HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-20 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING January 20, 1999 ITEM #1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville Council Chambers by Acting Chairperson Raymond at 6:00 PM. ITEM #2. Roll call. Present were H. Lovelace, L. Lulf, J. Larson, and A. Raymond. P. Messinger arrived later. Members C. Bonn and C. Wanless-Sobel called and were unable to attend. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Judi Ryan. ITEM #3. Approval of Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes of January 6, 1999. The minutes of the January 6, 1999 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the minutes were approved as printed. ITEM #4. Citizen comments. There were no citizens present for items not on the agenda. ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects. Staff reported that the Park Maintenance Dept. is having a difficult time keeping up ? with snow clearing on rinks and trails due to the frequent snowfalls in the past few weeks. Flooding is being done as time and weather permit. Ritter Farm Park cross-country ski trails are being groomed regularly by the ? Lakeville SnoTrackers. They are attempting to groom before and after every weekend as well as after each significant snowfall. Committee member Messinger mentioned that the pedestrian trail on the east side of ? Cedar Avenue needs to be plowed. Staff stated that first-priority trails near elementary schools and major collector trails have been plowed after every measurable snowfall. Also, it was discussed that parks with trail loops such as Cedar Highlands and Valley Lake Park are plowed, where parks such as Bunker Hill, with no trail loops, are not plowed. The Cedar Avenuetrail is being plowed as time and equipment are available. ITEM #6. Review work plan for update of Park and Open Space System Plan. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee members received a work plan prepared by Alan Brixius of NAC. Parks and Recreation Committee members and staff discussed keeping the same format for the revised plan. The Park and Trail plans will be combined into one document and chapters concerning greenway corridors and Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes of: January 20, 1999 Page -2- preservation of natural open space will be added. Chapter #1 will be the plan introduction and summary of community characteristics. This chapter will take into consideration recommendations in the 1998 Growth Management Strategies report. The need for a community center will also be considered. Chapter #2 will be an inventory of existing parks, trails and open space facilities. Maps of existing park facilities and trail will be updated. Committee member Larson suggested that representatives of neighboring cities be contacted concerning greenway and waterway connections. Chapter #3, Needs and Demands Analysis, will involve discussions with City Council, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee members, local athletic associations, and school districts, among others. Neighborhood meetings will also be held as part of the discussions relating to the park system needs. Committee member Messinger suggested holding the meetings at a time and place where there would be an existing audience, such as at a PTO meeting. A fully developed community is projected to exist for the year 2020. Chapter 4, Vision of Parts, Trails and Open Space System, will update the maps and recommendations for the City-wide 2020 park and trail systems. Chapter 5, Policy Plan, will include new topic areas such as greenways, but will keep the current policy plan generally intact. A cultural arts center will also be discussed in this chapter. Chapter 6 will address implementation of the plan as well as available funding resources. NAC is suggesting that following the completion of the Parks and Open Space System Plan update, it may be an appropriate time to review the City?s park dedication standards. Committee members will review the document a final time at their February 3rd meeting. Staff will then forward the update plan to a City Council Work session planned for the week of February 8th. ITEM #7. Review 1999 General Fund Capital Improvement Program. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee members received and reviewed a copy of the 1999 General Fund Capital Improvement Program purchases for the Parks and Recreation Department. Various pieces of equipment will be purchased for both the parks and recreation divisions. ITEM #8. Review Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting schedule for 1999. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes of: January 20, 1999 Page -3- Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee members reviewed the annual meeting calendar prepared by the Community and Economic Development Department. There were a few proposed changes from the first and third Wednesday schedule. 99.02 Motion was made by Larson, seconded by Messinger, to approve the tentative meeting schedule for 1999. Motion passed. ITEM #9. Unfinished business. Committee members mentioned that they have noticed the light on the Crystal Lake Elementary School sliding hill and the tremendous crowds of people using the facility. ITEM #10. New business. There was no new business at this time. ITEM #11. Announcements. The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee will be held on February 3, 1999. ITEM #12. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM. Respectfully submitted, ________________________________ Judith A. Ryan, Recording Secretary ATTEST: ________________________________ Ace Raymond, Acting Chairperson