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• CITY OF LAKE'VILLE COUNCIL MEETING MAY 5~ 1975; The Council meeting was called to order by Magor Mako at $:00 F.M.. Flag pledge followed. Present;.. Zaun, Brander, Mako, Emond and Clarkson. :Also. present; Robert Frigaard, City Engineer, Roger Knutson and Pat 'Farrell, City Attorneys and Richard. Hogan, City Administrator..... 75.290 Motion by Brander seconded bg Emend to acQept the minutes of the April 21, 1975 meeting as presented. Zaun, Brander, Make, Emond and Clarkson "aye.", motion carried., 75.29.1 Motion bg Emond seconded bg Zaun to paq the claims against the City list attached. Brander, Mako, Emend, Clarkson: and Zaun "aye", motion carried.. ....The Park & Recreation minutes for April. 23,`1975 were. presented. The recommended'eharges fps Antlers Park were discussed. It was felt that the pavilion would be overcrowded iari inclement .weather.' 75.292 Motion bg Mako seconded by Zaun to adopt Mr. Michaud's recommendation for Antler's Park with beaehhours as approved by the Park Director and eliminating thefee schedule for rental of picnic grounds and .pavilion. The parking. fee will be changed to ,2.00 for non-residents, $.50 City of Lakeville resident` seasonal pass .and X10.00 non-resident. season parking pees. 75.293 Motion by Clarkson to amend the above motion to eliminate the non-resident seasonal parking fee and tc~ limit the number of people who originate from outside the City of Lakeville to a maximum of 300 in parties and to eliminate the park administrator. Motion seconded by Emond. Emond and Clarkson "age", Mako, Zaun and Brander "nag•", motion failed.` Mrs. Genevieve Ringeisen said .she would like to see 'an administrator at this- park as this eliaainates many problems. Rolf call was then taken on motion 75.292 which is as follows: Clarkson, Zaun, Brander and Mako "age", Emend opposed, mcation carried. 75.29+ Motion by Mako seconded by Brander to authorize Mr. Michaud to send his Lake Marion report to the Department of Natural Resources to include alternate possibilities for skiing in and. around the beach areas and alternate boat ..launching on either north or south end of beach with the..pattern on the north. portion of Lake Marion eliminated... Clarkson, Zaun, Brande$, Mako and Emend page", motion carried. ...75.295. Nation by Emend seconded by Zaun to support the cooperative effort of the snowmobile groups to .obtain state f'ands. Zsun, Brander, Mako, Emond and Clarkson.".aye", motion carried. The Planning Commission minutes for April 2,.1975 ~rere presented. 75.296 Motion bg Emond seconded by Brander to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and grant "The Bridget' a conditional use permit for the period of one year tc operate a recreation center at the corner of .Hwy 50 and 175th St. Brander, Mako, Eatond~ Clarkson. and Zaun "aye", motion carried. Mr. Farrell commented that Nis. Grohoski's bonding `firm was in a state of ..dissolution and. that he would not like to see the present contract amended. He also asked that the matter of sidewalks in Lakeridge be tabled. 75.297 Motion by Clarkson serondsd by Zaun that. the Council not follow the Planning Corrsuission recommendation and continue to operate as per Mr. Grohoski's signed .agreement. Emend, Clarkson, Zaun and Brander 'rays" Mako opposed, motion carried.. 75.2g$ Motion by Emondseeonded by Zaun tea approve a'building permit for Et3gineered Specialties subject to the plan showing sufficient +~ff street parking and subject to the building inspector's approval. Emond, Clarkson, Zaun,'Brandes and Nsako "age", motion carried. ?5.299 .Motion by Clarkson seconded by Zaun to fallow the Planning Commission recommendation and grant Nis. Dexins Hendrickson of Honegwell Country Club, a wing permit to .move a double garage. onto Minnreg grounds for use of the employees. Clarkson, Zaun,.Brander,..NTako and Emond "age", motion carried, ~1) - i - CITY OF L~EV'ILLE COUNCIL M~E.CING 5 1975 75.300 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Brander to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and grantthe Sportsman Club a building permit subject to the. parking requirements of the City Ordinance and subject to the building inspector's approval. Zaun, Brander, Mako, E~ond and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. Mr. Laddusaw presented his preliminary Dakota Heights 7th .Addition plat for approval. He said he would go along without the rezoning. of Outlot A at the present time. It was suggested that a committee be appointed to meet regarding the questions raised concerning this plat and the rezoning of the same. The eommittee will consist of the .Adm:i.nistrator, Attorney, Planner, Developer and as marry of the Council as can attend. 75.301 Motion by Mako seconded by Zaun to table Dakota Heights 7th Addition preliminary plat approval until the 2nd meeting in June when a recommendation will be presented. Braxtdes, Mako, Emond, Clarkson and Zaun "aye", motion carried. 75.302 Motion by Mako seconded by Zaun to approve for a public hearing before the Planning. Commission the PUD amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. Mako, Emond, Clarkson, Zaun and Brander "aye", motion carried. Mr. Farrell advised the Council that it could suspend the reading of this ox~.i.nance by passing a motion the week before the reading and advertise that the article is available at the.City Hall for reading. 75.303. Motion by Mako seconded by Zaun to instruct the Sewer and Water Committee to come back to the Council with a recommendation regarding item 322 which recommends that the developer be financially responsible and make all .required public improvements. .This recommendation will be presented to the Council the first meeting in June. nmond, Clarkson, Zaun, Brander and Mako "aye", motion carried. The minutes of the Special Planning Commission meeting of May 5 were presented. 75.30 Motion by fond seconded by Brander to follow the Planning Commission reeom~mendation and grant a conditional use permit to the City of Lakeville to cons~truet a booster station in R-3C zoning in certain number of .feet in the N~ of the SW~; of Sec. T114, R20W. Clarkson, Zaun, Brander, Mako,and Earond "ale",emotion carried. ..The conditional use permit requested by Jens Casperson to operate picnic grounds, boat. rentals, boat launching and for sign permits was discussed. '75.305 Motion by Mako seconded by Zaun to authorize Mr. Farrell to draw up the necessary document including all the conditions stated on the attached copy of the minutes of the Planning Commission and have this document sent to the Council before the next meeting. Zaun, Brander, Mako, Emond and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. No more information was available on the fishing bridge at this time. Mr. Frigaard reported that the nob on 210th Street could be cut to a 3~ to ~F ft grade and that 200 tons of .gravel would be needed. Mr. Robinette reported that the gravel and rental of equipment would be about. $7500 which. does not include the use of city equipment and personnel. Slope easements would also be needed. 75.306 Motion by E~aaond seconded by Mako to instruct the attorney, engineer, public works director and City administrator to draft a proposal for submission to the Dakota Board regarding the condition on 210th Street and the entrance to County Road 70 and table the placing of this matter on the County Board agenda until next week. Brander, Mako, kind, Clarkson and Zaun "aye", motion carried. Mr. Mako advised that he~:had met with a group of residents of Clay's Acres and the County Engineer and the concern of the group was to have the speed limit lowered to ~0 miles per hour. It was felt that they should appear before the County. Board to request that the speed limit be lowered to ~+0 miles per hour for the following reasons: 1) no shoulders on road, 2) no other way to sehool;,& torrm, 3)mail boxes are too close to road, ~F) poor visibility because of hump in road. ixi front of Norgaards and Heims anti 5) the number of entrances onto the road 3.u such a short distance, 75.307 Motion by Zaun seconded by Emend to authorize the mayor and chief of police to appear before the County Board with a proposal tt> lower the speed limit on 210th Street to ~0 miles per hour Yor the reasons as outlinaabove. Mako, IInond, Clarkson, Zaun and Brander "aye", motion carried. ~2) . . CITY CF LAKFVII' T•F COIINCIL MEETING . 1975 Mr. Farrell reported on the drainage..ditch ir3 Valley Park between Flagstaff and Dodd.. He said that thin is a;d.jaeent tca a sanitary sewer and suggested that a 60' easement be acquired to obtain legal title tc the land. 75.308 Motion by Brander seconded by Zaun to adopt the resolutidn to acquire this easement for the Valley Park Drainage Ditch ae prepared by the attorneq. Emond, Clarkrtm, Zaun, Brandesand ~iko "aye", motion carried. Mr. Hogan was instructed to come back-with a reecssmendaticra on which fugd would be used to pay for the drainage easement. 75.349 Motioa by Emond seconded ~ Zaun to authorize the following payments fora. easements on the P2~.ase III, Lake: Marion pro3ecta Jae Stevens ~569.0~+ Edwin. S9ianson 254.40 John Feist 33.56 D~ni.el McCarthy 168.40 -Earl Larson -345.40 .Tom Faeber ~~4.67 Clarkson, Zaun, Brander, Mako and Emend "fie", motion carried. 75.310 Motion bq Emend seconded by Brander to authorize the follwing pay~ntss' Lawrence Keller $~F~O$8.40 Highview Avenue Pre~ject Lawrence Keller 8350.00 Valley Park West pro,~ect Rieharr Semen 3/4th mf ~i~'~Q award and #344 appraisel fee. Zaun, Brander, Makc>, Emcmtd and.Clarkson "aye", motion carried:. 75.311 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Emend to continue t~.i.s~ meeting until all ~.riness on agenda`is coz~dueted. Breeder, Mako, Emond, Clarkson and Zaun "age", motion carried. Mr. Farrell reported that Joel .Frank has filed, an appeal on a portion of his sssessment which he feels.. is unfair. He said that. the City had charged him for 33 feet which extends to the middle of 210th Street and for 17 fm®t set-back. for which the resident on-the. other. side of Jacquard had not been charged. Mr. Frank would like. the City to :abate the assessment on this 50 feet. 75.312 Motior9. by Emend seconded by Zaun to follow the reeomneex~dation of the atte>rrsey .and. abate 50 feet of Jcae1 Frank's Jacquard .A.~enue newer and water assessment. 1+9ako, Em©nd, Clarkson, Gaon and Brander payee', motion carr3.ed. 75.313 Motion by Em:Ond seconded by Clarkson to write off the NSF checks ar presented on the attached lat. Emond, Clarkson, 7,aua, Brandea and Mako "aye", motion carried. 75.31 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Emend to authorize the payment of $24 per diem to the fire chief, Joe Marek, and'Barry Gbristiansen to attend the Minnesota State .Fire School. Clarkson, Zinn, Brandes,,Mako acid Emond "aye", mot3can carried. Mr. Hogan.. reported that the pagers for the fire department could still be purchased at the old cost and. that thin money is in the budget. 75.315 Motion by Mako seconded by Emoxtd to authorize the expenditure for fire department pagers as recommended by the admixiistrator. Zaun, Brander, Mako E~ztid and Clarkson "aye", motion carried, A meeting or{ possible joint agrre~n.t to run the ambulance service was discnsaed. Mr. Clarkson will attend.... 75.316 Motion by Er~ond seconded ~ Zaun to ae}mowledge the recognition of the following persons:. Burglary alarm response-Officers. Clint Andersen, Lloyd Larson & Richard:Schwartt ~ H appreciation-Steve Michaud Bike safety program-Dispatcher Scott Johnson Test-Water Supply System Operator-Robert E. Christiansen Burglary-Police Brander, Mako, Emond, Clarkson and zaun "acre", mot~:vn carried. 75.317 Motion by Emond seconded by Zaun to acknowledge receipt of claim against the City by Gergman,.Knutson,.Street and Ulmen, Attorneys. at Law, for claimant Thomas. Whitmore. Ma'ko, Emend, Clarkson, Zaun and Braruies "aye", motion carried. (3) r CITY OF 1•AKE'~~IT~ CCUlQCIL NAG 5: 1975 Mr. Hogan reported that. the City's general revextue share for the fiscal year beginn3.x~g July 1, 1975 would be ~F8,~+88 and some recommendations should be .made on how to spend this money as a report moult be made for. the paper acid-the federal $overrunent. 75.318 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Zaun to grant "The Chessman" an on sale beer license for the remainder of 1975. ~lnond, Clarkson, Zaun, Brander and Mako "aye", motion carried. 75.319 Motion by ~nond seconded ~ Clarkson to pay the current. dues of $377• the .Dakota County League of Nbunicipalities. Clarkson, Zaun, Brander, Mako and P~aond "aye", motion carried. The use of the tennis courts in Va11ey Park was discussed and that these courts are in need of repair. Tt is felt that the .contractor should provide the City With. an aelrnOwledgermant of his obligation to finish this fob when he is able tmobtainthe proper matF:rial. `.Motion by Zaun seconded by .Clarkson to adjourn carried unanimously. Respeetftxlly submitted,. r G `V" `