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October 18, 2000
ITEM #1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville Council Chambers by Chairperson
Larson at 6:00 PM.
ITEM #2. Roll call.
Present were Committee members H. Lovelace, L. Lulf, P. Messinger, J. Larson and K.
Manias, alternate. Committee members J. Berg and R. Boldus were unable to attend.
Also present were Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud and Recording
Secretary Pat Vinje.
ITEM #3. Approval of Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes of
September 20, 2000.
The minutes of the September 20, 2000Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
meeting were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the minutes were
approved as printed.
ITEM #4. Citizen comments.
There were no citizens present at this meeting.
ITEM #5. Staff reports, and summary of current projects.
The Parks and Recreation advisory committee member position vacated by the
resignation of Colette Wanless-Sobel will be advertised. Her resignation was submitted
to the City Council on October 16.
Steve Michaud, Parks and Recreation Department Director, attended the National
Recreation and Park Association Congress convention in Phoenix. The convention was
interesting. The downtown Phoenix area consisted of an art district which included
plays, concerts, and historical museums. Observation of the sights were especially
interesting considering Lakeville will have an arts center in 2001.
Steve also visited a dog park in the Phoenix area. The dogs who were participants of the
park were able to roam freely while their owners sat nearby.
Staff updated the committee on the Arts Center. Minor construction projects continue
including re-roofing the rectory, painting of walls, carpet cleaning, and outside
landscaping. A strategic plan summary is near completion and copies will be provided
to Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Members. There is a new playground at
the Arts Center campus which the school district purchased.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
Minutes of: October 18, 2000 Page -2-
Playground equipment for Bunker Hill Park has been ordered. Installation should be
completed this fall.
Staff discussed the Rock Island Townhome Homeowners Association preliminary
request to consider removing the existing aglime walkway and to discontinue any further
construction of the walkway. The City required the walkway as part of the original plat.
More research will be conducted and information will be provided to the Advisory
Committee. If the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee agrees to allow the trail to
be removed, the request would then be forwarded to the Planning Commission for
consideration to amend the existing PUD, and then to the City Council for a final
ITEM #6. Marion Fields 4 Addition. Preliminary and Final Plat.
Marion Fields 4 Addition is located west of Dodd Boulevard and south of 205 Street.
A main trail corridor runs through the property from downtown Lakeville to Antlers
Park. Shamrock Development will rebuild the trail per recommendation of the Parks
and Recreation Advisory Committee. An outlet in the northwest corner of the plat
south of Antlers Park will be purchased by the City. The developer will clear the lot and
be responsible for any environmental concerns if they exist. This site was occupied by a
mechanical type business. Chairperson Larson recommended a 10-foot wide trail be
built in place of the existing 8? trail. He also stated he has a concern about access for the
existing trail during construction of the plat. The developer will make an attempt to
have the new trail ready for early summer.
00.25 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by alternate Manias, to recommend City
Council approve the preliminary and final plat of Marion Fields 4 Addition and accept
a cash contribution to satisfy the park dedication requirement. The developer will also
be required to reconstruct the trail from the east plat boundary to Antlers Park crossing.
The trail will be ten feet in width. The City will credit the developer for improvements
to the trail outside the proposed development boundaries from the northwest corner of
the plat to the Antlers Park crossing. The City also will purchase Outlot E for future
park use for the price of $28,000. The developer will also be credited the additional cost
to widen the trail from 8? to 10? within the limits of the plat. Credits due the developer
will come from the park dedication fees required to be paid for the plat. The City will be
required to relocate existing trail lights after completion of trail improvements. In
addition, the committee would like to research the cost to widen the existing 8? trail east
of the plat line to Dodd Boulevard. Also, due to the heavy use and popularity of the
existing trail between downtown Lakeville and Antlers Park, every effort be maintained
to keep a safe, passable corridor/pathway to reach Antlers Park or downtown Lakeville.
Motion passed.
ITEM #7. Zweber Farm 9 Addition, Preliminary and Final Plat.
00.26 Motion was made by Manias, seconded by Lulff, to recommend to City Council approve
the preliminary and final plat of Zweber Farm, 9 Addition and accept cash contribution
for 26 single family units to satisfy the park dedication fee requirements.
Motion passed.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
Minutes of: October 18, 2000 Page -3-
ITEM #8. Unfinished business.
Staff discussed the commercial/industrial park dedication fee structure. The Economic
Development Commission has inquired about development fees paid by commercial
development by surrounding communities in comparison with the City of Lakeville.
Arlyn Grussing, Community and Economic Development Director is conducting
research on the fee structure.
ITEM #9. New business.
There was no new business at this time.
ITEM #10: Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for
November 1, 2000.
ITEM #11: Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 7:12 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia J. Vinje, Recording Secretary
Jeff Larson, Chairperson