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September 5, 2001
ITEM #1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville City Hall Council Chambers at
6:00 PM.
ITEM #2. Roll call.
Present were Committee Members L. Lulf, H. Lovelace, John Berg, J. Volimas
and K. Manias. Also present were Parks and Recreation Director Steve
Michaud, and Recording Secretary Pat Vinje. Unable to attend were
P.Messinger and R. Boldus.
ITEM #3. Approval of Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
minutes of August 1, 2001.
The minutes of the August 1, 2001Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
meeting were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the
minutes were approved as printed.
ITEM #4. Citizen Comments.
There were no citizens present concerned with items not on the agenda for this
ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects.
Orchard Lake Park parking lot has curb installed and is awaiting pavement of
the parking lot.
Balcony seating has been installed in the Arts Center. Also being installed
are the risers and curtains, the elevator has now passed inspection.
The Greenridge Park hockey rink is nearing completion. The parking lot has
curb installed and is also awaiting paving.
Highview Heights parking lot has been completed.
The Hawthorne Heights trail to Highview Heights Park is complete.
The crosswalk signal installation at 205 Street and Antlers Park is delayed
due to a shortage of equipment from the manufacturer.
The Fall recreation brochure was distributed over a week ago. Registrations
are coming in gradually.
Fall sports are in progress.
New ID signs have been installed at Bunker Hill Park, Dakota Heights Park
and Meadows Park.
ITEM #6. Celebration Church 2 Addition preliminary and final plat.
Celebration Church 2 Addition preliminary and final plat is a project located
along the frontage road west of 35W and north of the new HOM Furniture
building now under construction. The Celebration Church is the former golf
dome which is now being used as a office for the church. The project includes
expansion of the existing facility into a major church facility. The park dedication
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
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fee was previously settled with the development of the first plat of Celebration
Church. No action is needed.
ITEM #7. Cornerstone Lake final plat.
Cornerstone Lake preliminary plat consists of 164 attached townhouse units to
be constructed on 39.5 acres located in the southeast corner of 170 Street and
Pilot Knob Road. The plan identifies a trail/greenway corridor along the
creek/wetland located on the East Side of the preliminary plat and a trail will be
constructed on the West Side of the creek/wetland within a greenway corridor.
Additional trails will be included along Pilot Knob Road and 170 Street.
01.28 Motion by Lovelace,
seconded by Berg to recommend to City Council to
consider accepting land dedication of 1.68 acres in Outlot A to satisfy the park
land dedication requirement in addition to a cash contribution in the amount of
$16,560 to satisfy the cash contribution requirement. The developer will be
required to construct trails within the greenway, along the south side of 170
Street, the east side of Pilot Knob Road and sidewalks as described in Daryl
Morey?s report dated August 10, 2001.
Motion passed.
ITEM #8. Lake Place final plat.
This plat will be located on 39.5 acres south of 170 Street and east of
Cornerstone Lake plat previously discussed. The West Side of the plat is
adjacent the proposed greenway associated with the Cornerstone plat and will
provide a substantial greenway corridor when constructed. A 10? trail will be
constructed on the east side of the creek/wetland in this plat extending north to
170 Street to a future trail corridor proposed for the north side of 170 Street
(Tutewohl property). The City will reimburse the developer for the cost of this
trail construction. The developer will construct a trail on the south side of 170
Street across the entire frontage of the proposed plat, which will be reimbursed
to the developer by the City.
01.29 Motion by Manias,
seconded by Lovelace to recommend to City Council to
consider accepting Outlot B consisting of 1.0 acres and a cash contribution of
$73,500.00 to satisfy the park dedication ordinance requirements. The
developer will be required to construct trails within the greenway along 170
Street and sidewalks as described in Daryl Morey?s planning report dated
August 10, 2001.
Motion passed.
ITEM #9. Village Creek First Addition final plat.
Wensmann Realty has submitted a preliminary application to plat 119 single
family lots and 126 townhome units on 99.376 acres of land located east of
downtown Lakeville, west of Hamburg Avenue and south of Aronson Park.
This plat has been revised from its original plan. The medium density housing is
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now segregated from the single-family residences. Occupants of the high
density housing will have access via Hamburg Avenue. This street will be paved
from Hartford Way to 210 Street. The plan revision reduced the traffic
estimates on 206/207 Streets dramatically, which previously was an issue. At
this time, 20 single-family lots will be platted.
01.30Motion by Berg
, seconded by Lovelace to recommend to City Council to
consider accepting Outlot A, C, and D consisting of 12.76 acres to satisfy the
park land dedication ordinance requirement. The recommendation further
includes construction of 10-foot wide bituminous greenway trail along the creek;
trail crossing from 208 Street West to the greenway trail; trail crossing of the
creek from Upper 206 Street West to the greenway trail through the
neighborhood park; 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk on both sides of Hartford Way;
5-foot wide concrete sidewalk on the east side of Helena Lane and Hazelwood
Trail; sidewalk improvements on 207 Street as identified in the planning report
and installation of sewer stub from Village Creek to service a future sewer line
from the Aronson Park park building.
Motion passed.
Ron Wawrzon, representing the Hunting Subcommittee, presented an annual
update to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. He stated the Hunting
Subcommittee meets once a year to review complaints and address concerns in
addition to recommending changes to the hunting map. Ron provided a
summary of complaints and car/deer accidents. A record of car/deer accidents
is maintained to monitor herd analysis. The hunting complaints are identified on
the hunting zone map. Overall, the complaints are minor with only 11 registered
complaints in 2000 compared to 20 in 1999. The Hunting Subcommittee
recommends no changes to the hunting zone map other than the date change
from 2000-2001 to 2001-2002.
01.31 Motion by Volimas
, seconded by Manias to recommend to City Council to
consider approving the hunting zone map with no changes other than the date
and approval of distribution of the maps.
Motion passed.
ITEM #10. Airlake Development Fifth Addition preliminary and final
The Fifth Addition preliminary and final plat was part of the overall Airlake
Industrial Park park dedication fee settlement. This portion of Airlake Industrial
Park has paid the park dedication fee and requires no action.
ITEM #11. Timbercrest at Lakeville preliminary and final plat.
The overall Timbercrest development encompasses 110.3 acres. As part of the
planning effort, 8-foot commercial sidewalks will be required on both sides of
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Kenrick Avenue and Orchard Trail. A public trail will be constructed around what
is known as central wetland, of which the trail will be permanently maintained by
Avalon Company. County 60 (185 Street) will be reconstructed in this vicinity.
As part of that reconstruction, the City and County will rebuild existing trails for
the length of the project. Timbercrest at Lakeville will be required to pay a
commercial park dedication fee to satisfy the park dedication ordinance
requirement in the amount of $316,548.00 which will be received in phases.
01.32 Motion by Berg,
seconded by Manias to recommend to City Council to consider
accepting the cash contribution of $316,548.00 to satisfy the park dedication
requirements. The committee further recommends construction of 10-foot wide
bituminous trails along the north and south side of 185 Street when the existing
trails are reconstructed; construction of standard commercial concrete sidewalks
throughout the plat; 8-foot wide bituminous pedestrian trail within the area known
as central wetland area vs. the proposed natural or chip trail.
Motion passed.
ITEM #12. Continue review of Parks and Open Space System Plan.
ITEM #13. Unfinished business.
The Valley Lake Master Plan is being revised and a concept plan will be
available at the next meeting for committee members to review.
ITEM #14. New business.
There was no new business to report at this time.
ITEM #15. Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled
for September 19, 2001 at 6:00 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers.
ITEM #16. Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia J. Vinje, Recording Secretary
Pat Messinger, Vice-Chairperson