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Minutes for meeting of: February 1, 2006
ITEM #1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 6:00 PM.
ITEM #2. Roll call.
Present were Committee Members K. Miller, R. Walia, T. Goodwin, H. Lovelace,
P. Messinger and J. Berg. Unable to attend was J. Volimas. Also present were
Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud, Environmental Resources
Coordinator Mac Cafferty, Assistant City Engineer Jay Rubash and Recording
Secretary Pat Vinje.
ITEM #3. Approval of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources
Committee meeting minutes of January 4, 2006.
The minutes of the January 4, 2006 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources
Committee meeting were presented. The minutes were approved as written.
ITEM #4. Citizen Comments.
There were no citizens present at the meeting for items other than what is scheduled
on the agenda.
ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects.
Ice rink facilities are in poor shape. Park maintenance staff are monitoring the
temperatures to determine if it is beneficial to build ice on the rinks again.
Park dedication fees were approved by City Council at their January 3, 2006
ITEM#6. Fieldstone Creek preliminary plat.
D R Horton has submitted a preliminary plat consisting of approximately 104 acres
located west of Pilot Knob, south of Dodd Boulevard and north of 170 Street. The
development is proposed to have 148 single family residences. There is no
neighborhood park within the existing neighborhoods. A recent neighborhood
meeting had many residents inquiring about a park. A park will be developed with
this plat which would serve both existing and future development in the area. D R
Horton proposes to dedicate 10.6 acres of park land of which 9.81 acres is usable.
The developer will be required to grade and seed the park to accommodate the
proposed concept plan. In addition, installation of sidewalks on one side of all
residential streets is required. Sidewalks are required on both sides of Dodd Lane
from Dodd Lane from Dodd Boulevard to Fieldcrest Avenue and on Fieldcrest
Avenue from Fairgreen Avenue to Pilot Knob Road. The developer must also
construct a sidewalk on the west side of Fairgreen Avenue to match the existing
sidewalk from Dodd Boulevard to Fallgreen Avenue. Also required is construction of
an 8-foot trail along the south side of Dodd Boulevard adjacent the plat. The
developer will be required to complete all the grading of the trail as part of the plat
grading, and split the cost of base materials and bituminous 5/8 ? 3/8 with the
developer responsible for 5/8 the cost of trail materials. Committee member
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Goodwin inquired about a section on the plat map. Staff indicated this is a
waterway/proposed greenway which will have a trail adjacent it. Goodwin then
suggested planting of prairie grasses along this waterway/greenway. Lovelace
indicated the area was previously known as a 7-mile prairie.
06.02 Motion by Goodwin and seconded by Messinger
to recommend City Council
consider approval of Fieldstone Creek preliminary plat including land dedication of
10.6 acres to satisfy the park dedication requirement. The developer will be required
to grade and seed the park to accommodate the concept plan. The developer will
also be required to construct an 8-foot trail along the south side of Dodd Boulevard
adjacent the plat using the 5/8 ? 3/8 trail cost formula in addition to all sidewalks
described in the Planning and Engineering memo dated January 27, 2006.
In addition, the developer is required to follow the natural resources requirement
detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation,
grading, drainage and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota
County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable.
The committee further recommends that the waterway/greenway (Outlot B) be
designated as prairie.
Ayes ? 6 Nays ? 0
Motion passed.
ITEM #7. Quail Ridge Second Addition preliminary plat.
D R Horton has submitted a preliminary plat of approximately 38 acres located west
of Ipava Avenue, south of 178 Street and north of 185 Street. The plat will consist
of 60 single family homes. There are no park requirements due to the nearby
location of Eastview Elementary and Dakota Heights Park. A park dedication
requirement consisting of cash in the amount of $239,700 ($3,995 x 60 lots) is due
with the final plat. The developer will be required to construct sidewalks on one side
of all local streets. The developer will also be required, as in the first addition, to
complete all the grading associated with the 8-foot trails along the west side of Ipava
Avenue to the south border of the plat. This trail will connect with the proposed trail
located to the north adjacent to the first addition previously recommended by the
committee. The tree preservation plan includes saving 37% of the trees has
changed from the original plan submittal. Previously, the developer was required to
replace 90 trees but that number has been changed to 54. The trees which will be
removed along the fence line are not high quality and the City will not require the
developer to replace these.
06.03 Motion by Messinger and seconded by Walia
to recommend City Council consider
approval of Quail Ridge Second Addition preliminary plat including a cash
contribution of $239,700 ($3,995 x 60 lots) based on current park dedication fees to
satisfy the park dedication requirement. The developer will be required to construct
sidewalks on one side of all local streets. The developer will also be required to
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complete grading associated with the 8-foot trails along the west side of Ipava
Avenue to the south border of the plat.
In addition, the developer is required to follow the natural resources requirement
detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation,
grading, drainage and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota
County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable.
Ayes ? 6 Nays ? 0
Motion passed.
ITEM #8. Unfinished business.
There was no unfinished business at this time.
ITEM #9. New business.
Mac Cafferty and staff have received a grant for the amount of $14,270 from the
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to assist with restoring the shoreline at
Casperson Park.
A listing of CIP projects was provided to the committee. Further discussion
regarding the 2006 projects will take place at a future meeting as an agenda item.
The Lake Marion Association has been very supportive of a feasibility study to
complete the Lake Marion loop trail proposal. Staff has met with WSB Engineering
firm and has requested a feasibility report proposal and cost estimate.
The Dakota Heights water tower is located on four or five acres. Much of this land is
open grass fields and residents have requested this area be developed into a park
for years. The updated park system plan has identified this area as a potential park.
The area in question is not presently served by a neighborhood park. The proposed
park would create a park service area that presently does not exist. City Council has
authorized staff to develop concept plans of the area with and without connecting
roads through the property. The committee will review these plans in the near
future. Staff will also work with the area neighbors concerning the park and roads
and report back to City Council.
Staff met with Three Rivers Park District concerning joint use of Murphy Hanrehan
Park. Staff has requested and the park district is reviewing development of regional
facilities presently existing in the park but not accessible to Lakeville residents.
These facilities may include ski trails, hiking trails, snowmobile trails, mountain bike
trails, equestrian trails, parking lot, fishing pier and lake management practices.
Goodwin mentioned in the past the committee joined together to clean up parts of
the City for Clean Up Day. He recommended taking on a park this year as a project
for this annual event. Also, if there are any interested members, the Ironman Bike
Ride can be rode together.
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ITEM #10. Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee is
scheduled for February 15, 2006 at 6:00 PM at City Hall.
ITEM #11. Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 7:09 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia J. Vinje, Recording Secretary
Kevin Miller, Chairperson