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JUNE 7, 2000
ITEM #1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville Council Chambers by Chairperson
Larson at 6:00 PM.
ITEM #2. Roll call.
Present were L. Lulf, R. Boldus, J. Larson, C. Wanless-Sobel, P. Messinger, and
alternate K. Manias. Committee members H. Lovelace and J. Berg were absent. Also
present were Park Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Judi Hawkins.
ITEM #3. Approval of Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes of
May 17, 2000.
The minutes of the May 17, 2000Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting
were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the minutes were approved
as printed.
ITEM #4. Citizen comments.
There were no citizens present for items not on the agenda.
ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects.
This item will be taken up after Item #6.
ITEM #6. Continue discussion to consider an ordinance amending Title 5 of the
City Code concerning Restraint of Dogs.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Chair Jeff Larson opened the discussion by stating that
the two previous meetings concerning this issue have been for the purpose of receiving
input from the general public. The purpose of this agenda item is for committee
members to discuss the issue and determine whether to make a recommendation at this
time or wait until more information has been gathered. Chair Larson stated that the
Chief of Police is reviewing the ordinances of other cities, especially the areas of length
of leash, the Canine Good Citizen® Test, and other options that are working in other
Committee member Lulf suggested that some undeveloped city owned property could
be designated as a dog park or there could be a specific time where dogs could be
walked off-leash on the trails, such as one hour before or after sunrise and sunset. This
would not pertain to parks. In addition, the ordinance could specify either a flex leash
could be allowed, or a short leash.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
Minutes of: June 7, 2000 Page -2-
Committee member Manias stated that from an enforcement perspective, a stricter
leash ordinance would be easier to enforce. If a flex leash were allowed, owners would
have to be able to reel in their dogs, which is not an easy task with some large dogs.
Regarding land set aside for a dog park, Manias questioned how that could be
monitored for cleanup, etc. other than possibly citizen volunteer supervisors. Manias
also stated that there are many responsible pet owners and well-behaved dogs.
Committee member Boldus stated that the many responsible dog owners should not be
penalized. He would support a leash ordinance and allowing the flex leash. He is not
opposed to setting aside a dog park area, but would like it to stay cleaned up so that it
can continue to be used by the public. Mr. Boldus stated that his property adjoins a
bike trail and he is aware of how many people do not obey the ordinance to clean up.
Committee member Wanless-Sobel has forwarded articles to Steve Michaud regarding
a similar issue in New York City and how it was dealt with in that city. Residents there
formed a dog club and only those dog club owners are allowed to let their dogs run in
the park. Club fees go towards maintenance and supervision of the dog parks and
members also volunteer their time. Unfortunately, the volunteerism did not seem to be
Committee member Messinger feels it is important that the ?voice control? option be
removed from the ordinance. She would support the flex leash option, specified times
on the trails and would also like to see the grass hockey rinks be made available for
running and training. Messinger would also support the opportunity for dogs to be
certified with the Canine Good Citizen® Test, giving them the privilege to walk off
Committee member Larson stated that due to growing pedestrian traffic he feels
strongly that dogs should be leashed on trails and sidewalks, however, is not opposed to
dogs off leashes in parks. In some areas along the trails there might be adequate space
to allow dogs out on a longer leash. Larson stated that he is also in favor of using rinks
for running dogs but suggested that the area at Ritter Farm Park that was purchased
recently might be a good training area for hunting dogs.
Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud stated that the area by the freeway
frontage road near Ritter Farm Park entrance might be more favorable than an area
within the park. There are other areas within the city where people might also be
allowed to practice dog-training drills. Michaud believes that the Police Department
needs to have the ability to enforce a clear and understandable ordinance. The 15 acres
that were recently seeded at Casperson Park might be available as well as other areas.
He feels that allowing dogs to run at Ritter Farm Park is the worst possible scenario due
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
Minutes of: June 7, 2000 Page -3-
to the wildlife habitat and people not cleaning up after their dogs. If dog areas were
designated, there would have to be some rules established.
In addition, the public would need to be well informed if a new ordinance or dog
certification program were instituted. A grant is currently being pursued by the
Lakeville Police Department to increase the number of Park Rangers from three to five,
which might assist with dog ordinance enforcement. Staff suggested that a
recommendation be put off until the Lakeville Police Dept can pass along additional
information. Committee members agreed that any new ordinance should be kept as
simple and easy to understand and enforce as possible.
Staff agreed that the several grass hockey rinks would also be suitable off-leash dog
areas. With the proper signage, the area near the freeway at Ritter Farm Park could
also be considered. Those sites would need to be reviewed regularly to make sure
owners were cleaning up after their pets and following other rules. Future development
at Casperson might eliminate that area. The perimeter of King Park could also be
considered for use during times when it is not being used for baseball. The future
extension of 185 Street adjacent to King Park will make that site more accessible.
The Canine Good Citizen® Test was discussed. It is proposed to require that dogs be
leashed at all times unless they have been certified by the test. Committee member
Manias felt enforcement would be difficult if the police could not immediately
determine if a particular dog was allowed to be off leash.
Chair Larson stated that he feels dogs should be leashed at all times on trails and
sidewalks. Committee member Messinger feels the ordinance should allow dogs to be
on a longer flex leash unless other pedestrians are approaching or within a specified
distance. She suggested a campaign to educate the public be started when dog licenses
become due so that information can be distributed when people purchase new licenses.
Manias feels there should be no differentiation between park and trail in the ordinance
as far as where leashes are required, as it would make enforcement more difficult.
Committee members Boldus and Wanless-Sobel stated they would support dogs being
leashed on trails at all times. Committee member Lulf feels the Canine Good Citizen®
Test is a better solution than his earlier suggestion concerning designated times for off-
leash dogs.
Chair Larson asked citizen Len Libbey, P.O. Box 823, if he had any further information
on the certification. Mr. Libbey explained that certified testers from the American
Kennel Club or other dog clubs conduct the tests. The typical testing fee is $5.00 and
the certification is good for the life of the dog. Dog obedience training to prepare the
dog, however, can cost between $60.00 and $150.00. Violators are usually charged
with a petty misdemeanor and their certification is revoked.
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Doug Ringeisen, 18876 Joplin Avenue, questioned the use of King Park. He is
opposed to dogs loose in the parks and also stated that King Park is near a busy
roadway. He is afraid that people will not clean up after their dogs and it could be
overused by people from other communities who would bring their dogs to the park.
Staff stated there would be specified times when the park could be used for dogs. Mr.
Libbey suggested that a special resident permit could be issued so that non-residents
could not be allowed to use the park as a dog park. Larson suggested that a permit
could be available at a higher cost for non-residents.
Chair Larson asked for Committee members? opinions about the flex leash and if it
were to be allowed, what the maximum length should be. Committee member
Messinger stated that what should determine the length would be an acceptable
distance between the dog and other pedestrians. She feels it is important to specify in
the ordinance that the leash can be extended but that the dog needs to be reeled in when
another person is present. Committee member Manias feels that the leash should be
short enough to ensure no physical contact is possible with another human being.
Staff believes that no distinction should be made between parks and trails and the same
ordinances should apply to dogs at any location, with the possible exception of
designated off-leash dog areas.
Committee members decided to continue the discussion on the dog leash ordinance
when further information is available from the Police Department, setting a possible
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting date of July 19 to proceed with
the discussion.
ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects.
Staff reported that registrations for recreation programs have been very busy with
many programs getting ready to begin.
The Tutewohl family has signed a mediated agreement for the City of Lakeville to
purchase 40 acres of property. The property will be brought into the MUSA by July
1, 2002.
Rich Pelletier has been hired to fill the position of Assistant Parks and Recreation
Director, and will begin on June 19. Mr. Pelletier has most recently worked for
the City of West St. Paul and spent several years as a Parks and Recreation
Advisory Committee member in Burnsville.
The position of Lakeville Area Arts Center Coordinate has also been filled.
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The owner of the Bury property on the west side of Lake Marion has contacted the
City of Lakeville with a proposal to sell the property. Staff will keep committee
members informed of any negotiations that take place.
Staff is working with the coordinators of the Ride the Wind Bike Tour which will
utilize some Lakeville streets. A parade permit will be issued by the Police Dept.
pending completion of a standard investigation.
Antlers Park beach opened on Saturday, June 3 and Orchard Lake and Valley Lake
beaches are scheduled to open on Friday, June 9. Beaches will be open daily from
noon to 8:00 PM, weather permitting.
Due to the moratorium on development, the park dedication fund has not received
the revenues expected. Because the fund is diminished, allocations for the three
new playgrounds may not be available. When the moratorium is lifted in July, new
park dedication fees will be in effect.
A subcommittee of Jeff Larson, Pat Messinger and Bob Vogel are discussing a
possible recommendation that would increase the commercial/industrial park
dedication fees. Committee members will receive a report for discussion at their
next meeting.
ITEM #7. Review preliminary and final plat of Paradise Hills 2 Addition and
make park dedication recommendation to City Council.
Paradise Hills 2 Addition preliminary and final plat consists of 28 single-family lots
and five outlots and is located south of 192nd Street, north of Lakeville High School.
Since the Park and Open Space System Plan does not identify park property in the area
of this plat, staff is recommending a cash contribution at the old rate of $1,325 per lot
to satisfy the Park Dedication requirements. The City is constructing eight-foot wide
bituminous trails on both sides of Ipava Ave. and an eight-foot wide bituminous trail on
the south side of 192nd St. as part of the Ipava Ave. improvement project. The City of
Lakeville will fund all trail projects through the park dedication fund. Committee
member Messinger was disturbed by the fact that 3.4 acres of trees were being removed
to make way for this plat. Chair Larson asked if the trail along Ipava Avenue from
CSAH 50 to County Road 64 could be paved as part of this project. Staff stated that
any permission for a trail to cross the railroad?s property would require the installation
of a cross-arm, which would cost approximately $100,000. Right of ways have been
established along Ipava for future trails and some funding has been set aside for this
future project.
00.15 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Wanless-Sobel, to recommend City
Paradise Hills 2 Addition
Council approve the preliminary and final plat of and
require a cash contribution at the rate of $1,325.00 per dwelling unit to satisfy the park
dedication requirements.
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Motion passed.
ITEM #8. Unfinished business.
There was no unfinished business at this time.
ITEM #9. New business.
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee will be the annual
park tour. Several sites were suggested for the tour including the Tutewohl property
and the Bury property. The meeting will begin at 5:30 PM from Ritter Farm Park. Jeff
Larson mentioned that he would be out of town and unable to attend.
The first meeting of July is scheduled for July 5. Since this falls during the week of
Pan-O-Prog and in order to accommodate those who may be on vacation for the Fourth
of July holiday, it was suggested the meeting be cancelled.
00.16 Motion was made by Lulf, seconded by Boldus, to cancel the July 5, 2000 meeting of
the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee.
Motion passed.
ITEM #10. Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for
June 21, 2000, beginning at 5:30 PM from Ritter Farm Park.
ITEM #11. Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith R. Hawkins, Recording Secretary
Jeff Larson, Chairperson