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May 19, 1999
ITEM #1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville Council Chambers by Chairperson
Wanless-Sobel at 6:00 PM.
ITEM #2. Roll call.
Present were H. Lovelace, L. Lulf, C. Wanless-Sobel, J. Larson, A. Raymond,
C. Bonn and K. Manias. Committee member P. Messinger was absent. Also present
were Park Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Judi Ryan.
ITEM #3. Approval of Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes of
May 5, 1999.
The minutes of the May 5, 1999Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting
were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the minutes were
approved as printed.
ITEM #4. Citizen comments.
There were no citizens present for items not on the agenda.
ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects.
With the recent constant rain, the Maintenance Dept. is struggling to keep up with
mowing and herbicide applications. Crews have been working overtime to keep
everything cut at least once a week.
All seasonal maintenance positions have been filled.
There seems to be a shortage of lifeguards in the metro area. Qualified persons are
still needed to fill remaining positions at Lakeville?s three beaches. The new
Aquatics Director has been able to recruit several persons for these openings but
more lifeguards are still needed.
Other recreation staff has also been hired and training is underway.
Staff has been marking locations for park ID signs, which are being built and
should be installed by the beginning of June. The STS will assist Park
Maintenance with construction of keystone landscaping walls around the
signposts. Some neighborhood signs are also being refurbished with new park ID
sign colors along with the City logo.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
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Committee members commented that senior exercises and crafts that have recently
been initiated at Winsor Plaza and Fairfield Terrace were positive outreach
programs and a good use of resources.
ITEM #6. Review final plat of Zweber Farm Sixth Addition and make park
dedication recommendation to City Council.
The entire plat of Zweber Farm Sixth Addition consists of 41 single-family lots and is
located north of Dodd Boulevard and west of Highview Avenue. Phase One final plat
consists of six single-family lots. Parkland was dedicated with the original Zweber
Farm Plat. The developer, however, is required to pay a trail dedication fee under the
old rules. Staff recommends a cash contribution for trails only.
99.14 Motion was made by Lulf, seconded by Bonn, to recommend City Council approve
Zweber Farm Sixth Addition
the final plat of and accept a cash contribution for
trails as previously agreed upon under the existing development contract.
Motion passed.
ITEM #7. Review final plat of Cherry Highlands Third Addition and make
park dedication recommendation to City Council.
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee reviewed Cherry Highlands Third
Addition preliminary plat at their March 31, 1999 meeting. Cherry Highlands Third
Addition final plat includes 33 single family lots, 40 townhouse units and three
commercial Outlots. The single-family lots and townhouse units are proposed to be
developed in one phase, with the commercial Outlots to be developed at a future date.
The plat will include the extension of 175th Street to Dodd Boulevard and the
extension of Glacier Way to 175th Street. The developer is required to construct a
six-foot wide concrete sidewalk on the northwest side of Glacier Way with the
development of Cherry Highlands Third. A six-foot wide concrete sidewalk will be
constructed on the southeast side of Glacier Way with the future development of the
adjacent commercial property. The developer is required to construct an eight-foot
wide bituminous trail along the north side of 175th Street from the trail?s present
terminus to Glacier Way.
Staff is proposing additional land be donated to Cherryview Park to meet the park
dedication requirements. The land proposed for dedication is currently zoned
commercial and staff and committee members felt that additional parkland would be a
better use of the property. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, at their
March 31, 1999 meeting recommended City Council accept the dedication of 2.13
acres of parkland to satisfy the park dedication requirements for the 33 single-family
lots and commercial Outlot A. It was further recommended a cash contribution be
accepted to satisfy the park dedication requirements for the townhouse portion of the
development. Other opportunities may be available to add parkland to the west of
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Cherryview Park when that property is brought into the MUSA and is developed. The
commercial Outlots between 175 Street and Cedar Avenue will contribute park
dedication fees when they develop.
99.15 Motion was made by Manias, seconded by Lovelace, to recommend City Council
Cherry Highlands Third Addition
approve the final plat of and accept land in lieu
of cash for the single-family portion of the plat and commercial Outlot A and cash for
the townhomes portion. In addition a cash contribution is being recommended to
satisfy the park dedication requirements for the remaining commercial Outlots in the
plat when they develop. In addition the developer will be required to construct a six-
foot concrete sidewalk on the northwest side of Glacier Way and an eight-foot wide
bituminous trail on the north side of 175 Street from the trail?s present terminus to
Glacier Way.
Motion passed.
ITEM #8. Review final plat of Harris Acres Third Addition and make park
dedication recommendation to City Council.
Harris Acres plat is located between Flagstaff Avenue and Pilot Knob Road on the
north side of 170th Street. The third addition consists of 82 single-family lots.
Review of the area for park needs indicates that a park will be needed, but staff feels it
would serve residents better if it were more centrally located north of this plat and
slightly east. The area preliminarily chosen for a future park site is outside of the
MUSA as it exists today. In review of the Harris Acres Third Addition preliminary
and final plat, staff is recommending the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
consider a cash contribution to satisfy the park dedication fund ordinance.
99.16Motion was made by Raymond, seconded by Larson, to recommend City Council
Harris Acres Third Addition
approve the preliminary and final plat of and accept a
cash contribution to satisfy the park dedication requirements. It is further
recommended that a park search area be identified west of Pilot Knob Road and north
of 170 Street when the area is brought into the MUSA due to the high population
density in the area.
Motion passed.
ITEM #9. Discuss date and itinerary for annual Spring Park Tour.
Parks and Recreation Committee members set June 2, 1999 for their annual Spring
Park Tour. The format will be the same as previous years, starting at 5:30 PM at
Ritter Farm Park and ending there with refreshments and the regular meeting agenda.
Committee members mentioned that they would like to visit the following sites:
Quigley-Sime building, Valley Lake water quality experiment, Klamath Trailway,
Quail Meadows trail, proposed Kensington Park site and new park ID signs. Other
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sites may be added and committee members are welcome to call Park Dept. staff with
ITEM #10. Unfinished business.
There was no unfinished business at this time.
ITEM #11. New business.
There was no new business at this time.
ITEM #12. Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for
June 2, 1999 and will include the annual Spring Park Tour. Members should meet at
Ritter Farm Park at 5:30 PM.
ITEM #13. Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith A. Ryan, Recording Secretary
Colette Wanless-Sobel, Chairperson