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Minutes for meeting of: October 4, 2006
ITEM #1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the City Council Chambers at 6:00 PM.
ITEM #2. Roll call.
Present were Committee Members K. Miller, R. Walia, P. Messinger, H. Lovelace,
J. Berg and J. Hayes. Unable to attend was T. Goodwin. Also present were Parks
and Recreation Director Steve Michaud, Environmental Resources Manager Mac
Cafferty and Recording Secretary Pat Vinje. Effective as of September 19, 2006,
committee member Jon Volimas has resigned.
ITEM #3. Approval of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources
Committee meeting minutes of September 6, 2006.
The minutes of the September 6, 2006 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources
Committee meeting were presented. The minutes were approved as written.
ITEM #4. Citizen Comments.
There were no citizens present at the meeting for items other than what is scheduled
on the agenda.
ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects.
-Staff provided an update on the Lakeville Veterans Memorial. The plane was
returned to the site on Saturday, September 30. Construction will continue at the
site including sodding, installation of piers and roof. Benches, light poles, flag
poles and fencing will be installed at the end of October. Planning continues for
the Veterans Day Celebration and dedication ceremony. The VFW and
American Legion are planning an all day event including breakfast, lunch and
dinner, a parade, music, bingo, raffles and military displays.
ITEM#6. Fieldstone Creek 2 Addition preliminary and final plat.
Representatives of DR Horton, Inc. - Minnesota have submitted an application for
the preliminary and final plat of Fieldstone Creek 2 Addition. The gross acreage of
the property is 15.2 acres located at the southwest corner of Pilot Knob Road (CSAH
31) and Dodd Boulevard (CSAH 9). The Fieldstone Creek 2 Addition preliminary
plat consists of 84 townhome/condominium units on 11 lots. The final plat consists of
24 units within three lots on 15.186 acres. A bituminous trail is currently located
along the west side of Pilot Knob Road. A future 8-foot wide trail is proposed along
the south side of Dodd Boulevard from the east end of Lord of Life Lutheran Church
to Pilot Knob Road. The developer will install the trails and the cost of the trail will
be divided 5/8 developer and 3/8 City. A 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk will be
constructed at the developer?s expense along one side of Street A. There are no
significant trees located on the site. There is a wetland on site that is being
preserved in Outlot A. Park dedication requirements were satisfied with previous
dedication of 10.2 acres for a future neighborhood park.
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October 4, 2006
Ron Mullenbach, representative of D R Horton Homes, was present to answer any
questions of the committee. Committee member Berg inquired about snow removal
from townhome developments. Ron replied the snow is pushed off to the corners of
the buildings, edges of ponds, and off-site hauling. Berg suggested the developer
consider adequate locations for placement of snow following removal from the
parking areas and driveways.
06.42 Motion
to recommend City Council consider approval of Fieldstone Creek
preliminary and final plat. Park dedication requirements were previously met with the
dedication of 10.2 acres designated as park land. Developer is required to construct
an 8? wide trail along the south side of Dodd Boulevard from Pilot Knob Road to the
existing trail terminus. The trail should be constructed as part of the paving
associated with this addition. The developer will be reimbursed for his share of the
3/8 ? 5/8 split. A sidewalk is planned along one side of Street A. An 8-foot
bituminous trail is planned for the west side of the creek, with connections at Dodd
Boulevard and the south end of Street A. The developer is required to construct this
trail when Outlot C is developed.
In addition, the developer is required to follow the natural resources requirement
detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation,
grading, drainage and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota
County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable.
Ayes ? 6 Nays ? 0
Motion passed.
ITEM #7. Lakeville Medical Addition preliminary and final plat.
Representatives of Diversified Equity Investment, LLC have submitted preliminary
and final plat for the development of a 3-building medical office campus on a single
platted lot to be known as the Lakeville Medical Addition. The lot will consist of 5.40
acres and will include three two-story office buildings between 22,639 and 13,804
square feet in area. The property is located south of 162 Street (CSAH 46), north
and east of Kenyon Avenue, and west of Interstate 35. The developer will dedicate a
trail easement along CSAH 46 on the easterly portion of the subject property
between the freeway and the west ramp. There are no wetlands located within the
plat. The tree preservation plan identifies 14 significant trees on the site of which all
14 will be removed for site grading. The landscape plan proposes the installation of
94 trees as well as a variety of shrubs and perennials to replace the trees being
removed by site grading. Sidewalks are proposed around the buildings for
pedestrian access and are also provided along Kenyon Avenue and 162 Street
(CSAH 46). Park dedication requirements are at the commercial rate of $6,831.00
per acre for a total of $31,354.29 for the 4.59 acre property. The committee raised
questions regarding retaining walls and slopes. This plat is near a steep slope along
the trail adjacent County Road 46. Staff will research the code concerning fences
and let the committee know.
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October 4, 2006
06.43 Motion
to recommend City Council consider approval of Lakeville Medical Addition
preliminary and final plat including a cash contribution of $31,354.29 ($6,831 x 4.59
acres) to satisfy the park dedication requirements. The developer will dedicate a trail
easement along CSAH 46 on the easterly portion of the subject property between the
freeway and the west ramp. Sidewalks are proposed around the buildings for
pedestrian access and are also provided along Kenyon Avenue and 162 Street
(CSAH 46).
In addition, the developer is required to follow the natural resources requirement
detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation,
grading, drainage and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota
County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable.
Ayes ? 6 Nays ? 0
Motion passed.
ITEM #8. Cross Landing final plat.
GM Land Development has submitted a final plat application for the development of
approximately 22.9 acres located west of Ipava Avenue and north of Kenwood Trail
(CSAH 50). The first phase development is proposed to have 10 twinhome units.
There are no wetlands within the plat. A five-foot wide concrete sidewalk will be
located on the south side of 198 Street. All sidewalks will be paid for and
constructed by the developer. A new eight-foot wide section of bituminous trail will
be constructed from the north boundary of the property being platted to the north
side of 198 Street, due to the addition of a right turn lane into the development. The
developer will pay the full cost of replacing the trail. The tree preservation plan
identifies 128 significant trees within the plat of which 49 are proposed to be saved
and 79 to be removed. Additional trees are to be planted around the stormwater
basin consisting of 3-4 different species grouped together. There are no parkland
needs in the area of the plat. Park dedication requirements are to be satisfied as a
cash fee in lieu of land in the amount of $34,900 ($3,490.00 per lot x 10 multi-family
06.44 Motion
to recommend City Council consider approval of Cross Landing final plat
including a cash contribution of $34,900 ($3,490 x 10 multi-family lots). A five-foot
wide concrete sidewalk will be located on the south side of 198 Street. All
sidewalks will be paid for and constructed by the developer. A new eight foot wide
section of bituminous trail will be constructed from the north boundary of the property
being platted to the north side of 198 Street, due to the addition of a right turn lane
into the development. The developer will pay the full cost of replacing the trail.
Additional trees are to be planted around the stormwater basin consisting of 3-4
different species grouped together.
In addition, the developer is required to follow the natural resources requirement
detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation,
grading, drainage and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota
County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable.
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October 4, 2006
Ayes ? 6 Nays ? 0
Motion passed.
ITEM #9. Unfinished business.
- A Miracle Field has been proposed by the LBA to be built at King Park.
- Concept plans for East Lake Community Park have been reviewed. Additional
concept plans will be ready October 10. Staff will present them at the next meeting.
ITEM #10. New business.
-Park dedication ordinance ? State legislature has mandated changes in the park
dedication ordinance. Changes pertain to wording as it relates to roadways,
right-of-ways, ponding, buildable land, etc. The committee will review the park
dedication ordinance before January 1 and will then add the change in language.
- Lakeville North High School is requesting a varsity baseball field at North Park.
The proposal is being reviewed by Brauer and Associates and being paid for by the
school district.
ITEM #11. Announcements.
The next Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting is scheduled
for October 18, 2006 at 6:00 PM at City Hall in the Council Chambers.
ITEM #12. Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia J. Vinje, Recording Secretary
Kevin Miller, Chairperson