HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-19 PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE Minutes for meeting of: January 19, 2005 ITEM #1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 6:00 PM. ITEM #2. Roll call. Present were Committee Members T. Goodwin, J. Berg, P. Messinger and J. Volimas. Unable to attend were R. Boldus and H. Lovelace. Also present were Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud, Environmental Resources Coordinator Mac Cafferty and Recording Secretary Pat Vinje. Special guests included Dan Bale and Steve Weston representing the Vermillion River Watch and Wetland Health Evaluation Program volunteers. ITEM #3. Approval of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting minutes of January 5, 2005 The minutes of the January 5, 2005 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting were presented. The minutes were approved as written. ITEM #4. Citizen Comments. There were no citizens present at the meeting for items other than what is scheduled on the agenda. ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects. City Council reviewed the proposed park dedication fees at a recent work - session. Support was given on all recommendations with the exception of multi-family. Council requested staff to seek updated land sales for multi-family properties for consideration of increasing the proposed fee. ITEM#6. Presentation on Vermillion River and Wetland Health Evaluation Program. Dan Bale, Steve Weston and Tom Goodwin provided a presentation on Citizen Water Quality Monitoring in the Vermillion River Watershed. Several youth volunteers were also present. Volunteers of the Vermillion River Watch and Wetland Health Evaluation Program are involved in monitoring the health of wetlands and the Vermillion River. A healthy wetland provides more habitat, more flood control, better filtering capacity, greater diversity of vegetation and wildlife. There are 12 volunteers from Lakeville who dedicated 167 hours in 2004 to the program. Countywide there were 103 volunteers dedicating 1,672 hours. The Vermillion River watershed is 372 square miles with 90% of the river located in Dakota County. Almost half of the County?s land mass drains into the Vermillion River. Surface runoff deposits pollutants into the river via storm sewers. Water quality can be monitored through effective storm water management/best management practices, community stewardship and restoration efforts, and citizen engagement. Supporters of the monitoring efforts in Lakeville include City of Lakeville, Dakota County Environmental Management, Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District, Volunteer Stream Monitoring Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 2 January 19, 2005 Partnership, Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and U S Environmental Protection Agency. thth ITEM #7. Crossroads 7 and 8 Addition final plats. D R Horton Minnesota, Inc. has submitted an application for the final plats of ththth Crossroads 7 and 8 Additions with a total area of 31.41 acres. The 7 Addition th consists of 44 single-family lots located north of 179 Street and west of Flagstaff thth Avenue. The 8 Addition consists of 40 townhome units located north of 179 Street between Glacier Way and Gerdine Path. There have been no changes to the preliminary plat. 05.03 Motion by Messinger and seconded by Berg to recommend City Council consider thth approval of Crossroads 7 and 8 Addition final plats including a cash contribution of $156,560 (44 single-family units x $2,000 + 40 multi-family units x $1,714) to satisfy the park dedication requirement. The developer is also required to construct a 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk on the th north/west side of Glasgow Way in Crossroads 8 Addition. The 8-foot wide th bituminous trail on the north side of 179 Street between Gerdine Path and Flagstaff Avenue will be constructed this year. In addition, the developer is required to follow the natural resources requirement detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation, grading, drainage and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable. Ayes ? 4 Nays ? 0 Motion passed. ITEM #8. Woodhill preliminary plat. Town and Country Homes has submitted an application for the preliminary plat of Woodhill with a total area of 17.96 acres. The plat consists of 62 twin home units, one common area lot and three outlots located west of Kenyon Avenue between th 179 Street and Kerrville Trail. The twin home units lie on 13.12 acres and the three outlots that include delineated wetlands and buffers and an infiltration basin will be deeded to the City. The tree preservation plan includes saving 393 (32%) significant trees, removing 803 (65%) significant trees and efforts to preserve 47 (4%) significant trees identified as ?custom?. Chair Goodwin inquired where the runoff from Kenyon Avenue would flow. Mac Cafferty responded the catch basin for Prairie Lake development is adequate for both Woodhill and Prairie Lake. Member Berg asked if the units have basements and if there were any ground water issues with the plat. There are basements and streams can be discovered when excavation begins. Berg also questioned when is a piece of property not developable. Staff replied that it is difficult to stop development that meets existing codes. If there are Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 3 January 19, 2005 properties that the committee feels strongly about not developing and would rather preserve, we should identify those sites this year when the Park and Open Space System Plan is updated. We would also have to identify a means to fund the acquisition of special areas also. Developers pay large sums of money for land with the intent to develop and make a profit. We can only administer how the land is developed based on our legal authority established by ordinance. Staff recommended the committee identify high quality natural areas in the System Plan Update in an effort to preserve significant natural areas. Chair Goodwin spoke of plats with trees located on the edge of the development line that may die due to the construction process. He suggested protective fencing located at the developments be placed at the drip line. Mac responded many trees have been changed from removals to custom saves. The committee discussed the removal of trees within a development and the presence of exotic species plants such as buckthorn, honeysuckle, etc. It was agreed the committee would recommend removal of exotic species plants to the developer. 05.04 Motion by Berg and seconded by Messinger to recommend City Council consider approval of Woodhill preliminary plat including a cash contribution of $119,660 (62 multi-family units x $1,930) to satisfy the park dedication requirement. The developer is also required to construct an 8-foot bituminous trail way along the west side of Kenyon Avenue, beginning at the south plat boundary and ending at the th 179 Street intersection. In addition, the developer is required to follow the natural resources requirement detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation, grading, drainage and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable. The committee further recommends the developer be required to enhance the remaining wood stands. This should include working with staff to develop a management plan for protecting the remaining trees and removing exotic species (buckthorn, honeysuckle, etc.) Ayes ? 4 Nays ? 0 Motion passed. ITEM #9. Unfinished business. There was no unfinished business at this time. ITEM #10. New business. Chair Goodwin requested staff to consider researching a storm drain method used in Seattle (LID). Mac Cafferty will make contact with Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District and present information at a future meeting. Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 4 January 19, 2005 ITEM #11. Announcements. The next meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee is scheduled for February 2, 2005 at 6:00 PM at City Hall. ITEM #12. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM. Respectfully submitted, _____________________________________ Patricia J. Vinje, Recording Secretary ATTEST: _____________________________________ Tom Goodwin, Chairperson