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March 21, 2001
ITEM #1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville Area Arts Center Administration
Building by Chairperson Larson at 6:00 PM.
ITEM #2. Roll call.
Present were Committee Members J. Larson, L. Lulf, R. Boldus, J. Berg, J.
Volimas. Unable to attend were P. Messinger, H. Lovelace, and alternate K.
Manias. Also present were Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud and
Recording Secretary Pat Vinje.
ITEM #3. Approval of Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
minutes of February 21, 2001.
The minutes of the February 21, 2001 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
meeting were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the
minutes were approved as printed.
ITEM #6. Review Lakeville park concept plans.
Steve Wensman, Ingraham & Associates, was present to display and discuss the
park plans for Lake Villa Golf Estates neighborhood park. Three concept plans
were available for the committee to study and comment on. The area to be
developed is a 160 acre plat to be constructed by U S Homes. With the passage
of the 1994 bond referendum, a 10-16 acre park was approved for this area.
Features included in the proposed concept plan are:
A pond is being considered as a buffer between the park and residential
housing on the north side of the proposed park.
A 20-stall parking lot.
A paved hockey rink and lighting.
A small baseball field, soccer field and ½ court basketball court.
A picnic shelter facility with grill and picnic tables.
A playground structure.
Internal park trails with lighting.
Pad area for future multipurpose warming house/restroom building.
Electrical, sewer and water stubs.
Volleyball court.
Comments from the committee concerning the three different concept plans
The picnic shelter overlooking wetlands/conservation area was appealing.
The baseball field in the center of the park is preferred.
Extend the trail loop around the pond area.
Add bleachers by ballfield.
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Minutes of: March 21, 2001
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Add island to pleasure skating area.
Centralize playground area.
Plant many trees.
Relocate hockey rink south.
Provide access to paved hockey rink.
Mr. Wensmann made note of suggested changes and will draft a concept plan
reflecting the suggestions of the committee.
ITEM #10. Dodd Marsh Highlands preliminary plat.
Richard Krier, Midwest Planning and Design, was present for discussion of the
preliminary plat of Dodd Marsh Highlands. This plat is located on 82.54 acres
and is located east of Ipava Avenue, west of Dodd Boulevard and north of the
new 192 Street/195 Street. The development will consist of 47 attached
townhouse lots, 105 detached townhouse lots (total of 152), 2 common area
lots and 10 outlots. Outlot D consists of 3.02 acres to be dedicated as park
land/greenway. There are six lots adjacent to Outlot D which would be
developed as townhouse units.
Committee Member Messinger was not present for the meeting but had sent an
e-mail to the Parks and Recreation Director, Steve Michaud. He shared the
contents with the committee and Mr. Krier. Pat stated the six lots in Outlot D of
the Dodd Marsh Highlands plat should be removed and the area added to the
park area/greenway.
Committee Member Berg supported Committee Member Messinger?s opinion of
removing the six lots mentioned. He felt it was too many units in a small area.
Committee Member Lulf said he supported taking as much land as entitled to for
park dedication. He added he supports Pat Messinger?s opinion.
Mr. Krier spoke and indicated it would be necessary to redo the entire plat if the
six lots were removed from the existing plan. The plan has undergone four
renditions thus far. The developer does not prefer to build a single loaded
street which would be the result of removing these lots.
Steve Michaud commented he did not agree it would be necessary to redraw the
entire plat. Also, several plats existing have single loaded streets adjacent to
parks that were dedicated by other developers.
Committee Member Berg stated the six lots are crammed into the area and
seems to limit the view of the housing units across the street from the six in
question. By removing the six lots it provides for necessary greenway space
and opens up a panoramic view for all the housing across the street.
Furthermore, all the lots across the street should be premium lots and sell at a
premium price.
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Chair Larson spoke of the greenway plan the City has and the one opportunity
to make it usable for all citizens. He felt by removing the six lots, it would
improve the view and increase the value of the housing units across the street.
Mr. Krier stated the developer, D R Horton, will withdraw the plat if more units
are deleted. The plat began with 350 units and is currently at a total of 152.
The land was zoned for 10 units per acre.
Steve Michaud added even though renditions have been done to this plat, this is
a typical procedure. This plat is in the central district area of 600-800 acres and
the master plan proposed a linear park/greenway system with pocket parks
strategically placed. The intent is to preserve the natural areas but still provide
passive opportunities for residents to access these areas via the greenway trail
facilities. The new concept plan includes park shelters, trails, benches, etc..
The plats in this area are mixed developments including more condominiums
and townhouses which result in fewer children and fewer typical parks.
Lakeville residents strongly support preservation of Lakeville?s natural amenities.
Greenways running from the north to the south are to be preserved with public
Committee Member Berg felt the City was being very accommodating to D R
Horton and that the citizens of Lakeville depend upon this committee to make
good sound decisions concerning preservation of parks, open space and natural
areas. The removal of six lots is in the best interest of Lakeville residents now,
but more importantly the future residents that will move into the 146 lots
proposed in this plat.
Chair Larson stated if the plat will be redone, he would prefer to see the trail
which follows the cul-de-sac be relocated to the wetland edge. The City owns
this area and D R Horton has an agreement to buy the land to develop. Larson
would prefer to see a loop built around the townhouse units.
Staff also reminded the committee that the park dedication ordinance allows a
10% land dedication requirement which calculates to approximately eight plus
acres based on the gross area of the plat. The proposed park area in Outlot D
represents 3.02 acres. Adding the area representing the six lots would add
approximately 1 acre for a total park dedication of 4.08.
01.07Motion made by Lulf, seconded by Berg to accept the preliminary plat of Dodd
Marsh Highlands as proposed less the six lots in Outlot D and recommend a land
dedication of 4.08 acres with the remaining balance paid in cash to satisfy the
park dedication ordinance requirements.
Motion passed.
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ITEM #7. Conduct public hearing on 2001 park and trail
development grant applications for the following projects:
1. Antlers Park Playground Project
2. LakeVilla Area Neighborhood Park
Chair Larson called to order the public hearing for the proposed 2001 park and
trail development grant applications for the Antlers Park Playground Project and
the LakeVilla Area Neighborhood Park.
Steve Michaud presented an overview of the plans for the Antlers Park
playground. The existing older play structure will be removed and replaced with
a new play structure. The total project is expected to cost $83,500.00 which
will include fibar, retaining wall material, trail improvements, and labor. It is
necessary to submit a 20-year maintenance plan which was described. No tax
increases are planned to fund the project. The funds will come from the park
dedication fund. No trees will be removed and the new playground will
consume 1/3 more space than the existing facility.
The LakeVilla Area Neighborhood Park was then discussed. The current
anticipated cost is $337,000 to $400,000 when final details are complete. A
grant will be submitted and if approved may provide funding up to half the
project cost. A 20-year maintenance plan has been completed. The plan will be
submitted as revised by the consultant. It is the intent to meet all the needs of
the residents including athletic, playground, trails, etc.
Chair Larson announced the public hearing was open to public comments.
There were no citizens present for comment. Chair Larson declared the public
hearing closed.
ITEM #8. Review final plat of Century Ridge.
Century Ridge is a townhouse project proposed by Wensmann Realty, Inc. to be
located east of Ipava Avenue and west of Dodd Boulevard at 190 Street. The
final plat consists of 108 attached townhouse lots. A small area in the
northwest corner of the plat will serve as a picnic area under the care and
control of the townhome association. The developer will be required to
construct a trail access from the plat to the picnic area and connect with the
existing trail corridor on Ipava Avenue. Staff recommended a cash contribution
to satisfy the park dedication ordinance requirement.
01.08 Motion made by Berg and seconded by Boldus to recommend acceptance of a
cash contribution for Century Ridge in the amount of $162,000.00 to satisfy the
park dedication ordinance requirements.
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ITEM #9. Streefland Addition preliminary plat.
Tollefson Development has submitted a preliminary plat for a 45 lot single family
detached townhome project known as Streefland Addition. This plat is located
in the northeast corner of County Road 46 and County Road 5. Staff and
Committee Member Berg have visited the site and have determined the site?s
terrain is not suitable for a park. Trails are in place along County Road 46 and
County Road 5. Property to the east is zoned residential which will allow the
committee to re-evaluate the need for a small park in the area. Staff
recommended a cash contribution to satisfy the park dedication ordinance
01.09 Motion made by Lulf and seconded by Volimas to accept a cash contribution in
the amount of $67,500 for Streefland Addition to satisfy the park dedication
ordinance requirements.
ITEM #4. Citizen comments.
There were no citizens present concerned with items not on the agenda for this
ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects.
Staff highlighted a few of the current projects. It has been a great winter for
snowmobiling, cross country skiing and ice skating. Meetings have been held
for the Ironman Ride which will be held April 29 and also for Pan-O-Prog. The
Arts Center has delivered many challenges to staff and fortunately Rich Pelletier,
Assistant Parks and Recreation Director, is doing a fantastic job coordinating the
construction process. Recreation program registrations are on-going; grant
applications for Antlers Park playground and LakeVilla Golf Estates area
neighborhood park are due March 30,a season-end snowmobile task force
meeting is scheduled for April 12.
ITEM #11. Unfinished business.
Staff distributed a spreadsheet pertaining to the park development fund/capital
improvement plan for the next five years. Staff highlighted each proposed
project. A proposed plan to rebuild the 25-year old Bunker Hill Park tennis
courts was presented. The proposal is to rebuild the existing four courts in two
more strategically located sites, two new courts in Bunker Hill park and two new
courts in Dodd Trail Park. The two proposed tennis courts would be built where
an existing older skating facility exists. It is proposed to relocate the skating
facility to Greenridge Park. The four old courts would be temporarily repaired
for use this year while the new courts are constructed. The old courts would be
removed in 2002 and the area renovated to a park setting. The two new courts
proposed for Dodd Trail Park would service an area of Lakeville that has seen
tremendous growth the past four years. The existing older skating area
consisting of practice hockey end boards, pleasure skating area and a 25-year
old wood warming house at Dodd Trail Park would be removed. A new full sized
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boarded and lighted hockey rink and pleasure skating area would be constructed
at the new Greenridge Park. The new skating facility would be set up similar to
other newer facilities utilizing exterior light control panels and a seasonal
portable warming house. Funding to re-construct the tennis courts is included
in the recommended park dedication fund. However, additional funding is
needed to fund the new Greenridge skating facility. The estimated cost is
$50,000 ? 55,000. The park dedication fund balance is sufficient enough to
cover the estimated cost.
ITEM #12. New business.
Staff updated the committee on the status of the Airlake Development, Inc.
commercial/industrial park dedication fee issue.
ITEM #13. Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled
for April 4, 2001.
ITEM #14. Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia J. Vinje, Recording Secretary
Jeff Larson, Chairperson