HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-04 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE August 4, 2004 ITEM #1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 6:00 PM. ITEM #2. Roll call. Present were Committee Members J. Berg, R. Boldus, P. Messinger, J. Volimas, T. Goodwin and H. Lovelace. Also present were Environmental Resources Coordinator Mac Cafferty and Recording Secretary Pat Vinje. ITEM #3. Approval of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting minutes of June 30, 2004. The minutes of the June 30, 2004 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting were presented. The minutes were approved as written. ITEM #4. Citizen Comments. There were no citizens present at the meeting for items other than what is scheduled on the agenda. ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects. ? Member Goodwin inquired about the peninsulas being built around manholes in East Lake. Mac Cafferty responded the purpose was to prevent ice build-up that would interfere with waterflow downstream. ITEM#6. Hunting subcommittee report. Ron Wawrzon and Sgt. John Kornmann of the Lakeville Police Department were in attendance to present the hunting subcommittee report. The hunting subcommittee consisting of Don Cross, Mick Tinglehoff and Bill Emond met prior to the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting to discuss the hunting season and current map. The current hunting map was reviewed by Daryl Morey of the Planning Department and he noted there is no need for changes. Motion by Hunting Subcommittee member Cross and seconded by Emond to approve the 2004-2005 hunting map with no changes. 04.33 Motion by Goodwin and seconded by Messinger to recommend City Council approve the 2004-2005 hunting map with no changes to the previous year?s map. Ayes ? 6 Nays ? 0 Motion passed. ITEM #7. Donnelly Farm preliminary plat. Tollefson Development has submitted a preliminary plat application for the development of 122.70 acres located east of Dodd Boulevard, west of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 2 August 4, 2004 Holyoke Avenue and north of Heritage Drive. The development, to be known as Donnelly Farm, is proposed to consist of 131 single-family lots and 135 attached townhome units. The central district greenway corridor th will continue from the intersection of 195 Street and Dodd Boulevard southerly to an existing greenway located in Heritage Commons. A mini park/neighborhood play lot will be located in the northeast portion of this plat. A portion of the future park will be dedicated with this plat and the remainder of the park being dedicated at a future time when the property to the north plats. Park dedication requirements include a land dedication of 4.77 acres and a cash contribution of $315,749 in addition to all sidewalk and trail requirements as outlined in the Engineering report. The developer will also be required to meet all wetland tree preservation and erosion control requirements as outlined in the Engineer?s report. Environmental Resources Coordinator Mac Cafferty presented an overview of the plat. He indicated the developer is proposing to make contributions to the landscaping plan that exceed the requirement. The townhome section of the development will include open space and a playground area and gazebo. There are no existing trees on the land but a variety of trees are to be planted which are included in the landscape plan. The wetland mitigation plan includes modification of the wetland area and addition of wetland plants. Committee member Berg made the recommendation of no less than 85-foot wide lots. Goodwin expressed the developer seemed to be crowding the neighborhood. He asked if the developer increased the number of houses while avoiding the loss of green space? Boldus commented the committee does not want to set the precedent of 75-foot wide lots on this corridor. Volimas added a 75-foot wide lot is the wrong thing to do. Messinger indicated the standard for Lakeville has been no less than 85-foot wide lots. The committee as a whole expressed their concern regarding 75-foot wide lots. Developments with narrow lot widths in nearby communities were referenced indicating they do not appear to be the buyer?s preference. Goodwin stated protecting greenspace is the committee?s responsibility. 04.34 Motion by Goodwin and seconded by Volimas to recommend City Council considerapproval of Donnelly Farm preliminary plat including a land dedication of 4.77 acres and a cash contribution of $315,749 (43.14% of 11.0573 acres of park land dedication = 4.77 acres + 131 single family units x $2,250 and 135 multi-family units x $1,930) to satisfy the park The committee strongly recommends that the dedication requirement. developer allow additional green space in the single-family portion of this development by maintaining 85-foot width lots. The developer is also responsible for sidewalk and trail requirements as outlined in Engineering and Planning staff reports. In addition, the developer is required to follow the natural resources requirement detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation, grading, drainage and erosion control and further Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 3 August 4, 2004 recommendations by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable. Ayes ? 6 Nays ? 0 Motion passed. thth ITEM #8. Prairie Lake 4 and 5 Addition final plats. U S Homes Corporation has submitted an application for a final plat of thth Prairie Lake 4 consisting of 9 single-family lots and Prairie Lake 5 Addition consisting of 21 single-family lots on two blocks located on 16.55 th acres located west of I-35 north of 185 Street and south of Lake Villa Golf st Estates. Park dedication requirements were met with the 1 Addition. There are no additional wetland impacts. Goodwin inquired about the trees in the area. Staff responded there is some oak wilt to be removed. 04.35 Motion by Messinger and seconded by Boldus to recommend City thth Council considerapproval of Prairie Lake 4 and 5 Addition final plats. Park dedication requirements have previously been met for this plat. In addition, the developer is required to follow the natural resources requirement detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation, grading, drainage and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable. Ayes ? 6 Nays ? 0 Motion passed. ITEM #9. Watters/Ringeisen CUP, variance and ROW vacation. Michael Watters and Richard Ringeisen are requesting a conditional use permit for placement of fill in a floodplain, variances to allow lot with less than 85 feet and lot area less than 20,000 square feet in a shoreline overlay district and to allow less than 15 feet of freeboard fill around a new house foundation in the floodplain and a vacation of street right of way. The Ringeisen property is directly north of the lagoon area at Antlers Park. A platted street right of way exists between Antlers Park?s northern property line and Ringeisen?s southerly property line. The Lakeville Parks Department has maintained this area since owning Antlers Park. The vacation of a portion of the street right of way will have no impact on the present or future uses at Antlers Park. Pat Lynch, DNR Area Hydrologist, has reviewed the proposal and has recommended approval. Mr. Dan Collins, also representing the Department of Natural Resources, also supports approval based on staff?s comments that the actions will have no impact on Antlers Park current or future use capacities. Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 4 August 4, 2004 04.36 Motion by Lovelace and seconded by Messinger to recommend City Council considerapproval of a conditional use permit for the placement of fill in the floodplain, variances to allow lot width less than 85 feet and lot area less than 20,000 square feet in the Shoreland Overlay District and allowance of less than 15 feet of freeboard fill around a new house foundation in the floodplain and a vacation of street right of way at 20079 and 20085 Italy Avenue. Ayes ? 6 Nays ? 0 Motion passed. ITEM #10. Unfinished business. There was no unfinished business to report at this time. ITEM #11. New business. Member Berg reported he has sighted many seagulls pulling trash out of the trashcans in Antlers Park. If possible, he recommends consideration of trashcan covers for parks where this may be an issue. ITEM #12. Announcements. The next meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, August 18, 2004 at 6:00 PM at City Hall. ITEM #13. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 7:21 PM. Respectfully submitted, _____________________________________ Patricia J. Vinje, Recording Secretary ATTEST: _____________________________________ John Berg, Chairperson