JULY 1~+, 1975
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Mako at 8:00 P.M. Flag pledge followed.
Present; Zaun, Brandes, Mako and Emond. Absent; Clarkson.
Also present; Pat Farrell, City Attorney, Robert Rosene, City Engineer and
Richard Hogan, City Administrator.
75•x+79 Motion by Zaun seconded by IInond to accept the minutes of the July 7, 1975
meeting as presented. Zaun, Brander, Mako and Emond "aye", motioncarried.
Mr. Rosene reviewed the latest engineering report with the Council.
A discussion was held regarding the lettering on the new water reservoir and it
was decided to delete all the lettering.
75.x+80 Motion by Brander seconded by Zaun to instruct the engineer to delete the
lettering from the new water reservoir. Brander, Mako, Emond and Zaun "aye",
motion carried.
Mr. Farrell reported that the three affected residents were concerned about
running substantial amounts of water over their land at Lake Marion and that
this would be harmful to the crops. A conservative estimate far the crop
damage would be about $300 per acre. He also stated that if this could be
delayed about two weeks the wheat probably would be harvested. Mr. Farrell
thought that the cost of digging a ditch 1700 feet across this land would
be very-expensive. He advised that the Council could authorize the attorney
to bring action in district court to establish whether or not this is a natural
waterway. The City could also create a special assessment district to take
care of the cost of this project.
Mr. Clarkson arrived at 8:35 P.M.
Mr. Brander asked what basis we have for moving out this earth and if a study
had been done.
75.x+81 Motion by Mako seconded by Brander to authorize the attorney to start action in
district court to establish that this is a natural water course and that it
is the City's right to run this water through this water course and to authorize
that condemnation is legally necessary for the first 1700 feet thereof that
requires excavation. Mako, Emond, Clarkson, Zaun and Brander "aye", motion carried.
Mr. Hogan discussed the bids he has received for the appraisal of City property
for insurance purposes.
75.x+82 Motion by Emond seconded by Zaun to follow the Administrator's recoaunendation
and accept the bid for the appraisal of City property from MacGregor-Deyo
Appraisal Co. which :i.~ ~1?-125.00' .this to betaken from General Fund surplus.,:
~~?Ath the attorney to review the contract. Emond, Clarkson, Zaun, Brander and
Mako "aye", motion e,~.rried.
Mr. Olson appeared in regard to the fence variance he had requested.
It was pointed out ..there are- many ordinance violations and this would have to
be a policy decision. The characteristics of the land create a hardship
in carrying out the provisions of the ordinance..
75•+83 Motion by Emond seconded by Zaun to grant Mr. Olson a fence variance.
Clarkson and bnond "aye", Zaun, Brander and Mako "no", motion failed.
Mr. Clarkson said that he felt a variance to the height for the fence would
be ok but not the open space variance.
75.~18~1 Motion by Mako seconded by Zaun to grant Mr. Olson until the 11th of August
to remove or modify the fence to comply with the ordinance. Zaun, Brander,
Mako "aye", Clarkson and Emond "no", motion carried.
The hearing for the vacation of a portion of Judicial was opened by Mayor Mako.
Mr. Frigaard's letter with his recommendations as to the proposed new road
was reviewed by Mr. Rosene.
Geoffrey King asked where the road came in at the beach and if the Council
was aware that there is a creek close to this..
JULY 14, 1975
The proposed cost for the new road is approximately $30 per foot.
Margaret Klotz asked what the possibility would be of moving the Gity owned
home so the swamp ~~rould not have to be excavated..
Karen Broad asked if the brick wall would be a problem and was told it would
not be at .this time..
Bea Johnson asked why this road was only being extended to the beach as she
felt it .should be extended to Honeywell Countx°y Club.
Ralph Trabant said he is concerned about 174th Street as it~is so narrow.
June Page asked how the residnts further south would go about getting this
proposed road extended further south.
Martin Kline said that 170th is too narrow but the present road. is more narrow.
Janet Kline asked if the road had to be around the lake.
Herman Buek,felt the road should be put where it had originally been platted
as it is a hazard at its present location.
Mrs. Johnson felt that the road could create a problem if it is extended.
to the beach. Ralph Trabant said that some of the residents on the south
end would be locked in if the road. around the lake is closed.
Mrs. Klotz asked. if the Council would just be looking at the portion of the
road which had been requested in the petition or for the complete road.
Ronald Johnson felt that the cost had kept the road from being built previously.
Mayor Mako closed the hearing for the vacation of a portion of Judicial Road.
Mr. Zaun would .like to have some information/g~her situations we have in
Lakeville that are the same as this one and would like to look at the entire area.
Mr. Mako felt that the cost should be considered.
Mr. Brander asked if .any formal studies had been made before this time.
,r. Rosene said that a preliminary report would cost about one to two thousand
It was felt that the drainage study., sewer study and road possibilities should
be considered before a decision is made on this matter.
Mr. Rosene also said that the road on the south end of the lake would be
a problem if this proposed road is installed.
75.485 Motion. by Clarkson seconded by Brander to instruct the Attorney, Police Ch~:f
and Engineer to look into the feasibility of blocking the road off or making this
a one way road and to report back on this matter on the 21st of July.
75.486 Motion by Mako seconded by Emond to amend the above motion to read that the`
public hearing regarding the vacation of a portion of Judicial Road be postponed
no later than February 1, 1976. Brander, Mako, Emond, Clarkson and Zaun. "aye;,
motion carried.
A vote was then taken on motion No. 75.485 which is as follows: Mako, Emond,
Clarkson, Zaun and Brander "aye", motion carried.
Prices of the two methods for seal coating .the streets were presented.
The price- for slurry coating is about double the regular method.
75.487 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Emond to authorize Mr. Hoffbeek and Mr. Rosene
to get together and go over the specs for seal coating and slurry coating with
a positive recommendation to be made by next Monday. Emond, Clarkson, Zaun,
Brander and Mako "aye", motion carried.
75.488 Motion by Mako seconded by Clarkson to grant Gerald Spande an excavating permit
for Lot 14, Block 3, Oak Shore ..2nd Addn. Clarkson, Zaun, Brander, Mako and
Emond "aye", motion carried.
75.489 Motion by Emond seconded by Clarkson to acknowledge receipt of the petition fore
the vacation of certain alleys and a portion of a road from.-Glen Klotz and
refer this matter to the Planning Commission. Zaun, Brandes, Mako, Emond and
Clarkson "aye", motion carried.
75.490 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Emond to acknowledge the receipt of the petition
from homeowners in Dakota Heights objecting to certain proposals for Dakota
Heights 7th and 8th Additions. Brander, Mako, Emond, Clarkson and Zaun "aye",
motion carried.
75.491 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Brander to approve the Utility Permit for-the.
installation of underground gas lines to Lakeridge Addition. Mako, Emond,
Clarkson, Zaun and Brander "aye", motion carried.
JULY h+, 1975
Thee proposed blacktopping of Oak Shore Drive was discussed. Mr. Rorene said
that a bit~uni.nous blacktop base could be installed at a cost of from three to
three hundred and fifty dollars~:per lot.
Bill`Traiser said that the residents understood that only this base would
be installed at this time.
Mr. Farrell. advised the Council that a publichearingshould be set .for this
75.92 Motion by Brander seconded by Zaun to approve the prelim.naxy report;,dated
7/1/75 as amended to cover the installation of bituminous base and. set a
`public hearing for this street improvement on Oak Shore .Drive. for 9:30 P.M.
`on-August 1975. Emond,,.Clarkson, Zaun, Brander and Mako "aye", motion carried.
'75.x+93 Motion by Zaun seconded by F~nond to adopt' he `Civil-Defense Eanergency` Plan and
.authorize.:-the Mayor to exeeu-te the same. Clarkson,.,Zaun, Brander,.. Mako and.
nmond "aye':, .,.motion carried. -
75•~+9~+ Motion by Zaun seconded by Brander to extend this meeting until all the matters
on the agenda have been discussed. Zaun, Brand.es, Mako and Eanond "aye",
Clarkson "no", motion carried..
75•x+95 Motion by Mako seconded by Emond to approve .the application from John. Steel
for a lake hore improvement permit at Crystal Lake. Brander, Mako, IInond,
.Clarkson and Zaun ":aye"~ motion carried.
75.x#96 Motion by ~nond' seconded by Clarkson to authorize 4he use of an engineering
inspector for up to four hours aday-on City .projects. Mako, Emond, Clarkson,
Zaun and. Brander "aye", motion carried.:
Motion by gnond seconded by Zaun to adjourn carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,