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CM"3' OF I~Al~iT".l'LI~ COUNCIL 'Q SPECIAL F1EAR1NQr FOR CIASIAG OF JIINO TRAIL JULY 1975 Tlae as3etiag was called to order by Mayor r3ako at 8sbb P.M. Flag pledge ..,...followed. Present; , Brander, , lend attd Clarkson. Also present; Pat .Farrell, City Attertbey. ~,e meeting was with the reading of the erigina7. petitiea for the closing of the. read fallcnaed by Ca~mcil. and P1at~i:ag Cco~dssion action .taken. ~ pettti.ott requesting the remevsl of certain names fress the crigiesl pet~ian atad-a letter fry Mr, and Mrs. George Leonard wee read. ice. P+~tter said twat part of what is said in...the letter is trcie bast he felt that the differences could-be irts~ed Daft. He explained shout the road situatiea and felt that tie ineonveaisnce for a fern should tent keep the road from being closed.. Re alas asked. for a ecatinaxance of thi.a .hearing for 94 days a~--there alas cne person abeeat Prom this hearing €could add isforamtiaai to this hea~rin$. Mr. Donald McE3a~ire said that the scheel had discussed this closing as`it relates 'ta the.. school bus sitaaatiats. haul Lidasr. saji.d that this r~u3.d add quite a few extra miles of extra drzving a year sad that the'sost per mils is 54¢ beside the time nvs~lvemsat. Mr.-Robert Jenssa, State Representative., stated that he was en the Park sad Open Spaces Cosaoittse and this cc®mttes is trying to preserve aceesses~ to the lakes Yor the ge~ral public. A~ Curry said that .she is caricerned about the lake arse and `felt the legislatatre sheauld look into the iaconsistancies for aahich they ,are passing laws. for the use of the ].ekes.. Fancy. Jensen felt tlut- the open spaces are a fine investa~t but felt `that Lakeville had done its share in this directi.aa with the pearahsee of Aatlsrs ,Park.. She also felt that the safety of people and the ecology shoaild be cemsidered Psul Dyrstad, Ccrnseraratiw~ Officer for .the State of ~niesota asked hew long thin road had been there amd by aahat authority... Farrell stated that this is a atatutooq dedicatioa, that it had been drives oa h7 the public sad ew.istaiaed by th@ pr~r-8 t authority fer:at least sex years.. He_also said that in the event the road a~uld be ,the lar~dcnaurs woetld leave to be c fed for the ].abed. qtr. Drystad felt gist the- eloeisag mi this rasd vn~uld not soave all the pr®bll~s of the people. He :said that the Divisi©q of Maters` is _ a~rerk3asg with Lakeville to help car?to~l erosiea and. is net is Eaton at: chasing the ..road. He also said that care ~rxxl.d hale to tee taycen. whsa icring the Zevel of Lake Marian t~ keep rough fish out of the lake. Staalsy'Krocin said ttu?t theiacrease in the cast of the school bus:eperation is a concern to all persons living 3n Lakevill@. He stated that he watched- the City :toying to eontrc~l the erosion of the lake with tires andb,~ the dumping - gravel ~hieh had ~y pallaxtasd the lake more . Re had slam... msas~z~ed the reaad in'varivus spots toe with the staadard width of other roads itt she City. Mr. Farrell said that the statutes provide that is the e~reat the road is closed, "the lets! aa~+soatld revert to th@ hoaaaeoasaer if they oar aan both sides of the read. In the event the City does not:.. vacate the road,: there is a p~cedure to establish the cezsterliae of he road. It was explaixued that iti the event a sew read. would: have tc> be built, the honee- eawners t~auld' .have tc~ pay for that acoad. Mr. P~stter felt thatthe school bus. route could b@ i~arcved to provide better .service.. Mr. Zaun asked how mat>y abutting property...oxners hadeigaed this. petitm~ and hs also asked .the atteraey regarding the c law dedieati~t. It was felt that the opinion should. be `based as what is best for Lakeville. tl~ • ! CITY aF LAIiEVII~S.E COUNCIL SPECIAL HEARING Ff7R CIASINa OF JUNG FRAIL JULY 22, 1975 A4r. Malin felt that sere state finds should be made evailable to the City if the erosions is to be controlled. Be also felt that there shayu].d be as adecitaate road. in this area as there are many things tc? consider sash as police .and fire protection and. the installation pf water sad sewer lines. H~e did not feel he waa~ ixt the positiaori tca make a d®cisicm at tl~.i.s dime'. Mr. Hraades maid that he is loe~king at the future >and whether finis would be a benefit, Tl~e lak8 comld be zvaed for various activities and the rc~d ie a place where the beauty. of the lake can be ~3.ewed. Es~d $aid he felt the same as l~r. Hrancles and that the best interest of the ma~arity of the vMners xauld have to be considered.. Mr. Clarkaaa said that has biggest coneexhn is the fishinlg and littering but felt this can be solved and dean not feel the c~.osing of this road would be a benefit'at this time. 1~. Zatan. stated that the alternativ®a available are 1i®.iaed but vrould act like to see the complete vacetian of this road. 1Kr. Potter stated that the residents are not interested in the iag~re~vement of 202nd St. at this ties. 75.52 D+iotioa~ by Hrasaies seconded by Zaun to eontiaae this hearing until ~iesday, the 7th of October at ~3s00 P.M. in this same loeativa~ at the edy ~ch~?L Zaun, Br+aadea and C7.arkaon "aye", 1 and ~®ond "no", motion carried. Mr. Tim Jerold stated that there still is a traffid problem and the police are to be contacted to remac~y this s3tuatic~n. Lotion by secoa~cled ~ Clarkaa+n fiA ad~o~ura carried t~nanimmzalr. • Respectfltzzlly ~tbsritted, CL Y MAYOR