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Y' I G.y// y' CITY DF r,e.I~TIIS,E CC1tTNCIL NAG APRIL 21, 1975 The City Council meeting was called to order at $:40 P.M. by Mayor Mako. Flag pledge followed. Present; Zaaut, Brander, Mako, Huond and Clarkson. Also present; Robert Frigaard, City F.~gineer, Pat Farrell and Roger Kr:utson, City Attorneya and Richard Kogan, City gdmi.mistratcar. 75.268 Motion by end reeonded by Zahn to accept the minutes of the April l~, 1975 mating a~ presented. Zaun,"Brander, Mako, end and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. 75.269 Motion by F.~ond seconded by Brander to pay the claims against the City. Brander, Mako, end, Clarkron and Zaun "aye", motion-.carried. It was mentioned that a letter of intent should be obtained from Earl Swanson who has promised to pay the City batik at #15 Per month. 75.270 Motion by Emond seconded by Zaun to pay the claims against the Liquor Store. Mako, Find, Clarkson, Zaaxn and Brander "aye", motion carried. Magor Mako recommended that the Council appoint Mr. Mike Brass, Civil Defense Director. 75.271 Motion by Clarkson reeonded by Zaun to follow the recommendation of Mayor Mako and appoint Mr. Mike Bross, Civil Defense Director. F~aond, Clarkson, 2aun, Brander and Mako "aye", motion carried. Mr. Bross was then sworn in as Civil Defense Director. 75.2 Motion by Clarkron seconded by Fond to set the salaxq of the Civil Defe~e " Director at $SQ.E~ per month with the present term ending on Jan. 5, 1976k` Clarkson, Zatan, Brander, Mako and F~aond "aye",.mention carried.. The April 8 Water and Sewer minutes were presented. 75.273 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Brander to follow the reeomeiaendatian of the Water and Sewer Comeri.ttae and authorize: the engineer to prepare a preliminary report for storm drainage in Jaeksari Heights 2nd, Addition, Jackson Heights 1st Addition and Lakeville Hills area. where the .water flows through the park. Zaun, Brander, Mako, Hmond and Clarkson "aye"~ motion carried, 75.27 Motion by Makca seconded by Zaun to follow the recommendation of the Water 8c Sewer Committee and reconnect Mr. ~Torgaard's water system. to his well until the time that the City is capable of profrding the proper water pressure-to this home with the work of raconneetion done at the City's. expense. Brandies, Mako, Emond, Clarkson and.Zaun "aye", motion carried. 75.2'T5 lotion by E~ond seconded by Clarkson to follow the recommendation of the Water ~ Sear Committee and. install. water and sewer to the Jahn acid Hilary Breen property upon receipt of a signed waiver of hearing with th3.s work -tc> be added tc the existing contract .with Keller Cor3struetion Compaq. Mako, Emond, Clarkson, Zaun and Brander "aye", motion serried. The Parke& Recreation minutes for April.9 were presented. 75.276 Motion by Clarkr~c~n-seconded by Emond to table a decision on the Antler's Park -and Summer programs. F~aond~ Clarkson, Zaun Brander and. Mako "aye.",motion carried. 75.277 .Motion by Zaun recondad by Fond to follow the recommmendation of the Park do Recreation Committee and approve the Hamer for the parks in Valley Park as follows. with amap of the areas attached to these minutes: #1 BunkercHll Park; ~}2, Fatrf3.eld Parka #3s Dodd Trail Park; Sleepy Hollow Park; ~j, Independence Park; ,~6, Park View Park. Clarkson, Zaun, Brander, Makoand Emo:ui "aye", motion carried. Mr. Michaud presented his report on the Lake Marion Zoning proposal. 75.27$ Motion by Clarkson seconded by Zaun to table this matter until the 5th of May. Zaun, Brander, Mako, Fanond and Clarkson."aye", motion carried. Thy minutes of the April 10 Planning Commission meeting were presented. ~l) s CITY OF LA~ISE'VII.LE COUNCIL MEETING ` 21, 1975 Mr. Bill Sime presented plans fora 51 unit apartment building for the elderly. Mr. Rusted and Mr. Geary explained the plan and how fcanding it abtai.ned. Mr. .Geary told the Council that they would need some written preliminary approval from the City to apply for the government funding. It was decided that a few of the projects constructed by this firm wood be .reviewed. by some of the Council..:. 75.279 Motion by Emond seconded by Mako to acknowledge receipt of the request for the rezoning of Outlot A, Park Side Addition and to indicate Council'r willingness to consider rezoning of this property For senior citizen hooting subject to the fulfillment of all ordinance requirements to be processed through the Planning Comm3.ssion and noting that it is not the Council's intent to bind the commEanity at this time to ar~y rezoning until .all the facts are in and have teen considered by the City Council. 75.280 Motion by Zaun seconded by Brander to amend the above resolution to read: ~o indicate Council's willingness to consider rezoning of 0utlot A, Farkside Addition on proposed plat. dated ~+/`T/'75, for senior citizen housing sub3ect to the fulfillment of all ordinance requirements to be processed through the Plaruzing Co~mai.ssion and noting that it is not the Council's intent to bind the coma~uni.ty at this time to any rezonang until all the factr are i.n and have been considered by the City Council. Brander, Mako, Emond, Clarkson and Zaun "aye", motion carried. R®11 ca11 was then taken on motion 75.279 which is as follows: Mako, end, Clarkson, Zaun and Brander "aye", motion .carried. The Council was advised that there had been no ob.~ectionr from the neighbors against z beauty shop at the Markison home. 75.281 ffiotion by Emond seconded 'by Brander to follow the Planning Commission re- commendation and grant Marvin E. Mark3ron a conditional use permrit to operate a beauty shop at 2(}~ES Holyoke Ave. W. with a time limit of one year on the permit. Bmond, Clarkson,. faun, Brander and Mako "aye"', motion carried. '75.282 Motion by Zaun seconded by F]aond. to follow the Flaru~ing Commission recommendation and grant Balco, Inc. a building permit to add on to their building located on 215th St, and Old Hwy x{65. Clarkson, 2aun, Bra~ades, ~ako and F~nond "aye", motion. carried. The hearing for a set up license for the New Orchard Lake Tavern was opened. the lack of parking space was discussed and. the new ownerr wets advised that when this license comes upfor renewal at the end of Junes they.~~ight be required. to provide. more parki~ag. 75.283 Motion by ~nond seconded by Zaun to grant the New Orchard Lake Tavern a get-up license, an ces sale beer license and an off sale beer license.. Zaun, Brander, Mako, Emend and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. The purchase of two lots Werth of the Liquor Store. was discussed and it was decided that the attox~sey and the Council liquor oommittee would investigate this and` return with some suggestions. 75.28+ Motion by Clarkson seconded by Brander to authorize the: attorney and liquor. store commuittee to acquire 'these two lots"by drset purchase or condemnation and report back by the secand meeting in May. Brander, Mako, Emond, Clarkson and Zaun "aye", motion carried. Mr. Sid Mohn of New Market was. present to discuss the new fire contract payment. 75.285 Motion by Bmvnd seconded by Brander to charge the follc~wixg for the fire contracts for 1975: Atew Market-$x+000, Etareka--3500 and Elko-d75. Mako, kind, Clarkson, Zaun and Brander "aye", raotion::carried. C2) - . CITY OF T:ZE COUNCIL M6'.F.TTNG APRIL 21, 1975 The plans and ~pecr for the new fire pumper were presented and discussed. It was decided to add an alternate for 3M type lettering.. 75.286 Motion by '~aond seconded by Clarkson to accept the plans and specs gor the fire truck adding an alternate bid fear decal type lettering and requesting prices to be Furnished for both. fond, Clarkson, Zaun, Brander and Mako "aye", motion carried. The lowering oP the nob on 214th St. west oP Jacquard was discussed along with the paving of CSAFi 74. Mr. Frigaard advised that the county took the position that the City would: have to nand for the expense of lowering the nob and For the grading and easentr. It is possible that ire of the paving would be done by the County but the paving of CSAH ~'jO will not be'done until Funds areavailable. 75.287 Motion by Zaun seconded by Clarkson to authorize. Mr. Frigaard along with Mr. Robinette and the street committee to investigate this matter and report .back with eons... Clarkson, Zaun, Brander, Mako and end "aye", axation carried. 75.288 Motion by Brander seconded by Emcand 'tta authorize the administrator 'to appeal the nonpayment. of the fringe benefits for the CETA position to the County Board by letter. Zaun, Brander, Mako, end and Clarkson"aye",.motion carried..... .75.289 Motion by Mako seconded by Emend to accept the prelia~inaxy rep©rt for the street improvements tea Lake Marion ..Area and set a public hearing Por 9:04 I'.M. on May 19, 1975• Brander, Mako, F.mond, Clarkson and Zaua "aye", motion carried. .Motion by Mako seconded by Zaun to ad3ourn carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, CLERK MAYOR ,