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January 14, 2004
ITEM #1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Council Chambers at City Hall at
6:00 PM.
ITEM #2. Roll call.
Present were Committee Members J. Berg, T. Goodwin, J. Volimas and H.
Lovelace. Unable to attend were P. Messinger and R. Boldus. Also
present were City Administrator Robert Erickson, Parks and Recreation
Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Pat Vinje.
City Administrator Robert Erickson was present to share with the
committee a video produced by Pat Summerall Productions featuring
Lakeville as one of the Best Managed Small Cities in America. One city
from each state was chosen. Lakeville impressed Pat Summerall
Productions with the commitment to the arts, outstanding parks and trails,
exceptional school system and well-planned growth and development. The
video will be broadcast on CNN Headline News on January 29 between 5
and 5:30 PM. Also, the City will be highlighted on Forbes.com and in
Forbes magazine in the spring. Mayor Johnson and Mr. Erickson will
attend a recognition event in Dallas in April to receive the Best Managed
Small Cities in America Award. The City of Lakeville is the first city in
Minnesota to receive this award. Appreciation was extended to committee
members Howie Lovelace and Tom Goodwin for their many years of
service on the committee.
ITEM #7. Review Lakeville Baseball Association?s proposal to
enhance athletic complexes.
The Lakeville Baseball Association submitted proposals for improvements
to Quigley-Sime Park and King Park. Terry Von Eschen, representing the
Association, was present at the meeting. The improvements were
discussed as follows and committee recommendations:
1. FENCE TOPPERS ? Install yellow poly tube on the chain link
fencing at Quigley-Sime Park. The fence toppers product is a
safety improvement and is at the Association?s expense.
Recommendation: Proceed to install prior to 2004 season.
2. CONCESSION STAND ? Install slush machine at Quigley-Sime
Park?s concession stand. This improvement is at the Association?s
Recommendation: Secure all necessary permits and inspections
as required. Proceed to install.
3. FLAGPOLE ? Construction and installation of a flagpole and flag at
Quigley-Sime Park. The City of Lakeville supports the installation
of a flagpole and flag, however, because of serious cut backs to the
budget, which results in limited capital improvement funds, the City
would not be able to assist in providing funding for the purchase of
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January 14, 2004
the flagpole. Consideration should be given to contacting the VFW
or American Legion for funding assistance. If project moves
forward, notification is required so that both parties agree on the
product type, location and installation of the flagpole. The City will
assist with installation.
Recommendation: The City supports installation of a flagpole
pending funding by others.
4. QUIGLEY BULLPENS ? Build bullpen areas in the foul territories of
the fields along right and left field lines at Quigley-Sime Park fields.
This improvement is at the Association?s expense. LBA will work
with the City to determine design, location, installation and
on-going maintenance.
Recommendation: The City supports this proposal.
5. ADVERTISING ON FENCES ? Placement of nylon mesh
advertising banners/signs on fences at Quigley-Sime Park and
King Park seasonally between April and October. The Association
will be responsible for upkeep, installation, removal and storage of
the banners/signs over the winter.
Recommendation: Staff will develop a policy regarding
sponsorships and return for committee review.
concession stand/bathroom/storage facility is desired. The
Association has researched purchasing a mobile concession stand
and discussed building a permanent structure.
Recommendation: A policy is desired regarding concessions
stands or use of a trailer on a per event basis. Committee
requested staff to develop system-wide policy concerning
concession sales at park areas.
04.01 Motion by Goodwin and seconded by Volimas
to recommend approval
of the proposals 1-4 and research and develop policies for proposals 5 and
6 as they relate to enhancements to Quigley-Sime Park and King Park
athletic complexes and present proposed policies to committee for review.
Ayes - 4 Nays ? 0
Motion passed.
ITEM #3. Approval of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources
Committee meeting minutes of December 17, 2003.
The minutes of the December 17, 2003 Parks, Recreation and Natural
Resources Committee meeting were presented. The minutes were
approved as written.
ITEM #4. Citizen Comments.
There were no citizens present at the meeting for items other than what is
scheduled on the agenda.
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ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects.
Staff informed the committee there are two final candidates for the Arts
Center Coordinator position and a candidate for the Facility Attendant
ITEM#6. Election of officers for 2004.
Nominations were accepted for officer positions of the Parks, Recreation
and Natural Resources Committee for 2004.
04.02 Motion by Goodwin and seconded by Volimas
to elect John Berg as
Chair of the Parks,Recreation and Natural Resources Committee for 2004,
Robert Boldus as Vice-Chair of the Parks, Recreation and Natural
Resources Committee for 2004, Pat Messinger as Secretary of the Parks,
Recreation and Natural Resources Committee for 2004.
Ayes ? 4 Nays- 0
Motion passed.
ITEM #8. Park Dedication Fund Fee Review.
Due to rapidly increasing land values in Lakeville, the committee
recommended review of the Park Dedication Ordinance annually. In 2003
Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee established a land
value of $50,000 per acre for single-family residential property and $60,000
per acre for multi-family residential property. The existing fee was
calculated as follows:
Single Family Residential Property
Land value of $50,000 x 10% = 5,000
$5,000 divided by 2.5 dwelling units per acre = $2,000
Multi Family Residential Property
Land value of $60,000 x 10% = 6,000
$6,000 divided by 3.5 dwelling units per acre = $1,714 or per dwelling unit
Values of land in Lakeville in value between 2002 and 2003 increased
between 10% and 37.5%. The average increase is 15.6%.
Based on a 12.5% increase in per acre land value the proposed Park
Dedication Fee would be as follows:
Single Family Residential Property
Existing land value $50,000 x 12.5% = $56,250
Proposed land value of $56,250 x 10% = 5,625
$5,625 divided by 2.5 dwelling units per acre = $2,250
Multi Family Residential Property
Existing land value of $60,000 x 12.5% = $67,500
Proposed land value of $67,500 x 10% = 6,750
$6,750 divided by 3.5 dwelling units per acre = $1,930
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04.03Motion by Lovelace, seconded by Goodwin
to recommend City Council
consider establishing a 2004 base land value for single-family residential
property of $56,250 per acre and a base land value of $67,500 for
multi-family property for the purpose of establishing a per dwelling unit park
dedication fee of $2,250 per acre for single-family residential property and
$1,930 per dwelling unit for multi-family residential property. This is based
on 10% of the base land value divided by the average units per acre in
each classification.
Ayes ? 4 Nays ? 0
Motion passed.
ITEM #9. Unfinished business.
There was no unfinished business to report at this time.
ITEM #10. New business.
This Week Life and Times recognized several events as highlights in
Lakeville for the year. The management of the Lakeville Area Arts
Center was mentioned as a highlight for the year.
ITEM #11. Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources
Committee is scheduled for February 4, 2004 at 6:00 PM at City Hall.
ITEM #12. Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia J. Vinje, Recording Secretary
John Berg, Chairperson