JUNE 16, 1975
The meeting was called to order. by Mayor Mako at 8:00 P.M. Flag pledge
followed. Present; Zaun, Brandes, Mako, Emond and Clarkson. Also present;
Roger Knutson, City Attorney .and Robert Frigaard, City Engineer.
75.x#06 Motion by Emond seconded by Brander to accept the minutes of the June 9, 1975
meeting. as presented. Zaun, Brander, Mako, Emond and Clarkson "aye", motion
75.07 Motion by Brander seconded by Zaun to pay the claims against.: the City. Brander,
Mako, Emond, Clarkson and Zaun "aye", motion carried.
75.~t38 Motion by Zaun seconded by Brander to pay the claims against the Liquor Store.
Ntako, Emond, Clarkson, Zaun and Brander "aye", motion carried.
Mr. Knutson reported that Mr. Farrell had contacted the County Attorney but
there was nothing to advise at this time ;regarding the transit tax.
Larry Hazel of the Water and Sewer Committee reported on Items 1, 2 and 3
of the Water and Sewer mirnztes of May 13.
The Water and Sewer Committee recommends`that Ordinance #~F2, particularly
Section x+.32, and amended by Ordinance #68, be given full compliance, This.
requires 3 acres where S/W are not available.
The Water and Sewer Committee recommends that new plats .not be discouraged
where water and sewer are available and that the City does not finance water
and sewer in new plats except if, when and only,it is in the best interest of
the City. Mr. Knutson will prepare a resolution to-cover this recommendation.
The Water and Sewer Committee recommends that the water rates remain the same
.for all areas of the City.
75.x+09 Motion by Emond seconded by Zaun to authorize the payment to Burnsville of the
difference in the rate which will be charged in Crystal Lake be paid from the Utility/
Emond, Clarkson, Zaun, Brander and Mako "aye", motion carried. Fund.
Mr. John Enggren presented a site plan .for the proposed new grocery store which
will be built in Phase I of the Lakeville Center Development. He explained
the plan and the parking stating that there will be a slight shortage in the
number of parking spaces. Mr. Joel Haglund explained that a variance would
have to be granted to cover the parking.
75.x+10 Motion by Mako seconded by Zaun to follow the recommendation of the Planning
Commission and approve the Enggren site plan as presented. Clarkson, Zaun,
Brander, Mako and Emond "aye", motion earr~ d,
The hearing for the closing of a portion. of 201st Street was opened at 9:25 P.M.
John Gralow asked if this is a public access and was told that this is not an
official access but it had been used for an access for a long time. He then asked
why there is a request to close this street.
Mrs. Genevieve Ringeisen stated that the vacation of the road had been requested
due to the heavy traffic and damages done to fence and yard by access users.
John Wren showed where the City now has a new boat launch and said that he feels
this road closing request is reasonable.
Wa11y Potter stated that he felt that a good parking facility is a requirement
for a ramp and that he thought the gravel pit would be the best. public access.
George Warweg stated that he had sold lots on the strengthof this access which
is shown on the plat.
Mr. Emond said that if the street were blocked, this would accomplish the same
thing as a vacation of the road. He felt the snowmobilers should have some place
to enter the lake area.
? ~ ~ •
JtnvE l6, 1975
Dave Ringeisen said there would be the same problems with the snowmobilers as
with the fishermen.
Mr. Brander felt that the snowmobilerr could use the lagoon.
Richard Wensmann said that he had bought his lot on the premise that this street
is a public.access.
Mrs. Ringesen asked if it is legal to ..close the road with a barricade.
Mr. Brander said tht he would. hesitate to vacate the street until it is seen
that the new access will work out.
Mr. Mako feels that. some rtudy should be done before this road is vacated.
Mr. Emond felt that the road should not be vacated at this time and that Mr.
Robinette should be advised to place "No Parking"rigns on both sides of the
road and barricade the street.
75.11 .Motion by Emond seconded by Clarkson to deter the request for the vacation of
a portion of 201st Street from Italy Avernze to the lake. Zaun, Brander,
Mako, Emond and Clarkson "aye", motion carried.
75.12 Motion by Clarkson to instruct the Public Works Director to install "No
Parking".signs the entire length of 201st Street on-both sides, install a
barrier, l0' from the curve of Italy Avenue and to install posts down the middle
of the barricaded portion of 201st Street down to the lake. This motion died
for the lack of a second.
Mr. Mako will meet with Mr. Robinette to resolve the matter of posting this
Mr. Ed Sauser asked the Council if at~y decision had been reached regarding
his property and was advised that if he does not wish to sell at the price
offered, the City will go to condemnation.
75.x+13 .Motion by Emond seconded tyy Clarkson to approve the set up license for
John.'s Tavern. Brander, Mako, Emond, Clarkson and Zaun "aye", motion carried.
75.~+1~+ Motion by Emond seconded by Brander to approve the Orchard Lake Tavern set up
license. Mako, Emond, Clarkson, Zaun and Brander "aye", motion carried.
75.15 Motion by Emond seconded by Zaun to approve the set up license for the Seagirt
Inn with the stipulation that .the owners will write a letter to the City Council
by the twenty* first of July stating what steps they will take to improve the.
paxking situation at this tavern. IInond, Clarkson, Zaun, Brander and Mako
"aye:', motion carried.
75.x+16 Motion by Emond seconded by Brander to enter into an agreement with the
Hospitality Enterprises for the concession at Antlers Park. C]a.rkson, Zaun,
Brander, Mako and Emond "aye", motion carried.
75.x+17 Motion by Brander seconded by Zaun to increase the theft insurance at the
Liquor Store to X610,000. Zaun, Brander, Mako, Emond and Clarkson "aye",
motion carried.
75.x+18 .Motion by Brander seconded by Zaun to set a public hearing for the installation
of storm sewers. in Jackson Heights lrt and-2nd Additions and Lakeville Hills
for the 21st of July at-8:00 P.M. Brander, Mako, E~rtond, Clarkson and Zaun "aye",
motion carried.
75.x+19 Motion by Elnond seconded by Zaun to transfer the Oscar Ramberg gravel permit
to Midwest Asphalt Corp. Mako, Emond, Clarkson, faun and Brander "aye",
motion carried.
Dick Hollenbeek of Four Star Corp. appeared to request a variance to stub the
utility lines to the first manhole on the proposed street an his addition so that
he can build two new homes. Mr. Frigaard said that this would be alright.
JUNE 16, 1975
Mr. Hollenbeck said that he would not be able to develop his. plat at this
time as gas is not available and that he will need a letter from the City if
.Chia variance is .granted.
75.x+20 Motion. by Mako seconded by Zaun to table the variance request of Four Star
Corp. until the 23rd of June .when an amendment to the development contract
will be presented by the attorney. Emond, Clarkson, Zaun, Brander and Mako
"aye", motion carried.
75.x+21 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Emond to remove the water surcharge on the
Valley Park utility bills immediately. Clarkson, Zaun, Brander, Mako and
Emond "aye", motion carried,
75•x+22 .Motion by Emend. seconded by Clarkson to acknowledge receipt of the. petition
from homeowners on Juno Trail for the vacation of s portion of Juno Trail from
202nd St. to the rearing pond. Zaun, Brander, Mako, Emond and Clarkson "aye",
motion carried.
Posting of the road and better law enforcement were some suggestions for
improving the situation on this road. .Also parking on one side was'sug$ested.
Nancy Jensen said that there is a health problem Since there are no sanitary
facilities provided for people who fish in this area.
Mr. Kroon and Mr. & Mrs. Geier stated other objections to havir~ this road
left open.
75•+23 Motion by Emond seconded by Zaun to set a public hearing for the vacation of
a portion of Juno Trail for the 22nd of July at $:00 P.M. Brander, Mako, Emond,
Clarkson. and Zaun aye", motion carried.
75•~+2~+ Motion by Zaun s~eeonded by Mako to instruct the Planning Commission to place
.the Juno Trai1'vacation request on their July 10th agenda so that they;:°can
make a recommendation to the Council. Mako, Emond, Clarkson, Zaun and Brander
"aye", motion carried.
75•+25 Motion by Mako seconded by Clarkson to instruct the Chief. of Police that he is to
take.whatever action is necessary as of June 21st to enforce all ordinance
violations which include. parking, trespassing,Xetc. on Juno Trail and 202nd
Street.. Emond, Clarkson, Zaun, Brander and Mako "aye", motion carried.
75:26 Motion. by Emond seconded by Mako to approve the full time status of .Amelia
Sauser to clarify her employee benfits. .Clarkson, Zaun, Brander, Mako and
Emond "aye", motion .carried.
75•+27 Motion by Zaun seconded by Emond to pay up to and including ~1~+50 to Mr. Fehler
for a water main .easement. Zaun, Brander, Mako, Emond and Clarkson "aye.",
motion carried.
75.x+28 Motion by Emond seconded by Zaun to acknowledge receipt of the letter from
J. A. Williamson regarding the level of Lake Marion. Brander, ~ako, Eo~nd,-"
Clarkson and Zaun '"aye", motion carried.
Motion by Mako seconded by Zaun to adjourn carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,