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Minutes for meeting of: May 18, 2005
ITEM #1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 6:02 PM.
ITEM #2. Roll call.
Present were Committee Members T. Goodwin, J. Berg, P. Messinger, H. Lovelace,
R. Boldus, J. Volimas, K. Miller, Alternate R. Walia. Also present were Parks and
Recreation Director Steve Michaud, Environmental Resources Coordinator Mac
Cafferty and Recording Secretary Pat Vinje.
ITEM #3. Approval of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources
Committee meeting minutes of May 4, 2005
The minutes of the May 4, Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources
Committee meeting were presented. The minutes were approved as written.
ITEM #4. Citizen Comments.
Peter Daly, 16164 Harvard Lane, was present to address the committee regarding
reinstating a portable warming house at Highview Heights Park. The neighborhood
is now fully developed with children who attend School District 196. Of the 356
children, 110 are involved with the Apple Valley Hockey Association. The
Association would also like to request use of the rink. Mr. Daly?s son gathered
signatures on a petition, which was provided to the Committee, from residents
supporting the reinstatement of a portable warming house and attendant. Of the first
62 homes he visited, there were 128 children living in the neighborhood and 26
homes had children involved in hockey. The neighborhood is requesting the City
consider placing a portable warming house at Highview Heights Park for future
winter seasons.
Staff explained two years ago when the State cut back aid to cities, it was decided to
not utilize warming houses or attendants at all rinks. Through a volunteer program
the first year and reinstating warming house attendants the second year, some rinks
were operable with warming houses and attendants this past season. The
determination factor used to eliminate certain sites was attendance figures.
Highview Heights was one of the less frequented sites. Issues that may have
contributed to past low attendance included poor soil conditions for maintaining ice
which was corrected by installing drain tile and adding storm pipes. The second
factor may have been the neighborhood was not fully developed. The area is now
fully developed with hundreds of children.
Mike Penz, 16163 Gunflint Circle, also spoke in support of the issue. He shared the
same sentiment as Mr. Daly.
The committee thanked Mr. Daly and Mr. Penz for coming forth regarding the
Highview Heights Park portable warming house. As budget discussions begin, this
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site will be added to the high priority list and forwarded to City Council for review.
The committee further stated they would like to encourage the reinstatement of
lifeguards in the budget.
ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects.
Staff had no additional items to report on. Member Lovelace inquired about the
Veterans Memorial. Staff reported the F-86 plane may be part of an air show in
Eden Prairie at the end of July. There is a possibility of receiving fund-raising
proceeds to assist with the expense of building the memorial. Member Boldus
asked for an update on the King Park Athletic Club. KPAC is still working on several
aspects of the project and plans are moving ahead with the design reconstruction of
the ballfields.
ITEM #6. Double E Crossing final plat.
The Velmeir Companies has submitted an application for the final plat of one lot and
two outlots on approximately 8.95 acres located at the southwest corner of Dodd
Boulevard (CSAH 9) and Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23). The preliminary plat indicated
four lots including the CVS Pharmacy on Lot 1 with the remaining three lots
potentially developing into a daycare, grocery store and an office/retail building. The
final plat is consistent with the approved preliminary plat. A 10-foot wide asphalt trail
will be required along the south side of Dodd Boulevard when Dodd Boulevard is
upgraded with this development. An internal sidewalk system is proposed to be
constructed by the developer along the internal roadway system with connections to
the trail along Cedar Avenue and along Dodd Boulevard. There are no park needs
in this area. Park dedication requirements are to be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of
land. The park dedication fee is calculated as follows: 8.95 acres (gross area) less
4.00 acres (outlot B) = 4.95 acres x $5,940.00/acre = $29,403. There are no
significant trees or wetlands on the site.
05.27 Motion by Messinger and seconded by Violimas
to recommend City Council
consider approval of Double E Crossing final plat including a cash contribution of
$29,403 (8.95 acres (gross area) less 4.00 acres (outlot B) = 4.95 acres x
$5,940.00/acre) to satisfy the park dedication requirement.
The developer will be required to construct a 10-foot wide asphalt trail along the
south side of Dodd Boulevard when Dodd Boulevard is upgraded with this
development. An internal sidewalk system is proposed to be constructed by the
developer along the internal roadway system with connections into the trail along
Cedar Avenue and along Dodd Boulevard.
In addition, the developer is required to follow the natural resources requirement
detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation,
grading, drainage and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota
County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable.
Ayes ? 8 Nays ? 0
Motion passed.
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ITEM#7. Argonne Estates preliminary plat.
Representatives of D.R. Horton, Incorporated have submitted applications for the
preliminary and final plat of 26 single-family residential lots and 5 outlots on 22.8
acres to be known as Argonne Estates located east of Kenrick Avenue and south of
Joplin Avenue. There are 5 outlots totaling 9.42 acres in the Argonne Estates
preliminary plat including the following: Outlot A: wetland and wetland buffer that will
be deeded to the City with the final plat; Outlot B: wetland buffer and wetland buffer
area that will be deeded to the City with the final plat; Outlot C: wetland, wetland
buffer, wetland mitigation and stormwater treatment basin that will be deeded to the
City with the final plat; Outlot D and Ewill be for future development. The tree
preservation plan includes 917 significant trees with a proposal to save 224 trees
(24%). Five-foot wide concrete sidewalks will be constructed on the north side of
173 Street, the west side of Street A south of 173 Street, and on the east side of
Street B to the intersection with the east-west stub street of which the developer will
pay for the installation. The park dedication fee shall be paid with the final plat and
shall be based on 26 single-family homes x $3,665 per unit = $95,290.
Committee member Miller inquired about any nearby parks. Staff replied there are
no parks in the immediate area. Chair Goodwin asked about placing a park in an
outlot referencing Exhibit C. Staff responded adequate space for a standard size
park does not exist. There will be sidewalks built when 175 Street is widened.
Member Berg asked if the City works with the developer to disclose if there will be a
park within the plat or in the general vicinity. Staff stated that parks are not
discussed with developers and that new homeowners do seek out neighborhoods
with parks. Chair Goodwin reiterated this plat should maintain as much greenspace
as possible. There is also concern for plats where there is no plan for a park.
05.28 Motion by Messinger and seconded by Miller
to recommend City Council consider
approval of Argonne Estates preliminary plat including a cash contribution of $95,290
(26 single-family units x $3,665) to satisfy the park dedication requirement.
Five?foot wide concrete sidewalks will be constructed on the north side of 173
Street, the west side of Street A south of 173 Street, and on the east side of Street
B to the intersection with the east-west stub street of which the developer will pay for
the installation.
In addition, the developer is required to follow the natural resources requirement
detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation,
grading, drainage and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota
County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable.
Ayes ? 8 Nays ? 0
Motion passed.
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ITEM #8. Hoppe Marketplace preliminary and final plat.
United Properties Investment, LLC and MSB Tires, LLC have submitted applications
for the preliminary and final plat for Hoppe Marketplace located east of Kenwood
Trail (CSAH 50) at Jubilee Way. The plat consists of Outlot C and portions of Lots
34 and 37 of the original Argonne Farms plat. Hoppe Marketplace includes four
outlots. Outlot B is planned for future development. Outlots A, C and D are for a
stormwater treatment basin and wetland buffers. The developer proposes to
construct a 4,733 square foot Culver?s restaurant with a drive-thru window and a
8,305 square foot Tires Plus with an Oil Xpress. There are 95 significant trees on
the site proposing to ?save? 82 (86%) trees and ?remove? 13 (14%) trees. The
developer is required to make additional efforts to preserve 2 (2%) significant
?custom? trees. A large wetland complex is nearby but will not be disturbed. A cash
contribution to satisfy the park dedication requirement is calculated as follows:
$5,940.00/acre x 4.86 acres = $28,868.40. The developer is required to construct a
10-foot wide concrete sidewalk on the northeast side of Kenwood Trail (CSAH 50)
across the entire plat frontage. A series of sidewalks and crosswalks are required
along the west side of the Culver?s parking area, through Outlot B, and on the west
side of the Tires Plus and Oil Xpress parking area. A sidewalk connection is
required in front of Outlot B to connect to the sidewalk along Kenwood Trail (CSAH
Chair Goodwin asked staff to clarify the location of the 13 trees to be removed. He
expressed concern that these trees are being removed despite discussion regarding
trees with the Argonne Farm plat. Staff indicated the trees in question are a different
group on the Hoppe Place plat than the Argonne Farms plat. Member Messinger
asked if discussion can take place regarding tree preservation. Staff replied tree
preservation can be addressed with the parks and open space system plan, park
dedication ordinance, erosion control ordinance and tree preservation ordinance.
Goodwin spoke of the grading on the site. The sedimentation basin is well filled in.
Staff indicated that the pond is a temporary situation with the permanent pond still
needs to be constructed. Erosion issues have remained on the site and storm water
ponds require a lot of work before certification. Goodwin strongly urged erosion
control issues to be remedied thoroughly, completely, absolutely, without hesitation
and without undue duress to staff based on the developer?s past history with this
05.29 Motion by Miller and seconded by Boldus
to recommend City Council consider
approval of Hoppe Marketplace preliminary and final plat including a cash
contribution of $28,868.40 (4.86 acres x $5,940) to satisfy the park dedication
The developer is required to construct a 10-foot wide concrete sidewalk on the
northeast side of Kenwood Trail (CSAH 50) across the entire plat frontage. A series
of sidewalks and crosswalks are required along the west side of the Culver?s parking
area, through Outlot B, and on the west side of the Tires Plus and Oil Xpress parking
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area. A sidewalk connection is required in front of Outlot B to connect to the
sidewalk along Kenwood Trail (CSAH 50).
In addition, the developer is required to follow the natural resources requirement
detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation,
grading, drainage and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota
County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable.
The Committee further recommends that no building permits be issued for this
plat until the erosion control and required pond issues have been addressed.
Ayes ? 8 Nays ? 0
Motion passed.
ITEM #9. Unfinished business.
There was no unfinished business to report at this time.
ITEM #10. New business.
Mac Cafferty showed photos of fish removal at Lee Lake. The DNR conducted the
project, which was very successful. He also indicated the Adopt-A-Pond program is
going better than anticipated. Homeowners are very eager to clean up the lakes and
ponds in the Lakeville area. Chair Goodwin expressed appreciation for the effort the
City is putting into redevelopment of lakes and ponds.
ITEM #11. Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee is
scheduled for Wednesday, June 1, 2005 at 5:00 PM for the annual spring tour
beginning at Ritter Farm Park.
ITEM #12. Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 7:47 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia J. Vinje, Recording Secretary
Tom Goodwin, Chairperson