HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-07-75 CITY OF LAl1~'FVII.S,E C(~11TCIL MI~TINQ APRIL-7, 1975 The City of La&eville Colancil steetiag was called to order- at ~:44 0' clack P.M, by Mayor Mako. Flag pledge Followed. Present; Zaum,;Brandes, Mako, Egad and Clarkson. Also present; Richerd Hogan, City Administrator, Robert Frigaard, City ~giraeer and Roger:. Knutson and. Pat Farrell, City.Attoraeys. ?5.225 Motion` by Brumes seconded ~ Zahn to accept the minutes of the March 17, Council ~aeetir~g as presented. Zaun, Hren~des, Mako, Fond and. Clarkson "ayes, me?tion cai^ried. 75.226. ration by Brander seconded. by Zaun tc? approve pegment of the claims. against .the city nth th® Tom Dania property cheek held until reeoma~ended far payment by the attorney. Check number 11836 is also approved for payment.- Arat~es, Makkc~r„ end, Clarkson: and Zeun "ayes, motion carried. Mr. Join Bat~agartaer was sworn in as a giber of the Fle~n3xzg Commissisn and Mr. Donald Peterson was swox~a in as amember of the Water and-3ewer Committee. The Water &-Sewer Committee'minutes'for March 11 axui march 25 were presented. 'The Ce~i.ttee approval of .Dakota Heights 7th Addition preliminary. plat was discussed. Mr. Al Fatenaude asked .what the width of the street would be and was advised that,. 1/2 of 'the right of way dedication would be 5a'.- 75.227. Motion by Clarkson seconded ~ Zahn tc~ follar+r the recaram<endation aF the dater & Sewer Committee and authorize the paymem~t of installation of the sewer stub to house, at 7269 167th St. by the City.. IKako, Emond, ClarksEm, Zaun and Brander "aye", motion carried. 75.228 .Motion by E~uond BeCOruied by Zaun .nstruet the attorney encl. ; engineeP to prepare the. necessary papers to allow the f®llowing`lots to be hooked up to the water and sewer being installed by Bux~rtsville;.Lots 7, 8, 9, 1® 11 amtd 12, Block 3, Oaf Shore 2nd Addition. Emmnd, Claryson, Zaun, Brander and Matra "aye", motion carried. The Fork & Recreation minutes for March 1.2 and MarQh 26 xere presented. Dakota Heights 7th.Additimn preliminary plat approval .and park dedication were. discussed.... 75.229 Motu by wand seconded by Brander to approve the rea Lion of the Fork,. and. Recreation Committee f®r .the c~peraticu of a Women's Softball Leagw.~e, copy attached. 75.230 Motion ~ Zaun seconded. by F,mond to amend the abovve mot and follow the admini:+trator's rec tion_;t~ cover the accounting ,for the. receipts end expenditures. Clarkson, Zaun, Brander, Mako oral Emond "aye",..motion carried.: Roll calf was then taken on motion 75.229 which is as follows: Zatan, Brander, Mako, end and Clarkson "aye",..motion. ~rried. 75.231 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Brander to follow the rec Bari of the Fork and Recreation Coffiittee`aad authorize the Park Director's a fund of $5E~44, copy attached. Zaun, Brander, Ma4ko, Find and Clarkson "81ye" m©ta.on carried..... The attorney will report back on the Valley Park p+~ols on the 'l~#th of April. An. amendment to ordinance No. ~2, which is the Zoxiing ©rdis:ax:.ce, was read for the first time. The amendment to ordinance No. 7d which deletes See, 1, 'the ptamping fee paxa. was read for the second time. The.Water and Sewer Committee was not 3si agreement about deleting Sec.. l as they felt that it is necessary to luaow where there are pd~in8 problems.. It was Felt. that the pumper could be required to turn in a regularreport.. of the-systems that are pumped. ~l} CZTY OF LAKE:VIS.ZyE CE)UNCZL MEEI'"1l+TG M APRZL 7. 1975 75.232 P~iotion by Clarkson seconded by ~Cind to adopt the nt 1-,o Ordinance PTO. 7D, which provides fare the. elamu~.tisn~..of the scavenger fee. This wi11 be Ordinance.Pra. 82. Brander, P!fako, Hmond, Clarkson affil Zawn "aye",..motion carried. A resolution permitting issuance of banding permits prior to installation of sanitary, sewers in certain lit~ited situations was discussed. Mr. Brander felt that this ecyu].d cause tarouble for future home owners if the sewers were not in at the scheduled time. Per. ~aonci said that there could be -other problems other thaua sewer and water.. 75.23 P+Iotion by Clarkson seconded by Mako to adopt the resolution permittiAg issce ofbuildng perm3.ts prior to installation of sanitary. sewers is Qertaiai limited situations. Mako, E~ind, Clarkson, zaun and Bramdes "aye", motion carried. Mr. Grohoski asked the Council if it would be possible to eliminate sidewalks on one side of the strut ian Lakeridge Addition due to the fact that gas mains were not going to be installed at this time axtd would ba more difficult to install ].star on. He also felt that the cost for sidewalks to the property c~waer; is prol~`ibitive. I~r. 4rmhvski was advised to retnrb.to the Planning Commission with this request. 75.23}+ I~c~tion by Nmond seconded by Zaun tc> adopt the resolution abating certain assessmen$s in-the City of Lakeville as presented by the attorhey. end, Clarkson, 2suu, Brander and PTaka "aye", motion carz~ied. The future blacktopping of 215th St. was discussed.. The rise ih the road on 21t)th St. bef'0re it enters ~e intersection of 215th St. was discsussed acid the engineer was requested to come in with a recommendation as to what type of tes~porary work can be dome to make the portion of the street between 35N and 21~th St. driveable. Mr. Farrell reported that the Qrehard Lake Road is all set to go and that Mr. Horner would be sighing the easements. Mr. Herb A14es and a representative of PTorthw~est Bituminous waste preseNt to request that materials supplied for the Clay's Acres streete be paid.:. There is a dispute about whether t]~e developer ordered these materials or they were ordered by .the City. The attorney will investigate t~tis matter Purer and return with a res Lion on tie lath of April. 75.235. Motion by Clarkson seconded by Zaun to accept the petition for sewer amid water exte~?sions to Szabo's Addition and forward th~.s request to the Water and Sewer Committee for a rec.. tion. Clarkson, Zama, Brander, Maho axtd Lomond "aye", motion carried. 75.236 Motion by Clarkson seconded by fond t0 accept the petition for installation of water and sewer extensions to that part of Gov't Lot 1, Sec. 2~, T11~, R21, comTaletel~gal on attached petition, received from Grace $eadlee and refer the petition to the Water ~ Sewer Cammi.ttee Per a recommendation. Zau~t, Brandee, P3ako~ E~aond and 'Clarkson "aye", motion carried. 75.237 Motion by Clarkson seconded bq end to renew the garbage hauling ].ieense for D de M Haul.ixa~. Sratidss, Mako, Eu4ond, Clarkson at~d Zama. "aye", motion carried. 75.238 Lotion b3?'Brandes seconded by ~nond to grant the real estate abatement to panel 3~F6-C5 which is City property. Mako, F~oad, Clarkson, Zan and Bra~ea "ayo", motion carried. ?5.239 Motion by Brander seconded by Zaun to grant the real estate abatement;-for parcel ~a2t)734, First Nat'1 Bank 'of Mild. Emmnd, Clarkson, Zaun~ Brander and Mako "aye", motion.~arried. 75.2 Motion by EmOnd seconded bsr Zaun to authorise the execution by the P~layor and the Glerk of the contracts for sewer and water extensic~s to Woodi~ury ~.ddition. Clarkson, Zaun, Brander, Mako and d "aye",.motion carried. 75.21 Motion by EmDnd seconded by Brander tc~ ac~mowledge receipt of letter of notice of suit from Kempe & Mwrphy, Attc~z~neys at Lew, who represent Ricky Johnson who was injured by ahockey puck. inside the warming houso-«at Valley Parka ~2) ~ • CITY QF I~AKEVILLE C©UDTCZL MEETING ~ ~ 1975 Zaun, Brandes, Mako, F~mond axed Clarkson "aye", motion. carried. A resolution regarding the open meeting law was discussed. 75•~~~ Agotioa by F~mond secondedbq Brander to adopt t~i.s resoluti®~ requesting the Minneeata ,State. Legislature to eox~sider eh~tnges to the open ~et~.ng law. Copy attached. Brander, Mako, F~c?nd, Clarkson and Zaux2 "acre" a~ton_ carried. 75.23 Motion by Emond seconded by Zaun to adopt the resolution requesting the enactment by the State Legislature of a bill for an act relating to tue-Fire' Department Relief Association and Firemen's Service Pextsions« Copy attached. Mako, Eatond, Clarkson! Zaun and Brander "aye"~ motion carried. 75.244 Motion by Clarkson seeozided by Zaun to aeknowiedge receipt of letters of .recognition for the following depas~tments and persoxnel YMCA-Steve Miahsud-Poatiag signs. Valley Region Honky Assn.-Steve Michaud-scheduling and maintenance. A~intour-Steve 1~3.chaucl-Trail system Police Dept..-Officer Schwartz and Reservist Krxppz~:er-wire iri boys eye .Police Dept.-loyees-vacation cheek: Paliee Dept.-Offiver Cl.irstvn Anderson-Cc~rtesy ,at ear acciaiemt Public Nwrks-Lakeville 3k3. Touring Club-trails develdpme~tt. Emond, Clarkson, Zaun, Brander aac~ ~ako "aye", 'motion carried. The purchasing.: policy v~ae disetassed but> ire Feed back is needed beF®re 'this can be adopted.`. '75.245 .:Motion by fond seeended by Zaua to approve the plans acid the change order in Project 74-5A regarding Qak Kno11s Addition as~=presented by dir. Frgaard. Clarkson, Zaun, Brander, Mako and Emond "aye",...motion carried. - Mr. Frigaarcl was advised to present his request to do a preli~naxy plan For a small piece of storm sewer to the Water sad Sewer Co~3.ttee Forea r~?e datioa. The Crystal. Lake lawsuit was discussed. Mr. Braadee said that he had received a call on the amount of water in a ditch in Valley Park. A date tc~ interview a Civil DeFense,candidate will be set up A:.letter from the police .union with contract demands was presented. 75.246 Motion. by E'mt~d seconded by Zak. to appoint the following persons as a negotiating team For the police negQtiateanss Mr. Hagan Mr. Mako Mr. Brander Dave Grannie, Jr.- Zatnt, .Brander, A3ako, Emend and Clarkson ''aye", motion carried.:. M®tion by'l~onc seconded by Clarks to adjourn was carried u„ely. Respectfully submitted, CITY CLERg C C~~ U MAY©R