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Minutes for meeting of: January 31, 2007
ITEM 1 Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Council Chambers at 6:00 PM.
ITEM 2 Roll call.
Present were Committee Members T. Goodwin, Alternate R. Walia, K. Miller, and P. Messinger. J. Hayes
and J. Berg were unable to attend. We did not hear from H. Lovelace. Also present were Parks and
Recreation Director Steve Michaud, Environmental Resources Manager Mac Cafferty and Recording
Secretary T.J. Ruter.
ITEM 3 Private Data Release Forms.
A Memorandum and City of Lakeville Private Data Release Form were distributed to committee members.
The City asked every member to update his/her personal information including email addresses and
choose whether or not they would allow that information to be made available to the public.
ITEM 4 Approval of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting minutes
of December 20, 2006.
The minutes of the December 20, 2006 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting were
presented. They were approved as written.
ITEM 5 Citizen Comments.
There were no citizens present at the meeting for items other than those scheduled on the agenda.
ITEM 6 Staff reports and summary of current projects.
Steve Michaud commented the department has all ice skating rinks fully operational and many are being
used heavily. He also mentioned the cross-country skiing conditions at Ritter Farm Park were marginal
because of the limited snowfall so far this year.
Chairperson Miller asked for a status on the issue of citizens hiking on the Ritter trails during the winter.
Michaud explained that the City of Lakeville doesn?t have any hiking trails at Ritter Park for the winter.
Messinger asked if it would be possible for the City to consider creating a hiking trail through the woods in
another location, such as Casperson Park. Michaud said staff would continue to monitor the complaints
and consider the creation of such a trail.
ITEM 7 2007-2008 Park Dedication Fees/2030 CIP Plan Proposal.
Steve Michaud gave a detailed overview of the Park Capital Improvement and Financing Plan that he and
Dennis Feller have prepared and been presenting to City Council members, the Economic Development
Commission, and now the Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Committee. The approximately $101
million plan provides a comprehensive schedule of proposed capital improvements for Lakeville?s park
systems through 2030; some examples of the proposed improvements include expansions of the Lakeville
Area Arts Center, a new Lakeville Senior Center, Antlers Park, and Ritter Farm as well as a future athletic
complex and the identification of high priority areas for land acquisition.
Dennis Feller presented and explained the financing options on page five of the plan to the committee
members. Additionally, he explained the advantages and disadvantages of a ?Park Development? tax levy
located on page 18 of the plan document. He commented that it is very important to consider what he
calls, ?missed opportunity costs? in which a landowner could sell his/her property to a developer before
there are adequate funds available for the land acquisition by the City of Lakeville. Finally, Dennis and
Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee
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January 31, 2007
Steve explained the staff recommendations as outlined on page 28. There was a question and answer
period regarding the future possibility of some type of community or teen center as well as a discussion
about the city-wide survey questions.
(07.01) Motion by Messinger and seconded by Walia to support staff recommendations to City
Council as outlined on page 28 of the Park Capital Improvement Financing Plan dated January 2007. The
Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Committee looks forward to working with City Council
regarding the plan and to the results of the city-wide survey that will measure resident support for
proposed future park acquisitions and improvements.
Ayes-4 Nays-0
Motion passed.
Note: Roger Walia briefly left the meeting for a City Council interview at 6:47 PM.
ITEM 8 Fieldstone Creek 3rd Addition Final Plat.
Mac Cafferty presented and discussed details of the final plat. Steve Michaud added that there had been
some issues with their bringing sand for the park parking lot, but they were resolved.
(07.02) Motion by Messinger and seconded by Goodwin to recommend City Council consider
approval of Fieldstone Creek 3rd Addition Final Plat. Park dedication has been satisfied by the land
dedication and park grading with Fieldstone Creek 1st Addition. The developer is required to construct a
five-foot wide concrete sidewalk on the east side of Elm Creek Lane. In addition, the developer must
construct all trails as outlined in the Engineering and Planning reports.
In addition, the developer is required to follow the natural resources requirement detailed in the Planning
and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation, grading, drainage and erosion control and
further recommendations by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable.
Ayes-3 Nays-0
Motion passed.
ITEM 9 Meadowlark Preliminary Plat.
Mac Cafferty presented this preliminary plat of the proposed development of 40 townhouse units. He also
discussed some of the interesting facets of the lot clean-up effort, preservation of some big trees, as well as
heavy landscaping and plantings around the ponds.
(07.03) Motion by Goodwin and seconded by Walia to recommend City Council consider approval of
Meadowlark Wren 1st Addition Preliminary Plat. There are no park land needs; therefore a cash
contribution using the multi-family rate of $3,490 per dwelling unit is required at the time of final plat
approval. The developer is required to construct a five-foot-wide concrete sidewalk to be located along the
east and west side of Holiday Avenue, within permanent five-foot-wide trail easements. In addition, a
portion of the existing 10-foot wide trail along the north side of 210th Street will be removed to
accommodate the construction of the westbound right-turn lane. The CDA shall pay 100% of the costs of
the trail realignment and any associated restoration.
In addition, the developer is required to follow the natural resources requirement detailed in the Planning
and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation, grading, drainage and erosion control and
further recommendations by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable.
Ayes-4 Nayes-0
Motion passed.
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Note: Roger Walia returned to the meeting at 6:58 PM.
ITEM 10 Unfinished business.
Mac Cafferty reported the receipt of a $20,000 grant for the new Galaxie liquor store to assist with costs
incurred for environmental improvements made for the store and park. Dakota County will be taking over
the Vermillion River Watershed as of February 20, 2007 and the City of Lakeville was encouraged to
reapply for another $20,000 of available grant money. They are currently making changes to the grant
program, so they have asked the City to wait for a month.
Kevin Miller asked for an update on the smoking ban proposal in the parks. Steve Michaud indicated that
staff will report back to the committee at the February 28 meeting. Nothing has changed from what has
been previously discussed and the school group will be invited back for additional discussion.
ITEM 11 New business.
The 2007 Ironman Bike Ride is scheduled for Sunday, April, 29, 2007 and planning is underway.
ITEM 12 Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee is scheduled for February
14, 2007 at 6:00 PM at City Hall (Council Chambers).
ITEM 13 Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 7:09 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Tammy Jo Ruter, Recording Secretary
Kevin Miller, Chairperson