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. ~ w CLT~ OF LAK~TILLF CCtUNCIL MEETIATG TUESDAY, ©CTOB~ l#, 1975 The meeting was called toorder at 8:DO P.M, by Mayor Mako. Flag. pledge followed. Present: Zaua, Brandes, Mako, Esrx~nd and Clarkson. Also present: Robert Rosene, City II~giaeer and Roger xnutson and.Pat.Farrell City .Attorneys. 75.681J~? Motion by Brandes seconded by Zatan to t~ccept the minutes of the October 6, 1975 meeting as pres3ented. pia, BranRies, Mako, Esn©nd sad Clarkson "age", motion carried. Mr. Roa3ene rearamm~aded to the ...Council that the one block line> of .sewer on Howlaad Avenue be repaired under the TV repair contract as he felt that replacing thi$ line would be to® sapeasive f'let out for bide. He also rep®rted'that there: .are. three protruding taps in Park Terrace that should bet:., dug up and repaired and also some leaking services. There are other protmnxding taps.:that should be rewired in the City. Mr. Rosene recommended that a policy be set u4P in the :future that any tap should be sawed .into the line with a saddle installed to guard`'against this happening again. The homeowners in the Park Terrace area should be :a©tiPied cif what will be dune and perzsission requested to work on their property as the lines are behind the homes. 75.682 Motion by B~raacles seconded by Erooad to authorize the Public Works Department to go ahead with the reco~aeaded repairs to the services.. Brsxides, ~taka, Ems~nd, Clarkson and zaun "aye", motion carried. Mr. Farrell reported that a ecmtract for the comprehensive drainage study had been arrived at and also the contractfor the ge3neral engi~eeriag services. He reeomr~nded that. the Council purchase then 4verbg property at the neagotted pr~.ce. 75.683 Motion: by Emond seconded by Clarkson to suthori~e the.acquisitian of the Uvsrby property for the .sum of ~23,f~0. Mako, Emond, Clarksont, Zaun and Brandes "aye" motion carried. Mr. Farrell also requested that he be authorized to negotiate in the R'orthwest Bituminous claim, in the Clay'. s; .Acres dispute to bribg the matter to as end. 75.68 Lotion by Emend seconded by Zaun to authorise the: attorney to take the .necessary .steps in the Clay's Acres dispute without involving any monetary settlement.; End, Clarkson, Zaua, Bra:uies and Makca "aye", motive carried. Mr. Watsehke and Mr. Carl Dale, representing Fort~use Realty, Orchard Meadows and Robert Adelteaxsn, showed th.e area involved in the request for PAD develepmeBts and gave reasons which determined this request. They felt that this area is ire suited f®r th~.s type of developraeut rather thaw residential.. They also said. that the development would.. be slow. Mr. Farrell explained thateoncept approval is the approval of the..PUD. Mr. Emond said that there. are.~l' questions uasanswered at this tame and that the comprehensive plea should be updated first. Mr. Zaun. felt that the IIr~an .Area concept map woulder soon and :this affects the property involved and that the PUD ordinance should be studied ire`fully. Mr. Make did not feel he was readyto make a decision at this time..' 75.5 Motion by Brander seconded by Zaua to follow the reeomd:endatioa of .....the Planning Commission and deny the PTJD request of Fortune Realty, Orchard Meadows sad Robert.Adelmann. Clarkson, Zaun, Brander, Mako and Hound "aye",'motion carried. The hearing for the water and sewer extensions to the area south of 210th St. and west of Holyoke. Avenue was opened. A list.of interested persona present is attached to these mirsutes qtr. Rosene reviewed. the preliminary report for this> project and alb diseeussed various matters that had led to this hearing, Fred Fredrickson, Chairman of the Water & Sewer Committee, stated that the rsr~son f'or this hearing is due to the petitions received." He felt this hearing would show the extent..o~ the. problems i.n this area. Ie also said. that there would be ahigh cost for the .City because. of.m~ch unassessable property but it is a matter of public health problems. Janet` Meadows asked how maxxy,persons along 214th St. had asked for thee-sewer.. ~l) • ' CITY OF I~AT~EUILLE COUNCIL MEETING TuESa~, ©cTOBER 1~F, 1975 Charles zweber, Jr. asked why water and sewer are not run in the same ditch .and the engineer explained. the reason for this. Faith McCahey said that. her well was tested and the water had been condemnedlso she is definitely 3.n favor of this project. Mr. Mako said the City should have all the we11s tested in this area for water quality. Nancy Martin asked the costs for these services as she had missed the explanation of the preliminary report. Roy Kehrer requested information regarding the trunk line area. Charles Zweber, Sr. asked'~rhere would the lines be placed in the streets:„ Mr. Rosene said he would go into detail far. the proposed plat. Nancy Martin asked-about the capacity of the sewer plant. Bob Ruddle asked how mai~?acrea were involved south of 215th Street. Evan 9nderson asked why he had .not been.. notified and it was explained that his home is probably just. outside the project area. Jerry Everson: said that he is having sewer trouble and is ixi favor of this .project. Ben F~rchs asked. how the church is involved in this project. Janet Meadows asked if it is necessary to hook up if the trunk line is an the south side. of 21Qth Street. Mr. Fredrickson explained that the ordinance contained requirements as to the length of time a homeowner has to hook up to the existing lines. Don Peterson of the Water acid Sewer Commo.ttee asked how the deficits are handled. Paul Hammer asked what the mill rate. would be to pay for this and... if it would. be possible to install only water at .this time. Randal Henrikson asked if any one knows when the. 2nd-Addition of Brookside would be developed. Mr. zweber, Sr. said it would be hard to anticipate the growth. at this time. The green acres law was, explained in eormeetion with the proposed assessments i.n undeveloped land. Mr. Henriluson said that his well had checked out ok in June when he had bought his home.. Mr. Rosene explained that the water pressure on the west end of 210th Street as it goes up the hill would not be as high as in other parts of Lakeville. He also stated that the cost of a booster station would be at least X15,©(~. ax:d did not feel this is practical. Mr. zweber,_Sr. and Mr. zweber, Jr. said they would be in favor of th3.s project if their lead is only assessed for the area charge at this time. It was felt that answers should be obtained in regard to the indebtednesa question for this project. 75.68 Motion by Emond seconded ~ zaun to table the hearing for water and sewer extensions tee the area south of 214th. Street and west of Holyoke Avenue.... as presented in the engineer's report until November 1'~, 1975 at 9:~ P.M. zaun, Brandes, Make, Emond and Clarkson "aye", motion carried:.. Th.e Council would like the engineer to return with alternatives outlined.. Mr. Ackerman presented his monthly report.. He also explained the parking situation for the proposed Rittenhouse, building and that Lakeville Parking had signed an agreement for the parking for this building. 75•~"I Motion by Smond seconded by Zaun to fallow the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant Francis Rittenhouse a building permit for an extension to the present Gephart Warehouse No. 2 on the corner of Holyoke and 2138th Street. Brandes, Mako, Errand, Clarkson and Zaun "aye", motion carried. ' Mr. Davis and representatives of Mark Hurd were present for the reading of their respective pr®posals regarding the mapping of a portion of Lakeville. Mr. Farrell advised that a committee be appointed to review. this matter with both. parties and come back with a recommendation. 75.688 .Motion by Emond seconded by zaxn to tattle a decision on the mapping agreement until a committee made up of the engineer, attorney. and mayor come back with a recommendation. Mako, Emond, Clarkson, Zaun and Brander "aye", motion carried. 75.689 Motion by zaun seconded ,by ~mond tat reconsider the Larxy Cflson fence variance request. Emoxad, Clarkson, zaun, Brander and Mako "aye", rm~tion carried. ~2) ~ i CITY T,Ai~W.iTTT,7,t+'. C4tTRtCIL P'IH~.TIl?IG TUESDAY, ©CT(98FR l~, 1975 Mr. Zaun explained that this property is right across from .the school and this fence gives privacy and with so many children passing this property,. there is also a safety factor. He is now recommending that a varia~ace be granted to Mr. Olson. 75.690 Motion by Zaun seconded by Clarkson to grant Mr. Larry Olson a variance to the fence ordinance on his property located at 762+ Gerdine Path W. Clarkson, Zaun, Mako and ~uond "aye", Braacies "n©", motion carried. Mr. Makosadthat the fence ordinance should be reviewed as he felt there is something wrong when the difference between a wall and a fence contact be explained. Mr. ~atond felt all.. illegal fences should be torn down if this variance is denied. Mr. Mako said he had not received any Complaints regarding this fence. Mr. Lance Johnson appeared regarding the Dakota Heights 7th Addition plat. The proposed assessments of ~37,f in this plat were discussed and also the cost of obtaina.ngthe easett~nts necessary for the trunk line if this plat is not approved. A11 improvements wi11 have to be provided for through bonding and a developme t agreetttent. This plat will/veloped in four phases and Mr. Johtason said they would go along with sidewalk requirements. The bonding requirettient for the future development of 175th Street was discussed. A purchase agreement. with new. p~*c~perty owners in this plat will make them aware of future assessments.. Mr. Robert ldelst>n felt that this new development would create problems for the present streets. 75.691 Motion by Brander seconded by`~ond to approve the master plan far Dakota Heights 7th Addition final, plat and a de~relopment contract eub~ect to the approval of the attorney and the Council. Zaun~ Brander, Mako, ~mond and Clarkson "aye", mention carried. 75.692 Motion by Clarkson seconded by FSaond to extend this meeting to finish the agenda but not to go past-l2 atcloek. Brander, Mako, Emend, Clarkson and Zaun '?aye", motion carried. 7S•693 ' Motion bg Clarkson seconded by Brander to approve the rezoning for Dakota ~ Heights 7th Addition_as follt~ws: Parcel A-to B2--Parcel B-to R3C and Parcel .:,_~r' C. to R2. Mako, Eynond., Clarkson, Zaun and Brander "aye", motion carried. The easements for the tl^unk sewer line will be signed Wednesday. The first reading of the ordinance to increase the salaries. of the Council took place. The amendment to ordinance 42 regarding garage and accessory building aize was read .for the first time. 'The Council was advised that the auditor is increasing his rate 5% for the 1975 audit>but the breakdown would now be for the general fund instead of 559 - 75.69E Motion by Clarkson seconded by Zaun to approve the contract with Geo. M. Hansen for the 1975 audit w3,th the perimeter of the contract to be determined at a later date. E~ttond, Clarkson, Zaun, Brander and Mako "aye", motion carried. 75.695 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Zaun to award the contract for water and sewer extensions aa~d trunks to (?rchard Lake, Lakeville .Hills and daekson Heights to the low bidder, Richard Hntitson, Inc. whose bid was ~l,115,895.64 and accept the alternate on the lift station. Clarkson,. Zaun, Brander, Mako and fond "aye", motion carried. 75.686 Motion by Emond seconded by Clarkson to authorize the attorney to acquire the easements for the Orchard Lake project. Zaun, Brander, Make, F3aond a~ad Clarkson "aye", motion .carried. T5.697 Motion by Eauond seconded by Clarkson to authorize the hiring of the mechanic/driver and policeman under the Leta program. Brander, Mako, Emond, (3) C:L".TY BF t..axr~c~-rT.r.F CODNCIL MEETING ~sz~, oc~c~s~ 1~, 1975 Clarkson. and Zaun "aye", motion carried.' :75.69$ Motion by Clarkson seconded by Mako to enter. into the ambulance agreement with. an expenditure of up to X15,®40. M~,ko, Clarkson, Zatian and Brander "aye", F~aond "no", motion carried. 'T5.699 Motion by E~ond seconded ~Y Brander to approve the abatements as follows 1.Roger Mound Parcel 22389- 8 City of Lakeville Parcels 2081+-B & C. 2.Wren, Tnc. Parcel 20415 - 2081~F-D 3.Wren, Inc . Parcel 2t)~+13-A 2t?813-B 4.Bernice Cherry Parcel 20195-B2'~ 20813 5. Kenaith R. Sm3.th Parcel 21290 2t~814-A ~.;13ean IIndesser Parcel 20555 21196 7. Glen M. Brandon Parcel 2053Q 21197 20264-A k~ond,.Clarkson, Zaun, Brander and AAaka "aye", motion carried. 75.74 Motion by Hr~nd seconded by Zaun to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of October 7, 1975, regax~di.ng the Juno Trail street closing. Clarkson, Zaun, Brandcs, Mako and end "aye", motion carried. Motion by Emend sec~anded by Clarkson to adjourn carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, CI~iK r MAYOR