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March 15, 2000
ITEM #1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville Council Chambers by Chairperson
Larson at 6:00 PM.
ITEM #2. Roll call.
Present were H. Lovelace, L. Lulf, J. Larson, P. Messinger and K. Manias. Also
present were Park Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Judi Hawkins.
ITEM #3. Approval of Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes of
March 1, 2000.
The minutes of the March 1, 2000Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting
were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the minutes were approved
as printed.
ITEM #4. Citizen comments.
There were no citizens present for items not on the agenda.
ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects.
Staff reported that all the fish houses had apparently been taken off the lake prior to
the early ice-out this year. There were no houses abandoned at the boat launch.
Staff will be joined by Alan Brixius from NAC and Parks and Recreation Advisory
Committee Chair Jeff Larson at the City Council retreat on March 18, 2000 for the
presentation of the draft Comprehensive Park Trail and Open Space System Plan
update for their review.
Park Maintenance has swept all the trails in the city. Because of the early spring
weather, the trails are already being used extensively.
ITEM #6. Review draft leash ordinance as it pertains to public parks, trails and
sidewalks and make recommendation to City Council.
At staff?s request, the city attorney has drafted an amendment to the dog leash
ordinance regarding dogs on public trails and within city-owned parks. There has been
a marked increase in complaints received by Parks and Recreation staff over the past
few years, especially from persons who are biking or walking along trails, and/or using
major park facilities. According to Lakeville Police records for 1998 and 1999, nearly
4,000 dogs at large complaints were received. The amended ordinance would help to
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
Minutes of: March 15, 2000 Page -2-
control dogs by eliminating the ?voice control? clause and mandating dogs to be on a
leash while on public trails or in public parks. Committee member Manias stated that
dogs obviously will encounter more pedestrian traffic in parks and on trails and
activities such as running are more likely to excite dogs and cause them to run after
people. He felt the eight-foot leash limitation was reasonable and that the new
ordinance would be much easier for the police to enforce.
Staff stated it will be important to launch an educational campaign to notify the public
of the change, if it is implemented by City Council. It was suggested that Park Rangers
could have a brochure, which could be distributed to park and trail users as the rangers
patrol on bike or foot.
00.07 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Manias, to recommend City Council
approve the amendment to the leash ordinance, making it mandatory for dogs to be
restrained by a leash of no more than eight feet in length while on public trails,
sidewalks or in city-owned parks.
Motion passed.
ITEM #7. Discuss the use of metal detectors within Lakeville parks.
Staff has recently noticed that an increased number of people are pursuing the hobby of
metal detecting in Lakeville parks. People have generally been respectful of public
property and no serious damage has been observed. Metal detecting is done by digging
a hole and removing a plug of grass to determine what is below the surface. People
have been conscientious enough to replace the grass plug however staff feels that
eventually the turf will be affected. People also commonly use metal detectors on the
beaches, which are unaffected.
Staff has received an unusual number of calls this year from people who are taking up
the hobby and wish to ensure that metal detecting in the parks is allowed. It is most
commonly done around the park shelters and other places where large numbers
congregate. Staff has not received any complaints from the general public thus far.
Committee member Messinger stated that since there have not been any real problems
or complaints with metal detecting, she did not feel that an ordinance prohibiting the
activity is needed at this time. Other committee members agreed. Staff also stated that
other things such as rockets, remote control planes and golfing are prohibited in the
parks due to safety concerns, which does not apply to metal detecting.
It was decided that metal detecting should be monitored to see if future discussions or
decisions are needed.
ITEM #8. Unfinished business.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
Minutes of: March 15, 2000 Page -3-
There was no unfinished business at this time.
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ITEM #9. New business.
There was no new business at this time.
ITEM #10. Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for
April 5, 2000.
ITEM #11. Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith R. Hawkins, Recording Secretary
Jeff Larson, Chairperson