HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-17 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING January 17, 2001 ITEM #1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville Council Chambers by Chairperson Larson at 6:04 PM. ITEM #2. Roll call. Present were Committee members H. Lovelace, L. Lulf, R. Boldus, J. Larson, P. Messinger, J. Berg, and alternate, K. Manias. Also present were Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Pat Vinje. ITEM #3. Approval of Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes of January 3, 2001. The minutes of the January 3, 2001 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the minutes were approved as printed. ITEM #4. Citizen comments. There were no citizens present concerned with items not on the agenda for this meeting. ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects. Progress continues at the Arts Center. Staff is preparing to begin the ?Buy-A- Chair Program?. Benjamin Signs is donating the sign to be used for this fund- raiser. This sign will consist of a pile of chairs and will possibly be displayed in front of the Arts Center. Almost all ice rinks are in great shape. Rolling Oaks has presented some challenges due to having a higher center and lower sides when the rink was paved. Staff held the first Ironman Bike Tour meeting for 2001. There are no major changes anticipated. Staff received two ski trail complaints, which were minor. Lakeville cannot compete with Cleary Lake and Hennepin County?s Murphy Hanrehan grooming equipment. Hennepin County and Dakota County have dedicated groomers who can take care of trails daily. Ritter Farm Park trails are still in good shape. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes of: January 17, 2001 Page -2- Lakeville Sno-Trackers Snowmobile Club does the best possible job with the equipment they own. Snowmobiling issues have been quiet. There are fewer complaints since the snow meltdown. ITEM #6. HOM Furniture preliminary and final plat. HOM Furniture has proposed to construct a 151,000 square foot store on 10.41 acres located north of Cracker Barrel and AmericInn on Kenyon Avenue off of County Road 5. Plans include realigning Kenyon Avenue from County Road 5 past Celebration Church. The project includes 8-foot wide sidewalks along Kenyon Avenue and County Road 5. The sidewalk will be extended north to nd 172 Street. 01.05Motion by Boldus, seconded by Messinger to accept the cash contribution of $13,612.50 to satisfy the park dedication fee requirements and recommend approval of the preliminary and final plat of HOM Furniture including construction of 8-foot wide sidewalks along Kenyon Avenue and County Road 5. Motion passed. ITEM #7. Kenwood Crossing plat. Debbie Brodsho of Brodsho Consulting, representing Kenwood Crossing, addressed the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee concerning the trails and sidewalk associated with the apartment complex. At their January 3, 2001 meeting, the committee passed a motion to recommend approval of the preliminary and final plat of Kenwood Crossing with the requirement of eliminating the gap between the 8-foot wide bituminous trail between the driveways of the complex on the west side of Jurel Way. The committee feels strongly that trails need to be connected throughout the system. Ms. Brodsho stated the developer?s intent was to provide privacy for at least half the residents within the complex. Building C of the apartment complex would be affected by a continuous trail which would infringe upon the privacy of the residents living along it. The development plans include a walkway along the front of the building which provides a sidewalk from parking areas to the building entrance. Staff responded to Ms. Brodsho indicating privacy has never been a justification for location of trails. The parks system has approximately sixty miles of trails and privacy concerns have never been an issue. Lakeville has many trails adjacent to homes, some are located ten to twenty feet between homes, many are directly in front and rear yards. Trails have been built in close proximity to all types of dwelling units, i.e., homes, townhomes, apartments and businesses. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes of: January 17, 2001 Page -3- Committee member Messinger asked of Ms. Brodsho, the distance between building C and the proposed walkway. This distance, as stated by Ms. Brodsho, is 40 feet. Messinger asked staff about existing trail locations and their proximity to residences. Staff informed the committee that the distance between trails and homes within several developments can range as close as 10 feet to 30 feet. Ms. Brodsho asked of the committee, who would use the trail? Chair Larson responded the trail would be used as a loop from County Road 50. The attraction of the trail is the connection to the proposed park trail. He added the community has sections of existing trails that do not connect and the expectations are to have connecting trails throughout the system. Leaving a gap would cause frustration to trail users having to cross the street. Ms. Brodsho then stated she is not drastically opposed to the continuous trail but felt it would be more attractive without it and would provide more privacy. Committee member Berg indicated the desire was to stay with the City?s parks and trails system plan trying to achieve continuous trails. Any pedestrian crossing over a street should be avoided, if possible, due to safety issues. He added the City does a great job maintaining trails. The trail should not affect the attractiveness of their building. Staff stated the sidewalk located at the north side of their project does not connect to the street. Ms. Brodsho confirmed the sidewalks do not lead to the trail. Staff added the number one request from the community is for safe sidewalks and trails for recreation. Committee member Messinger stated an 8-foot bituminous trail is more desirable due to the snow melting and is preferred by joggers, walkers and rollerbladers. Staff stated it was important to leave the asphalt trail on the side of the proposed park located to the south. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes of: January 17, 2001 Page -4- Committee member Berg felt it was important to connect the asphalt trail on the side of the development and let future development determine need for more trails. Committee member Messinger expressed her desire to have asphalt trails on both sides of the development. Committee member asked Ms. Brodsho of any future development plans for the area. She responded the adjoining property is for sale and possibly may be developed as townhouses. Staff stated the proposed road is a minor collector and double 8-foot trails would be unnecessary. There is a possibility of an off-street natural trail through the wetlands. Committee members Larson, Messinger and Berg agreed a natural trail is desired in this area. Staff spoke of Zweber Woods as the first natural ground trail for the City. The residents like this type of trail. Ms. Brodsho stated a keystone retaining wall will run along the outside of the apartment complex to hold water back from the wetland area. Due to extreme slopes, it was determined that a natural trail did not appear to be possible but would be reviewed at a later date. Chair Larson summarized the discussion stating the committee is strongly supportive of connecting the proposed trail. The previous motion recommended by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee will stand. Ms. Brodsho?s final comments stated she is not opposed to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee?s decision. All units within the apartment complex will be secured. Security will be at the front entrance, at the garage area and security cameras are planned. Minutes excerpt from January 3, 2001 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee: ITEM #9. Preliminary and final plat of Kenwood Crossing. Staff updated the committee on the Kenwood Crossing apartment complex located west of Kenwood Trail south of the Southfork Apartments. Kenwood Crossing will consist of 252 rental units, a community building and a pool. Park property will be located south of the apartment complex location. An 8-foot bituminous trail will be located along Jurel Way on the west side and a 5-foot Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes of: January 17, 2001 Page -5- sidewalk on the east side. The City of Lakeville will pay 100% of the cost of construction for the bituminous trail and the developer will be required to pay for the construction of the concrete sidewalks. The developer will also be required to pay a cash contribution at $1500 per unit to satisfy the park dedication requirements. 01.04 Motion by Messinger, seconded by Manias to recommend City Council approve the preliminary and final plat of Kenwood Crossing and accept the cash contribution to satisfy the park dedication requirement. The committee feels strongly it is necessary to eliminate the gap between the 8-foot wide bituminous trail between the driveways on the west side of Jurel Way. The developer is also required to construct 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along Jurel Way. Motion passed. ITEM #8. Unfinished business. Staff presented a plan for the Silverwood plat in the vicinity of County Road 5 and County Road 46. In the Parks and Trails Open Space System Plan a small park was planned for this area. A park is also wanted in this area. The park dedication fee could be $60-70,000. The land contains wetlands and high ground which could pose problems for developing a park. Staff suggested if the committee would like to accept land for a park, two to three acres can be preserved for this purpose. This plat consists of townhomes and upscale homes. Up to three acres is available from the developer. The committee agreed they would like property in the immediate area for a park. The possibility of a park exists on the land to the east. This area will be reviewed and the findings reported back to the committee. If a park is possible to the east, the committee would recommend a cash contribution for Silverwood. ITEM #9. New business. There was no new business to report at this time. ITEM #10. Announcements. The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for February 7, 2001. ITEM #11. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes of: January 17, 2001 Page -6- Respectfully submitted, _____________________________________ Patricia J. Vinje, Recording Secretary ATTEST: _____________________________________ Jeff Larson, Chairperson