HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-06-75 CITY OF LAt{EV'ILLE G(~IIN'CIL MgETIDTG ~CTQBER 6, 1975 :The meeting was called to order by-Mayor Matra. at $:D© P.M. Flab pledge folloUred.' Present; Zaun' Ha~atldes, Mako, Fsaond and Clarl~son. Also. present; Roger'~rrutson, City Attorney and Robert Rosene City Engineer. 75.650 Motion by Zatyu~ seeor~ded by Brander to approve th,e minutes of the September l5, 1975...:. meeting as presented. Zatan, Brander, Mako, Ea~nond and Clarksera "aye", motion carried. 75.651 Motion by E~aond seconded by Zaun to pay the claims against the City. Brander, Mako, Emend, Clarkson and Zaun "aye"~ motion carried. qtr. ~iittson stated that the T~1R had not yet given the City a permit tc: lower Lake Marion. He also stated that a public hearing. should be held on this matter and the Cauncil should authorize the engineer and attorney to apply for this permit, 75.652 Motion by Brander see~rncied by Emond to at~thorizs the attorney a:ad engineer to file applioaetion for a permit to lower Lake Marion and to set a public hearing for the.. 29th of October at 8:00 P.M. Mako, Eo:rad, Clarkson, Zaun and Brander "aye", mcatiaari carried. Mr. sere stated that the permit will have. to have. the reasons stated fear the request sled also the elevation desired. 75.653 Motion seconded by Zaa~ to authorize the att®rney to prepare.: ..the .legal notice for this hearing.. Emond, Clarkson, Zaun~ Brander and Mako "aye", motion carried. The prelim~ary report for the sewier and: water extensions t® the proposed new Bevel t ~uat north of the old village was discussed with,. the'~raus- gnderaoa representative. He said that they are wa3ti.ng far a hearing before proceeding with this pr®~ect. 75.65+ Motic?n by 'Em~d seconded. by Zaun to accept the prela~mixiarq report for the sanitary sewer,-water main and drainage for Kraus-Amdsrsaan 3brpping Center, .Holyoke Avsnus and 242nd Street and to order a public hearing: for the 2Qth of October at 9:15 P.M. Clarkson,.. Zaun,`Brandes,` Metko and pays", matioa~ carried. ` gmitson said that Mr. Farrell ree s the Cauneil go,to condemcation on the Overby property as the. differences between burring price and. selling price are too high. 75.655 Motion by Emond seconded bt.Clarkson to authorize the attorx:sq t® proceed with .the eondemnatian of the Overby property. Zaun Brander, Mako, F.mond and Clarkson "aye"~ motion carried. The September ~ Water and Sewer .minutes here presented. '75.656. Motion by Em~d seconded by Clarkson to ;authorize the engineer to study the drainage problem in the er plat and return in two weeks t~ith a recommendation. Brax:cies, Mako, Emond, Clarkson and Zaun."aye", me~tian carried. The September 23 Water artd Sewer minutes were presented. Item 1 regarding plans. and .specs being approved by the committee was put off until there is a new contract with tie engineer.... 75.657 Motion by Emond seconded by:Brandes to follow the rec dation of the Water do Sewer Committee and authorize the engineer to prepare a preliminary report for water and. sewer extens~:ens to Ixonia_Avenue. Mako, Emond, Clarkson, Zaun and Brander "gyre",...motion carried. 75.658 Motion byr Zaun seconded byr Brander to set a public hearing for the extension of water and .sewer to Ixonia'Avenue far the 2Qth of Cct~ber at 1©:OD P.P~. Eanond, Clarkson, Zaun, Brander and Mako "aye", motion carried. 75.659 Motion ~ Et~nd se~ondedhY Brander to .follow .the recommendation or the Water .and Sewer Committee and auth~trize the installation of the water service to the Curtis Swenson dwelling on Howland Avenue and that, the property owner pay connection charges of ~7.5a per front foot and 15fl for the service, and that the City repair the street. ~l) I CITY OF t.ex~rrta.F COUNCIL MEETIlVG OCTOBII~ 6, 1975 75.b~6o Motion by Mako seconded by Zaun to amend motion 75.659 as follows:' to follow the recommendation of the Water and Sewer Committee emntingent on an agreement being reached by Mr. Swenson and the building inspector for a reasonable assessment for the installation of this service. .Clarkson, Zaun, Brandes, Mako dad E~oMd "aye", motion carried. ...Vote eras then taken on motion 75.65q which is as follows: Zaun, Brandes, Malco, end and Clarkson "aye", motion carried.. The funding of proposed tennis courts at the middle school was taken under advisement. 756?61 Motion. by Zaun seconded by Brander to follow. the recommendation of the Park & Recreation Committee and approve the acquisition of approximately 18 acres of lead frosi~+tinnreg Country Club by the Murphy-Haarehan Park Reserve Board. Brander, Mako, Clarkson and Zaun "aye", end "no", motion carried. The Park 8c Recreation Committee recommendation that $320 be taken in lieu of -park latad, is the Malmapger Plat was taken under advisement. 75.662 Motion by Zaun seconded by Brander to authorize the attorney to prepare a legal notice for a hearing for the ~adrage and accessory size astendment to Ordinance ~F2. Mako, E~anond, Clarkson, Zaun and Brander "aye", motion carried. 75.~fi3 Motion by F~moad seconded by Clarkson to table the approval of s building permit Por Francis Rittenhouse until 8:30 P.M. oa the 1~th so that the building inspector can make a report to the Council regarding set backs, right of tvay for road and the number of parking spaces required. fond, Clarkson, 2aun, Brander and Mako "aye", m®tion carried. 75 ~>6~F Motion by Clarkson seconded by Zaun to follow the recondatioa of the Planning Commission and leave the fence ordinance as it is written. Clarkson, Zaun and Brander "aye", Mako and Emend "no", motion carried. A letter will be sent to Mr. Olson to request that he be present at the next naeetiag when the Council will make a decision regarding his fence. A five minute recess was declared. Mr. Emoxid showed a plea of the proposed .new fire station to be located in the Valley Park area and explained that the cost of the building, land, two fire trucks and miscellaneous equipment was estimated at X213,600. '75,665 Motion by Clarksonseeonded by Zaun to place the $215:00 bond issue on. the. ballot fc~r the November ~Fth election. 'this bond issue will include land, building, fire trucks and related equipment. Zaun, Brander, Mako, Emond and Clarkson .aye , motion carried. The cost breakdown per hoate owner for this bond issue will be presented to the Council at next week's meeting.. Gail Davis appeared before the Council and stated that the cost for proposed contour mappiizg by his company would be almost identical to the other proposal which had been received but the delivery time would be faster and the mapping used would be more recent. The estimated cost would be about $55,000. 75.b66 Nk~tion by end sece~nded by zaun to table the Gail Davis proposal until-next week when a written report will be presented. Brander, Mako, Emond, Clarkson and Zaua "aye", motion carried. ?5.67 Motion by Mako seconded by E~uond to approve ,the addendum to the secretarial position Leta contract.. Makt~, Emoxid, Clarkson, Zaua and Branded "ay~* motioa carried. 75.68 Motion by Emond seconded by Clarkson to approve the oa sale beer license for the new owner of the Ole Piper Imp, Donald W. K~etcra. E~ond, Clarkson, Zaun, Brander and Mako "aye", motion carried. 75.69 Motion by Brander seconded by Zaua to approve the utility permit far the NLiruieapolis Gas Co. for gas mains on 180th Street. Clarkson, Zaun, Brander, Mako ~2) 'CITY CF a?i~EVILLE C4UI~CIL IETIg'G ocT4SER 6, 1975 and Emend "aye", motion carried. 75.74 Motion by Standee seconded by Emend to approve the utility permit for the Minneapolis ties Co. for installing..a gas mama on portion of Maple Island Rmad. Zaun, Brandes~ Mako, Emc9nd and Clarkson."aye", motion carried.. 75.671 l+~otion by Eetd seconded by Braades to accept the petition the 3rnxth Oak Shore Drive property owners for water and sewer extensions and refer it to tlbe Water and Sewer Committee. Standee, Marko, Emend, Clarkson and Zaun TMaye", motion carried. 75.672 Motion bS' Emend seconded by Brandes to accept the claim from James Kiesner and refer it to the engineer. Mako, Egad, Clarkson, Zaun and Standee "aqe", notion carried. 75.673 Motion by Etnand seconded by Zaun to approve the list of election judges with: the exception of (~erraine Whittier. Emend, Clarkson, Zaun, Standee and Mako "aye", motion carried. 75.67+ Motion by Clarkson seconded by Emend to acknowledge receipt of the letter. from Schmitz & Johnson regarding the Lake Marion drainage and its effect on the Robert Sayers property. Clarkson, Zaun, Srandes, Mako and Emend "aye", motion carried. A copy of this letter is to be sent to the engineer. 75.675 Nation by ~®nd;seeonded by Standee t© ~spprove Change Order No. l for the yak Shores Streets is the amount of X919®.20. Zaun, Btandes, Mako, Emend and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. 75.76 Motion. by Ee~oad seconded by 7,ava to approve Change Order biQ. 1 for the Ureha,rd Qardens Addn. Street project 3.n the amount of x+369.44 Standee, Mako, Emend, Clarkson and Zaun "aye", moticm carried. 75.77 Motion by Emend seconded by Clarkson to hold check nr. 12863 rich is made out to Long Lake Construction Co. until. proper instructicu~s for payment are received from the attorney. Mako, Ea~ond, Clarkson, Zaun and Brancies "aye", motiom carried. 75678 Motion by Emend seconded by Standee to accept the bids for .the Orchard Lake trunk, water and sewer extensions project. Emend, Clarkson, Zaun, Standee and Mago "aye", motion carried. The awarding of the above named. project will be made after a nmeting with the financial .consultant. 75.679 Motion by Hmond seconded by Zaun to follow the reccm~endation of the engineer sad ask for eompetetive bide for the replacement of one block of sewer line between 249th-St. sad Upper 249th St. on Howland Avenue. Clarkson, Zaun, Standee, Make and Emond aye", motion carried. The engineer reported oa the TV repair contract to date. A meeting was set for 3s00 P.M. on the l~+th for-the assessment committee to meet. 75.6 Motion by Emcrad seconded by Zaun to accept the preliminary report for the water and sewer extensions to Ixonia Avenue acid set a hearing date for the 24th of 4ctober~at 1Or44 P.M. Zaun, Standee, Msiko, Emend at~d Clarkson "aye", motion carried. Motion by Emend seconded by Zaun to adjourn carried unanimously. Respectfully .submitted, CLERK Qa MAYOR