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APRIL 14, 1999
ITEM #1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville Council Chambers by Chairperson Wanless-
Sobel at 6:00 PM.
ITEM #2. Roll call.
Present were H. Lovelace, L. Lulf, C. Wanless-Sobel, J. Larson, A. Raymond, and P.
Messinger. C. Bonn was absent. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and
Recording Secretary Judi Ryan.
ITEM #3. Approval of Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes of March
31, 1999.
The minutes of the March 31, 1999 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting were
discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the minutes were approved as printed.
ITEM #4. Citizen comments.
There were no citizens present for items not on the agenda.
ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects.
?Representatives from all cities involved in the Ironman Bike Tour will be holding a final
meeting prior to the event. The core planning group met yesterday and everything seems
to be going well. Pre-registrations closed at 5,500 last week and there will be some race
day registrations taken. Parking is a big issue and all possible surrounding sites have been
made available. Concerns and suggestions will be monitored for potential improvements
for next year. Elementary students in the entire school district received flyers and residents
along the routes have also been notified. A final mailing was sent to all participants on
April 13. Set up for the event is scheduled to begin on Saturday. Several local groups,
including the Senior Citizens, will be involved in concessions.
ITEM #6. Presentation by Alan Brixius of NAC concerning status of Comprehensive
Park Plan update.
Alan Brixius was present to discuss the progress on the update of the Parks and Open Space
System Plan. NAC is currently working on the inventory stage of the update and committee
members received a matrix of park facilities, which was compiled by NAC with the help of
City staff. Mr. Brixius has conducted interviews with City Council and Parks and Recreation
Advisory Committee members. Three of the five neighborhood meetings have been held with
low citizen participation. Staff and Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee members
believe this is due to residents? general satisfaction with the parks and trails and lack of major
issues or concerns. A few residents have had questions and suggestions about completing
certain trail segments for a more continuous trail system. Staff explained to the residents that
the trails would be completed in conjunction with future roadway upgrades and that trails are
taken into consideration with all platting and roadway construction.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
Minutes of: April 14, 1999 Page -2-
Representatives of the Chamber of Commerce have stated that special events are a boon for
local businesses and feel that the park facilities portray a good image of Lakeville and that
more large-scale tournament facilities may be needed in the future.
As the city becomes fully developed, park dedication revenues will decline. Staff wants to
ensure that as additional facilities are built the quality of maintenance and service will continue
at a high level. There have been some comments about non-residents using Lakeville?s park
facilities, however a certain amount of facilities are provided by the school districts and most
non-resident use is from citizens within the school district.
Greenway corridors are also being pursued. The North Creek conservation corridor and South
Creek corridor both exist in Lakeville. A hydric soils map showing all the wetlands, etc. in the
City has been prepared and will give the planners the opportunity to identify potential
greenway corridors. The GIS capabilities will also enable staff to set up parameters and
identify areas.
The social profile of the comprehensive plan assumes population growth to 73,000 by the year
2020. The anticipated geographic distribution of the population will help identify park needs
and search areas based on size and geographic features of proposed land use.
Alan Brixius is also preparing concept plans for undeveloped acreage at Aronson Park and for
the West Lake Marion (formerly Christian) property. The concepts will be brought to a Parks
and Recreation Advisory Committee in the near future.
ITEM #7. Review preliminary and final plat of Andersons Century Farm Third
Addition and make park dedication recommendation to City Council.
Andersons Century Farm Third Addition preliminary and final plat consists of five single-
family lots on land at 178th Street and Icon Trail. This includes re-platting Lot 9, Block 3 and
Outlot C, Andersons Century Farm Second Addition into one larger lot, and platting Outlot D
and Lot 1, Block 9, Andersons Century Farm Second Addition into four single family lots.
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee previously recommended a cash contribution
for the entire plat area. Staff is recommending a cash contribution for the three lots that were
not platted as lots in Andersons Century Farm Second Addition to satisfy park dedication
requirements for Andersons Century Farm Third Addition preliminary and final plat.
99.10 Motion was made by Larson, seconded by Messinger, to recommend City Council approve the
preliminary and final plat of Andersons Century Farm Third Addition and accept a cash
contribution to satisfy the park dedication requirements.
Motion passed.
ITEM #8. Review list of 1999 Panorama of Progress events proposed for Lakeville
parks and make recommendation to the City Council.
Committee members received a list of events planned to be held in Lakeville parks as part of
the 1999 Panorama of Progress. Most of the events have previously been held in Lakeville
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
Minutes of: April 14, 1999 Page -3-
parks. One new event, an in-line skating tournament, will be held at a paved hockey rink, with
the specific site yet to be determined.
99.11Motion was made by Raymond, seconded by Lulf, to recommend City Council authorize the
use of Lakeville parks for the proposed slate of events associated with the 1999 Panorama of
Motion passed.
ITEM #8. Unfinished business.
There was no unfinished business.
ITEM #9. New business.
ITEM #10. Announcements.
Staff showed committee members a fencing proposal that has been submitted for Quigley-
Sime Park by the Lakeville Baseball Association. The additional fencing would encompass
the tournament site for improved crowd control and security. The new fence would be
professionally installed, compliment the site, and be paid for by the LBA. Committee member
Larson suggested a gate be added between fields 3 and 4 for safety purposes. The new
restroom building at Quigley-Sime will be ready to open for this year?s baseball season.
Committee members recommended City Council consider approving the proposed fencing
ITEM #11. Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith A. Ryan, Recording Secretary
Colette Wanless-Sobel, Chairperson