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Minutes for meeting of: December 7, 2005
ITEM #1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Council Chambers at 6:00 PM.
ITEM #2. Roll call.
Present were Committee Members T. Goodwin, J. Berg, H. Lovelace and alternate
R. Walia. J. Volimas arrived after the meeting began. Unable to attend were
P. Messinger, K. Miller and R. Boldus. Also present were Parks and Recreation
Director Steve Michaud, Assistant City Engineer Jay Rubash, Recording Secretary
Pat Vinje. Special guests included Dan Licht of NAC, Inc. and Alex Finnegan, a
junior at Eagan High School who attends The School of Environmental Studies at
the Minnesota Zoo.
ITEM #3. Approval of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources
Committee meeting minutes of November 16, 2005.
The minutes of the November 16, 2005 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources
Committee meeting were presented. The minutes were approved as written.
ITEM #4. Citizen Comments.
There were no citizens present at the meeting for items other than what is scheduled
on the agenda.
ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects.
Staff had no additional items to add to the report.
ITEM #6. Presentation by Students from School of Environmental
Studies (Zoo School).
Alex Finnegan, a junior from Eagan High School who attends classes at the School
of Environmental Studies located at the Minnesota Zoo, presented a project he
worked on with other students. Alex is a student of Chair Tom Goodwin. The
students chose ten projects involving ponds and lakes within the communities of
Apple Valley, Rosemount, Eagan and Lakeville. The project Alex?s team worked on
was titled Orchard Lake Ecological Profile. Alex narrated a Powerpoint presentation
displaying graphs and photos regarding the health of Orchard Lake. The information
was very informative and well presented. The committee thanked Alex for sharing
the information with them.
ITEM #7. Continue Parks, Trails and Open Space System Plan Review.
Dan Licht of NAC, Inc. was present to provide an update of the Parks, Trails and
Open Space System Plan review. Review of the plan is nearing completion. The
committee is encouraged to review the chapters provided and forward comments to
staff. The Plan will be forwarded to a City Council work session in January. Staff is
preparing a Powerpoint presentation outlining the Plan, which will be shared with the
committee. Public meetings will be conducted in January and February. Information
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to be added to the Plan includes a master plan guide for park signs. Presently,
signs are categorized as Class I, II, III, regulatory and interpretive. A question was
asked concerning a natural resources section in the plan. Dan Licht emphasized to
the committee that natural resource issues will not be part of this Plan but will be
addressed in the City?s Comprehensive Plan which will be updated in 2008.
Member Berg stated he would like to discuss shelter options at East Park. Member
Goodwin added if a homestead barn were to become available, it would be a nice
amenity. He also went on to suggest restoring the prairie in certain areas throughout
Lakeville, especially along greenways.
ITEM #8. Park Dedication Fee Review.
Annually, the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee reviews park
dedication fees. Staff has gathered information to compare and evaluate proposed
fees for 2006. Information provided by the Dakota County Assessors Office
indicates there is a 10% increase in residential valuations, 10.2% increase in
commercial and 7.6% increase in industrial valuations. Committee members Berg
and Goodwin expressed concern regarding the park dedication fees for commercial
and industrial parcels falling behind that of other cities. Staff explained the benefit
businesses receive from park dedication fees, use of community parks for company
picnics, City leagues, commuter trails, community quality of life which attracts other
businesses and a quality work force. Committee members discussed proposed fee
increases and recommended a 9% increase to the 2005 land value base for single-
family and multi-family residences, a 15% increase to the 2005 land value base for
commercial parcels and a 12% increase for industrial parcels. This results in
proposed fees as follows: Single-family - $3,995; Multi-family - $3,490;
Commercial - $6,831; Industrial - $3,942.
05.53 Motion by Berg and seconded by Walia
to recommend City Council consider
establishing a 2006 base land value for single-family residential property of $99,877
per acre and a base land value of $139,613 for multi-family property for the purpose
of establishing a per dwelling unit park dedication fee of $3,995 per dwelling unit for
single-family residential property and $3,490 per dwelling unit for multi-family
residential property. This is based on an increase of 9% for the base land value
divided by the average units per acre in property designation. Also recommend
consideration of a 15% increase to park dedication fees for commercial plats and a
12% increase to park dedication fees for industrial plats resulting in $6,831 per acre
for commercial and $3,942 per acre for industrial.
Ayes ? 5 Nays ? 0
Motion passed.
ITEM #9. Emerald Professional Center preliminary plat
Tramm Builders and Realtors is proposing development of two one-story town office
buildings with six units at the intersection of Kenyon and 185 Street, the entrance to
Prairie Lake development. The site consists of 3.18 acres in size. There are no
park facility needs. An existing trail has been constructed along the north side of
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185 Street. A 5-foot sidewalk will be required on the east side of Kenyon Avenue
along the site frontage. Assistant City Engineer Jay Rubash presented the specifics
of the plat. A large portion of the site is in the wetland. The tree preservation plan
includes saving 65 of 120 trees (54%). Chair Goodwin expressed concerns
regarding the storm water basin. The proposed depth of 2.7 feet is less than the
standard 4 foot depth. Assistant City Engineer Jay Rubash explained the volume of
the basin divided by the average surface area meets standards but would require
more frequent cleaning. The association will need to maintain the storm water basin.
The storm water basin is located in a public utility easement which allows the City
access in the event it is necessary for the purpose of cleaning the basin. Park
dedication requirements include a cash contribution which is due with the approval of
the final plat in the amount of $18,889 ($5,940 x 3.18 acres). In addition, the
developer will be required to construct concrete sidewalks adjacent the property.
05.52Motion by Berg and seconded by Walia
to recommend City Council consider
approval of Emerald Professional Center preliminary plat including a cash
contribution of $18,889 (3.18 acres x $5,940/acre) to satisfy the park dedication
requirement in addition to construction of concrete sidewalks. In addition, the
developer is required to follow the natural resources requirement detailed in the
Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation, grading,
drainage and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota County
Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable.
Ayes ? 4 Nays ? 1
Motion passed.
Member Volimas voted against the plat for the following reasons: concerns
regarding the depth of the stormwater basin, the possibility of the townoffice
association not maintaining the pond to an acceptable standard and the City having
to complete maintenance at taxpayer expense.
ITEM #10. Schedule of 2006 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources
Committee meetings.
The committee was provided with the 2006 meeting schedule.
ITEM #11. Officers for 2006.
Due to the absence of two members, the committee agreed to table the election of
officers until the next meeting.
ITEM #12. Unfinished business.
Vice-Chair Berg requested to review attendance records from 2004 and 2005. He
stressed the importance of committee members to be in attendance at meetings.
Staff will provide attendance records to all committee members.
ITEM #13. New business.
There was no new business to report at this time.
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ITEM #14. Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee will be
held on Wednesday, January 4, 2006 at 6:00 PM at City Hall.
ITEM #15. Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia J. Vinje, Recording Secretary
Tom Goodwin, Chairperson