HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-05 PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE Minutes for meeting of: April 5, 2006 ITEM #1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 PM. ITEM #2. Roll call. Present were Committee Members K. Miller, R. Walia, T. Goodwin, H. Lovelace, J. Berg, J. Volimas and J. Hayes. Unable to attend was P. Messenger. Also present were Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Pat Vinje. Special guests included Finance Director Dennis Feller and Director of Liquor Operations Brenda Visnovec. ITEM #3. Approval of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting minutes of March 22, 2006. The minutes of the March 22, 2006 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting were presented. The minutes were approved as written. ITEM #4. Citizen Comments. There were no citizens present at the meeting for items other than what is scheduled on the agenda. ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects. -The maintenance crews are working outside making repairs following the winter months. Renovations to the Aronson Park building are being completed. ITEM#6. Valley Lake Park Master Plan review. The first neighborhood meeting was held on Tuesday, March 28 at Parkview Elementary. Most of the feedback was positive. Residents who expressed opposition changed their opinion to supportive following the presentation and discussion. Changes suggested included the elimination of the ballfield in order to preserve open space, separate entrance for park and liquor store, berm height increased between liquor store and neighborhood. Ginnala maple trees will be planted south of the liquor store. The trail through the adjacent wooded area was discussed. Goodwin asked why the trail would be kept? Staff replied it was an existing trail being used by local citizens and provided the greatest length for a major loop trail. Berg expressed the trail could be costly and an attraction for trouble. Staff stated there is no unusual cost associated with the trail and that quotes taken in 2005 were well within the budget. Goodwin agreed with the effort to separate the liquor store and park with separate driveways yet the trail is close to the liquor store. Dennis Feller spoke of the wooded area and the need to clear the scrubby trees and replace with higher quality trees. He added that the berm between the liquor store and neighborhood was increased to 9 feet high to increase screening of neighboring property and improve aesthetics. Miller indicated the possibility of more illicit activity if the trail was not installed. Staff mentioned the trail would have lights. Berg commented that the shelters should not be any less in size than the shelters at a Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 2 April 5, 2006 Antlers Park. Goodwin asked if the playground would be relocated. Staff replied it was specifically built there just two years ago and will remain at its present location in close proximity to the beach, restrooms and shelter. The separate entrance will allows only one way in and out and should deter undesirable activity. Brenda Visnovec, Director of Liquor Operations, hand wrote thank you letters to the residents who attended the public meeting. Next steps include meeting with the residents who live against the berm and a workshop with residents of the area together with the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee to review site plan changes made since the first meeting. nd ITEM #7. Crescent Ridge 2 Addition preliminary plat. LaFavre/Miller development has submitted a preliminary plat proposing a residential development on 75 acres consisting of 75 single-family homes. The project is thth located north of 195 Street, west of Holyoke Avenue and south of 190 Street. Realignment of Holyoke Avenue to the east is included in this addition. There are no park requirements in this area. A future park could be located to the east of this development. Park dedication requirements include a cash contribution in the amount of $299,625 ($3,995 x 75 single-family lots). A 10-foot trail is being recommended on both sides of Holyoke Avenue and an 8-foot wide trail is also th recommended along the entire north side of 195 Street. Future trails will be th constructed on the south side of 190 Street. The developer will be required to provide sidewalks on all residential streets within the plat and is required to grade all trail corridors as part of the overall plat grading. Construction of the trails will be a 5/8?3/8 split with the City and the developer. There are no wetlands and no significant trees on the site. There are six outlots in this plat. Goodwin stated trees should be planted in outlots that contain ponds. An example of this done well is the Donnelly Farm plat. 06.14 Motion by Berg and seconded by Walia to recommend City Council consider nd approval of Crescent Ridge 2 Addition preliminary plat including a cash contribution of $299,625 ($3,995 x 75 single-family lots) to satisfy the park dedication requirement. The developer will be required to install five foot wide concrete sidewalks on one side of all internal streets. A ten foot wide trail is to be constructed on the east side of Holyoke Avenue with the realignment of the road, an eight foot th wide asphalt trail will be constructed on the north side of 195 Street and a trail will th be constructed on the south side of 190 Street in the future. The City and developer will share the cost of the trails (3/8 City, 5/8 developer). In addition, the developer is required to follow the natural resources requirement detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation, grading, drainage and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable. Ayes ? 7 Nays ? 0 Motion passed. Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 3 April 5, 2006 ITEM #8. Discussion of 2006 annual park tour. The annual park tour will be on Wednesday, June 14. The group will leave at 5:00 PM from Ritter Farm Park, tour parks and return to Ritter Farm Park approximately 7:00 PM for pizza and refreshments with the regular meeting to follow. ITEM #9. 2006-2010 CIP. Staff discussed the 2006-2010 CIP and the many projects planned.The list included park development projects, playground replacements, STS and Tree Trust projects, trees, future acquisitions, parking lot improvements, future trail projects and planning projects. ITEM #10. Unfinished business. The Veterans Memorial progress continues. Tushie Montgomery Architects has redesigned the site. The site plan will go to the City Council Monday night at a work session. The City has received a $690,000 check from Dakota County for the Farmland and Natural Areas Grant property of East Lake Community Park. A presentation from the County to the City may take place at the April 17 Council meeting. ITEM #11. New business. There was no new business to report at this time. ITEM #12. Announcements. The next meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee is scheduled for April 19, 2006 at 6:00 PM at City Hall. ITEM #13. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 7:48 PM. Respectfully submitted, _____________________________________ Patricia J. Vinje, Recording Secretary ATTEST: _____________________________________ Kevin Miller, Chairperson