season is to have limited warming house use but no attendants.
There will be no supervision at the sites. A system of issuing keys to
certain groups or individuals to open the warming houses is being
considered. Ice will be built and maintained as in the past. The lighting
system will use timers providing light during normal skating hours.
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September 17, 2003
The discussion returned to the issue of lifeguards. Member Berg asked if
the sale of concessions were an option to fund the lifeguards. Staff
responded it has been attempted in the past and has never been
successful. Staff added that parking fees at Antlers Park were used during
the early 80?s. The DNR prohibits charging of fees for the boat launch.
Questions arose regarding funding of the Arts Center and transferring
funds from that budget to fund the lifeguards. Staff informed the committee
the Arts Center receives $257,000 from the General Fund. Arts Center
revenues continue to increase. Most programs are self-sufficient. The
Friends of the Lakeville Area Arts Center have plans to establish
endowments and continue with fund-raising events. There is much support
for the Arts Center within the community and that would not be looked
upon with favor. Member Skeps suggested to cut $15,000 from the Arts
Center?s budget and only maintain one beach. The question of who would
clean the beaches was raised. Staff indicated the Park Maintenance staff
will be required to rake, pick up trash, remove weeds and conduct
underwater searches keeping the designated swimming areas safe.
Additional discussion included the Park Rangers would patrol the beaches
as they have in the past but would not be a replacement for lifeguards.
The beaches may not have rules posted. Member Berg expressed the loss
of lifeguards at the beaches is painful and a change for our community.
Member Goodwin asked if it were possible to increase program fees to
raise revenue to finance the lifeguards. Staff stated the program fees are
reviewed annually and have been increased to the current market level.
Programs are self-supporting and cover seasonal staff and program
expenses. Goodwin spoke ?Don?t succumb to the pressure. Losing
lifeguards will change the quality of life in the community. Let?s figure out a
different way to raise money. If it means raising fees ? do it.? Chair Boldus
indicated there is an increase of $100,000 in revenue over 2002 for
recreation programs. Staff responded the increase in revenue is due to
mailing of the brochure directly to residents. Lakeville has maintained a
higher quality of life due in part to the revenue from the Liquor Fund. In the
past the revenue was credited to the Building Fund and the City paid cash
for buildings and improvements. It will now be credited to the General
Fund. It is possible cuts to the City could be worse next year. Skeps
stated he strongly disagrees with removal of lifeguards for terms of safety.
Berg indicated he felt he was also failing this committee to seek options
and ask this committee to continue being creative to find ideas and hope
and pray for a safe season next summer. Goodwin agreed and added the
same sentiment goes for warming house attendants. He spoke of the fee
for service concept used by the Legislature. Chair Boldus summarized the
whole committee is in agreement regarding the elimination of lifeguards.
ITEM#8. Unfinished business.
Staff informed the committee Mac Cafferty, Environmental Resources
Coordinator, will be submitting a grant application to the DNR to assist with
restoration of the shoreline at Valley Lake Park.
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September 17, 2003
ITEM #9. New business.
Staff will be submitting an application to Dakota County for the Natural
Area Protection Program. Possible sites may include the Nordic Square
property and Brandjten property.
ITEM #10. Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources
Committee is scheduled for October 1, 2003 at 6:00 PM at City Hall.
ITEM #11. Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia J. Vinje, Recording Secretary
Robert Boldus, Chairperson