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December 15, 1999
ITEM #1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville Council Chambers by Chairperson Wanless-
Sobel at 6:00 PM.
ITEM #2. Roll call.
Present were H. Lovelace, L. Lulf, C. Wanless-Sobel, C. Bonn, P. Messinger and alternate K.
Manias. Committee member J. Larson was unable to attend. Also present were Park
Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Judi Hawkins.
ITEM #3. Approval of Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes of
December 1, 1999.
The minutes of the December 1, 1999 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting
were discussed. Committee member Messinger stated that she believed the minutes did not
accurately reflect the discussion concerning the proposed resident/non-resident recreation
registration policy discussed under Item #9. She wished to include additional language to
more strongly express her opinion that it is premature to consider adding non-resident fees to
recreation programs.
The minutes were approved as amended.
ITEM #4. Citizen comments.
There were no citizens present for items not on the agenda.
ITEM #6. Review proposed resident/non-resident recreation registration
City Administrator Bob Erickson was present to discuss the proposed resident/non-resident
recreation registration policies and stated that he had read the minutes of the previous
meeting and had been contacted by two committee members concerning their sentiments on
the issue. Staff completed an in-depth study of non-resident participation in recreation
programs at the request of City Council in conjunction with the budget process, and Mr.
Erickson assured the committee that City Council members have made no decision on the
issue. Mr. Erickson stated that the issue is complicated, as proven even in the information-
gathering process. Implementation of non-resident registration procedures would also be
complicated if additional fees or policies were introduced. The underlying issue is levy
limits. As a growth city the ability to raise revenues is constrained. Lakeville?s tax capacity
rate is the lowest in Dakota County; however, the levy limits impair the City?s ability to raise
Finance Director Dennis Feller was present to discuss the levy limit issue with advisory
committee members. Dennis stated that the State of Minnesota had imposed levy limits in
1972, just after Lakeville became a city. Levy limits were set by the state to make sure cities
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remain frugal and economically responsible. The formula provides aid to cities based on a
grandfathered aid amount and the city is not allowed to raise taxes beyond the levy limit,
which restricts the city?s budget. Seal coating is an example of fees being paid by those who
directly benefit from the services. Certain unanticipated revenues and grants have also
allowed programs to continue and/or be enhanced. For example, the Police Dept. was
awarded federal grant funds to hire officers who would not otherwise have been hired
utilizing only city funding. Levy limits may be lifted by the State, however if they stay on
after 2001, city-wide budget cuts may be necessary.
New schools also provide recreation facilities for residents and non-residents. Most of those
considered non-residents are using facilities that they have actually contributed toward when
they are using school facilities. The current update of the Parks and Open Space System Plan
raises the question of how much capacity is still available in the park system. The answer to
this will indicate when the next bond referendum might be necessary to continue to develop
Lakeville?s park system.
Mr. Erickson stated that he became aware of the committee members? compassion and
emotion regarding non-resident fees by reading their comments in the minutes. Committee
members expressed their hesitation to set a policy that could exclude some potential
participants due to financial constraints or instigate neighboring communities to set similar
policies that could negatively impact their Lakeville neighbors. Higher fees may create a
situation where everyone is not able to afford to participate in a program. City Administrator
and Finance Director feel the committee may be required to recommend non-resident fees in
the event that levy limits are not removed by the state effective in 2001.
Committee member Messinger stated that most of the high-quality facilities, e.g., King Park,
North Park, etc., are used for LAA programs, and are not specifically provided for general
public use. She feels that fee increases are being proposed for those who use the fields least.
Mr. Erickson stated that the budget for the Lakeville Parks and Recreation Department is
about $20.00 per capita, below the average expenditure in the state. Volunteers currently run
most youth athletic programs. If, for example, the Soccer Association decided to relinquish
administrative duties of their league to the Park Department, the current level of Park
Department staff would not be adequate to run the program. Messinger stated that, based on
the 1998 non-resident participants in general recreation programs, a $7.00 non-resident fee
would have generated just over $1,000. In her opinion this would not be significant revenue
based on the total Parks and Recreation budget.
Mr. Erickson stated that Lakeville?s population is predicted to grow 4% each year.
Lakeville, Farmington and Rosemount are predicted to absorb 10% of the growth in the
seven-county metro area in the next ten years. With the current levy limits, the City of
Lakeville cannot afford to run soccer or hockey programs and the non-resident policy would
fit into the city?s comprehensive plan while maintaining collaborative relationships with the
school districts. Mr. Erickson would like the Parks and Recreation Committee to be prepared
to make a recommendation to City Council in conjunction with the next budget process in
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June. He feels the Council?s main objective in requesting the study was to determine
whether a need exists to implement a resident priority registration policy. In the most recent
City survey by Decision Resources 56% of residents indicated that they felt non-resident
should pay a higher fee to participate in Lakeville?s recreation programs. This is an increase
of 10% over survey results of two years ago. This figure encompasses both Lakeville
Athletic Association programs and Lakeville Parks and Recreation programs. Staff stated
that unless facilities are built in neighboring communities south and west, non-resident
participation in Lakeville recreation programs would continue to increase.
Committee member Manias voiced his support for a resident priority policy and stated that he
is concerned whether programs will run if not supported by non-resident participation.
Committee member Lovelace pointed out that cities such as Eagan and Apple Valley are
surrounded by communities which offer recreation programs, while Lakeville is bordered on
the south and west by townships/cities, where the residents are not provided recreational
opportunities. He feels a priority registration system for residents would be equitable.
Messinger feels after the priority registration time, registration should be strictly on a first
come, first served basis for residents and non-resident.
Recreation Supervisor Patty Dexter stated that she is in favor of a resident priority system,
providing an opportunity to accommodate residents first. It may take some time before all
residents are informed and aware but in the long run the policy may benefit programs by
encouraging people to sign up early. It is Patty?s objective for programs to fill to capacity so
as many participants as possible can enjoy them. Committee members asked Patty to
determine whether there were any programs that would have been cancelled if non-residents
had not signed up.
Chair Wanless-Sobel stated that she now feels better informed of the financial issues and
suggested the Parks and Recreation Committee draft recommendations based on whether
levy limits are or are not lifted. Committee members should also keep in mind the potential
for youth athletic associations requesting that the Parks and Recreation Department run their
programs in the future.
Staff feels the recommendation for non-resident fees and resident priority registration should
be incorporated into the resolution establishing rules and rental fees for parks. Staff will
draft a summary of issues and recommendations for Committee members to review including
establishing timelines for resident registration and implementation of policies. Patty also
stated that many communities use a lottery system. Polices can be reviewed after a year to
see how they are working and whether changes need to be made.
99.36 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Bonn, to direct staff to begin drafting an issues
summary for review and input by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. The
summary will ultimately be encompassed in a recommendation to City Council revising the
resolution establishing rules and rental fees for use of City parks and facilities.
Motion passed.
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ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects.
?Staff reported that maintenance crews had begun seeding the ground with water in
anticipation of being able to flood rinks as the weather turns colder. A second shift will
begin on Monday. If temperatures drop below freezing and the weather stays cold, rinks
should be ready for their scheduled opening on December 23. All warming houses are
ready for opening, with 30 staff members hired.
?Staff is expecting a group of snowmobilers to attend the City Council meeting of
December 20 in response to a letter sent to snowmobilers in the community. The sender
wishes to gain support for repeal of the ?no snowmobiling? ban in northern Lakeville.
ITEM #7. Continue review of Parks and Open Space System Plan update
Staff met recently with Alan Brixius of NAC who is working on a final draft of the Parks and
Open Space System Plan document with recommended additions and corrections. With the
upcoming holiday season Mr. Brixius was not sure that he would have a final product in time
for the work session in January. Once the document is complete, a legal process to officially
approve the document will take place.
ITEM #8. Review proposed changes to Resolution Establishing Rules and
Rental Fees for Use of City Park Facilities, buildings and Property.
As discussed earlier, the resolution will be revised to reflect any proposed recommendations
from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee to the City Council concerning the
resident priority registration policy as well as any proposed non-resident fees. In addition, it
was suggested that the title of section ?B? be changed to ?Athletic Tournaments.?
ITEM #9. Unfinished business.
There was no unfinished business at this time.
ITEM #10. New business.
City Council is reviewing the status of the Hunting Committee and the possibility of it
becoming a subcommittee of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee.
Staff confirmed that the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association?s highest award has
been bestowed on Committee member Howard Lovelace for his extraordinary tenure on the
committee. Howie has served the City of Lakeville for 27 years as a Parks and Recreation
Advisory Committee member and also received an award for no meeting absences in 1999.
The Lakeville City Council will consider a request by Chair Colette Wanless-Sobel for a
five-month leave of absence from the committee, which would allow her to teach an evening
class of the University of Minnesota.
ITEM #11. Announcements.
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The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for January
5, 2000.
ITEM #11. Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith R. Hawkins, Recording Secretary
Colette Wanless-Sobel, Chairperson