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JULY 19, 2000
ITEM #1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville Council Chambers by Chairperson
Larson at 6:00 PM.
ITEM #2. Roll call.
Present were H. Lovelace, L. Lulf, J. Larson, P. Messinger, C. Wanless-Sobel, R. Boldus
and J. Berg. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud, Police Chief Dave
Martens and Recording Secretary Judi Hawkins.
ITEM #3. Approval of Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes of
June 21, 2000.
Documentation of the June 21, 2000 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee annual
tour was received. There were no additions or corrections.
ITEM #4. Citizen comments.
There were no citizens present for items not on the agenda.
ITEM #6. Review revised dog leash law ordinance.
Committee member Berg suggested an addition to the proposed ordinance that would
designate whether dogs needed to be leashed if they are within the property lines of their
owner. As the ordinance is written, it appears that there is no distinction.
Chair Larson stated that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee?s original intent
was to review the dog leash policy in parks and on trails. Parks and Recreation Director
Steve Michaud stated that the ordinance needs to be citywide and could be difficult to
single out specific areas.
Committee member Messinger asked if dogs that had passed the K-9 Good Citizen test
could be designated by a different color license. She suggested that these dogs could be
off-leash unless a pedestrian is within 200 feet, then restrained until the pedestrian has
passed by at least 200 feet. She also wondered how 200 feet was established.
Staff showed committee members and those present a videotape simulating walking a
leashed dog so they could more easily visualize the 200-foot distance between a dog and
an approaching pedestrian.
Len Libbey, P.O. Box 823
, thinks that 100 feet is easier for dog walkers to estimate
than 200 feet and suggested the draft ordinance reflect that change.
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Police Chief Dave Martens stated that the City Attorney suggested not getting hindered
by details as citations would be issued for obvious and flagrant violations, not for minor
infractions. Citations would be more likely when dogs are at large. He also pointed out
that with varied terrain, it might be difficult for dog owners to have a clear view of
oncoming pedestrians at 200 feet.
Mr. Libbey stated that the ordinance needs to define qualified dog handlers by an
appropriate age and use specific language of control. Under Section 2, A.2., there
should also be a provision for an electronic collar to be used if the dog has passed the K-
9 Good Citizen test. The fixed leash, flex leash and electronic collar should all fit the
definition of a leash. A specific standard for length and control would also need to be
defined in the ordinance.
It was suggested that the maximum length allowed for the flex leash be changed to 25
feet since that is a standard available length. Chair Larson stated that there might also
need to be a provision that the leash is held by a person, since that is currently an
assumption of the draft ordinance.
Sally Beaucheman, 21750 Laigle Avenue
, asked how long it would take before rules
and regulations for the designated dog training area would be posted at Ritter Farm Park.
Staff stated that if the proposed designated dog areas are approved by City Council, it
would take some time to develop a plan and an adequate parking area.
Brenda Bengston, 12430 - 210th Street West
does not feel that dog certification should
be a prerequisite of any of the dog training areas.
Mr. Libbey would like to see a fence put up by the freeway to prevent the dogs from
running into traffic, possibly causing an accident. He also asked about the area at
Casperson Park. Mr. Michaud stated that because of the close proximity to Ritter Farm
Park he felt that it would not be necessary to designate both sites. He added that the
ponding area at Ritter Farm Park would offer a good opportunity for dogs to train in the
water. Lake Marion shoreline also exists for this purpose.
It was also mentioned that people are currently using the areas on each side of Antlers
Park beach to train their dog. Larson stated that this is in conflict with the distance
stated in the ordinance if people were present at the beach.
Chief Martens asked who would conduct training programs and K-9 certifications. Mr.
Michaud stated that in other communities it has been done by dog owner groups,
trainers, and community dog obedience classes. Staff has received calls from people
who are willing to offer classes. Dogs would be certified by the AKA and the City
would not assume responsibility or liability. Staff will discuss a waiver or license
application for trainers with the City Attorney.
Ms. Beaucheman wondered if a dog has to be on a leash at Ritter Farm Park if a dog
owner is on horseback on the equestrian trails. Mr. Libbey stated that he had spoken to
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
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people at the Pleasant Hills store who told him it was very dangerous for dogs, horses
and riders to take a leashed dog along when horseback riding.
Brenda Bengston stated that when she is riding horses and wants to bring her dog along,
she uses an electronic collar.
Mr. Michaud stated that because of the wildlife and vegetation at Ritter Farm Park, some
consideration has been given to not allowing dogs in the park, with the exception of the
new park area that is proposed to be designated for dogs. Some fencing from the 195
Street bridge to the lake would assist dog owners and some mowed trails could be
installed. Dog owners would also have the advantage of water at the site for training
purposes. Mr. Libbey stated that there still might be a possibility of dogs running onto
the freeway. Chief Martens suggested that the Federal Transportation Dept. be
requested to construct a fence at least six or eight feet high.
The section referring to ?dangerous dogs? is unchanged.
Committee members recommended the following changes to the draft ordinance:
Section 1:
Since most retractable leashes are eight meters, the maximum length should be 25
The word ?picketed? has been stricken. Parks and Recreation Committee members
requested an explanation from the City Attorney. Mr. Libbey stated that it refers to
?tied out? and the word ?securely? could be added, which would then allow dog
owners to tie their dogs outside. Other audience members stated that tying a dog is
not good for them.
Regarding K-9 certification, ?or approved equal? should be added.
Section 2:
A.2. The leash should not exceed 25 feet in length. Language should be added to
state that dogs must be reeled in to a certain distance with an approaching pedestrian.
A.3. Change to reflect when a pedestrian approaches within 100 feet (not 200).
A.4. Language is conflicting. Committee members suggested replacing with
statement that a person must be present, i.e., ?Dogs cannot be in a public place
without the owner or a competent handler.? Mr. Libbey suggested an age be
specified for a competent owner.
A.5. Committee member Berg suggested minimizing the length of the leash in
Ritter Farm Park due to the sensitive nature of the area. Add ?not longer than eight
Signage at Ritter Farm Park will be very important as will a general
educational/marketing program for the entire community.
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Chief Martens commended the Parks and Recreation Committee for their democratic and
sensitive means of dealing with this ordinance. He added that police would do all they
can to educate the public and enforce the ordinance in the most reasonable manner.
The possibility of charging a fee for use of the designated dog parks was discussed. A
suggestion was made for a small fee, i.e., $1.00 per time or $10.00 per year, could be
implemented. If the yearly fee were charged, a third color license, in addition to a
regular license and a second color for K-9 certified dogs, could be utilized. Chief
Martens mentioned that a decision should be made soon whether this method should be
implemented, since licenses need to be ordered in the fall. Staff stated that there is no
timeline for implementation of the new ordinance at this time.
It was further mentioned that no provision is made in the draft ordinance for muzzled
dogs. An audience member stated that a ?gentle leader? is sometimes used which looks
like a muzzle, however it is not an effective means of controlling a dog.
Mr. Libbey suggested a Dog Watch program be instituted with code numbers for
participants to call the Police Dept. from their cell phones if they witness violations. Mr.
Michaud stated that the new Assistant Parks and Recreation Director is planning to re-
institute the Park Watch program and Dog Watch might be considered for part of that
ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects.
?Staff reported that the 2000 Panorama or Progress was very successful. A few
parking and traffic difficulties were experienced in conjunction with the fireworks,
partly due to unanticipated parking at Heritage Square.
?The 1999 Parks and Recreation Department Annual Report was presented to City
Council at their July 17, 2000 meeting.
?At their July 17, 2000 meeting, the City Council also approved the new Zoning
Ordinance. The platting moratorium was also lifted, which opened the doors for new
plat applications to be submitted.
?The Parks and Recreation Department Secretary position vacated by Judi Hawkins
has been filled. The newly hired secretary will begin on August 7.
?Construction of the three park improvement projects has begun including the trail
around Valley Lake. Reseeding of Kensington Park will be done in the fall. Rich
Pelletier had suggested that the Valley Lake Park ID sign be placed on the berm with
the lettering facing the roadway at an angle to make it more visible from both
?Committee member Boldus asked if any decision has been made about the crossing
on County Road 46 in conjunction with the Vermillion Springs plat. Staff stated that
discussions have been held with Apple Valley and Dakota County and the final plat
will most likely be approved as presented.
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?Jim Urie, Arts Center Coordinator, started in this new position on July 17. He is
currently working on the site plans for Hart Hall, which staff will bring to the next
meeting. The Arts Center Advisory Board has been established and a schedule is
being determined for their meetings. Reconstruction of the former All Saints School
building has begun and the playground is scheduled to be removed by next week.
?Committee member Messinger stated that the Zweber Woods trail and Kabot Cove
trails need additional markings.
?Committee member Berg stated that the Tree Trust did an excellent job of cutting
and trimming along the Juno Trailway. There are a lot of homeowners however who
are pushing their trimmings and debris along the trailway, which eventually end up
in the lake. Staff will have maintenance clean up in the area.
?The Lakeville Community Corporation (LCC) has submitted a letter to the Finance
Department indicating that they would be interested in having the City take over the
operation of the Lakeville Ames Ice Arena. The Finance Dept. is conducting an
extensive study and analysis of the fiscal implications.
ITEM #7. Update of subcommittee review of commercial/industrial park
dedication fees.
Chair Larson distributed a memo to committee members in June regarding the progress
of the subcommittee in regard to commercial/industrial park dedication fees. Staff
informed the Parks and Recreation Committee that Arlyn Grussing has been hired as the
new Community and Economic Development Director and is scheduled to begin with
the City of Lakeville on August 7. Staff will set up a meeting with Mr. Grussing and
the subcommittee to discuss this issue.
ITEM #8. Unfinished business.
Committee member Messinger stated that she and her family were recently at the boat
launch on a weekend and were disappointed to find that about five or six cars which
were not accompanied by trailers were occupying the car/trailer only parking spaces.
These vehicles had not been cited and Messinger feels that improved signage might be
needed to help deter this situation in the future. Staff will also discuss this issue with the
rangers to remind them that only car/trailer combinations are allowed in that parking lot.
ITEM #9. New business.
There was no new business at this time.
ITEM #10. Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for
August 2, 2000.
ITEM #11. Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.
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Respectfully submitted,
Judith R. Hawkins, Recording Secretary
Jeff Larson, Chairperson