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MAAI' 15,, 1978
The ~~etingwascal7,eS tv Qrder at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Lek. The gledge of
allegiance o the:.flag was~`given.
Roil call was. taken. Present: Councilmembers Spande Curry, ~aun,'Nelson and
Mayor Lekson. Also present: 'Roger:; Knutson, City Attorney; Darrehl Schneider,
Consulting City°Engineer; Patrick McGarvey, City Administrator{Clerk; James
Robinette, .Public-Works Director.
78.219 N~xtion was made-by Curry, 'seconded by Zaun to approve; the minutes of `the May 1,
197II Council meeting.
Roll call was taken on the .motion. Ayes, Spande, Lekson,,Cu~, Zaun and Nelson.
78.,220.. Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to approve the claims for`paymant as
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Lekson, Curry, Zaun, Nelson`and'Spande.
Staff .reports.
The City Administrator read _a Resolution which would-i~iplement a recent change
in State law concerning employees of th~!-City employed under the Federal govern
ment C.E.T.A. program who are now ineligible to have their employer costs for
the P.E:R.A. pension plan paid by the-Federal government to the`City. it was
recom~aended that Council approve°the policy of exempting C.E.T.A. employees
unless they wish to ..contribute both the employer and employee sure to the
pension °fund.
78..221. Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to adopt Resolution ~'7$-30 concern-
ing C.E.T.A. employees and the PE.R.A. pension fund..
Roll-call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Nelson, Spande and~Lekson.
At this tim® Mr. Ron'Langness of Springsted Inca opened five bids on'the sale
of $700,000 of General Obl3.gation Improvement Bonds for the City.:vf Lakeville.
78:222., Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to receive the .bids...:
Roll call was taken. on the motion. Ayes, faun°,3-:N~~svn,..Spande, Lekson and-Curry.
Mr. Langness recommended that the low bid be awarded to Allison-Williams Company.
`78.223'' Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to adopt Resolution 78-31 awa~`d~~~
the sale of $700,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds to Alliscrtt-6d~tl3.atts
and their bid'. partners..
Roll call was taken on he motiom. Ayes, Nekscrn Spande, Lekson., Curry and Zaun.
At this time Mayor Lekson vp+ened the public hearing-on the vacation of a drain-
age, easement on Lo 5 of Golden Leaf Forest Addition and tY~+e City Clerk attested-
to .the l,+sgality of tl~ fi~earng.
The City Clerk read thee;,~roposed Resolution on vacating the easement. There
were Rio°citizQns present wishing to comment on the vacation of ..the easement.
7$.224 Motion was mac~s~ by `z~uui~ second~ad bey Spande to adopt Resolution X78-32 vacst-
ing: the. 'ut~lity dra3~t.a~,e dement ` Lot 5 of the Go]:den Leaf Faresz ~idf.tion.
Roll call was taken on the lotion. Ayes, Spande,`Lekson, Curry, Zaun and ~felson.
At this:. time Mayor Lekson opened the public hearing on the proposed sewer,a.nd
water utility: extertsi®na~ in the vicinity of the intersection of Trunk Highway
50 and-175~k~ Street. 'The City Clerk attested to the.: legality of :the hearing
~ 4
The Citq' Bx~gin,eer; pr'e$ent~d the 'project cost artd proposed assessments. The
City Engineer 81s+o - e~p~ained ,,thex"°~5ro j ect .
Mx Bi11 Jackson and Paui,Krause were present and sta~Ced:they for fife pro.-
.sect and do-.not ob;~ect.tp;the proposed assessment costs.
Mr. Vern Kelly of the Skelly Station was also present..
r ;
MAY`15, 1978
78..225. Motion was made ~y Curry, seconded by: Spande to close the public hearing.:..
Roll call was taken on tt~emotion. ayes., Gerry, Zaun, Nelson, Spande and Lekson.
78.226 Motion was made by Zsun.," seconded by Curry' to adt~pt Resolution X78-33 ordering
the project and authorizing the City En;gin~er to prepare plans and specifca-
Roll call°was taken on the motion. Ayes,, Lekson, Curry, Zaun, Nelson and Spande.`
At this': time Mr. William Pre~eshl ofw,;-the. Miller-Schroeder -firm addxessed the
Council. concerning proposed revenue bond project in the amount of $2,:300,000
for Star-Tex Industries of $loomington and New Hope. Mr. Preeshl introduced
Mr. Laidlaw and 'his son. They 'explained the scope. of the project and the:
history and operation of the company.
78.227 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Curry to adopt Resolution 78-3~~ giving
preliminary :approval to Star-Tex Industries for an industrial revenue bond
issue in the amount of $2,300,000.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Nelson,~Spande, Lekson and Curry. '
At, this time Mr. Maynard Johnson ehowed a site plan of the proposed new build-
ing for Star-Tex Industries to ;the Council and briefly explained the site; and
building plan.
78.228 .Motion-raas made by Zaun, seconded by ,Spande to receive the minutes of~the.:
Committee meetings.
Roll call'was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Nelson; Spande,. .Lekson, Curry and Zaun.
Acti.dn on item #~l0 on the agenda, a variance fore Tom. Smith to construct a garage,
was tabled until the June Sth Council meeting as the Smith's were not present.
7$.229 Motion was. made by Spande, seconded 'by Nelson to table item ~~lo o the June 5,
1978 Council meeting.
Rol], call was taken on, the motion. Ayes, Spande, Lekson,. Curry, Zaun and. Nelson.
78.230 Motion was made by Spande, seconded by Zaun to approve a conditional,,;use permit
to Gregory Haugland to construct a second garage on his property at 19874.Holy.
oke Avenue W. for hi personal use.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Lekson, Curry, Zaun, Nelson and Spande.
At this time Mr. Dick Brandes presented his site..plan'and building plan for a
new airport hanger bu ding at A~.rlake.
7$.231 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Curry, to approve; the :building andsite
plan and authorize a building permit..<
Ro11 call was .taken on.ahe motion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Nelson, Spande and 'Lekson.
At this time the :Chief of Police; Mr. Richard Radermacher,'presented:a report
and recotamendation concerning the traffic .and speed limit 'on 210th. Street `in
the vicnity_of Clay's"Acre The Council discussed `the report along with satae
.citizens who were present and the staff.
78.232 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to set the speed .limit on 210th'St.
from Dodd. Road to the point at--.the house to the'west of Jacquard Avenue at 40
miles .per hour with appropriate signing..
Roll call was taken`on ~e mo,tion. Ayes, .Curry,"Zaun, Nelson, 'Spande and'Lekson.
At this time 'l+~etyor Le~kse'n . reatd a letter wh:Lch would be presented by .the C3:ty
Building In for t'o ~?arious contrtors who take out building permits for
the: new homes in the Meadows Addition concerning the use of streets fn Clay's
Acres fvr their ~zonstructiou.vehicles'. The: Mayor explained that to ;the citi-
'zees present that the City Felt alt this time it-was the best way to approach
any potential problema.
At this time the..~i.~~°Council reviewed the gropased ordinance concerning new
~Z _
MAY 15,',1978
Mr. Walter Sternberg was present and stated he .objected to this ordinance to the
DNR power.: He also objected to the classification of Kingsley Lake and suggest-
ed it should. be .changed to recreational dev~lbpment.
The City Council. considered this `the first reading of the ordinance .and directed
it be placed on the Jane 5 1.978; agenda 'f or the second `reading and adoption.
At this. time the Council discffissed~a Resolution setting forth City ;policy and
recommendat~oias to the, Dakota County Board of Commissioners coneerni~.g the
County-wide. central. dispatching proposed system..
78.233 Motion was made~>by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to adopt Resolution ~~78-34 setting
the Cit-~'s position on the County-wide. central dispatching ..system.
Ro11 call was taken on'the:mot on. Ayes, Zaun, Nelson, Spande,; Lekson and Curry.`
78.234 Motion was made by Curry, seeond`ed by Zaun to receive the 1977 audit of the City
done by George M. Hansen _Co.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Spande,'Lekson,- Curry and Zaun.
78.235 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to approve anon-intoxicating beer
license for the Lakeville ,Jaycees fore Pan-O-Prog events 'on July 8th .and 9th
subject to receipt 'of their insurance certificate.
Roll call was taken on the .motion. Ayes, Spande, Lekson, Curry, Zaun and, Nelson.
At this time Marianne Curry stated that it was the .recommendation of the Per-
sonnel Committee that he .City Council move: the Motor`Vehicle license operation
from the present City Hall building into the northwest corner of the Gephart
building located at the corner of 207th Street and Holyoke Avenue. The Coun-
cif discussed the move and made a recommendation..
78.236 Motion was made by, Curry, seconded by Zaun"to authorize the City Attorney to
prepare a rental agreement with Gephart, Inc. for approximately 516 square
feet of space in the Gephartbuilding for the future Motor Vehicle licensing
operation and other City uses.
Roll call was taken on the'moton. Ayes, Lekson, Curry,. Zaun, Nelson and Spande.
Mr. Knutson advised the Council that the proper procedure for the vacation of a
plat is for the petitioner o go into the 'District Court and :request: the vacs-
Lion. Mr. Knutson stated he would address a letter to Mr. Nord on this matter..`
78.237 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to award the purchase of seal coating
materials as per quotations_receved and recommended: by the Public Works Direc-
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun, .Nelson, 'Spande and Leksoh
78.238 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Ne]~on. to approve the purchase of the pick-
ug truck 'from Joe Graeves Motor in the ~.ftlount of $4,269.08 as recommended by
the Public Works Director.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,. Zaun,,Nelsan,eSpande, Lekson and Curry.
At this time Mr. Johnson representing Eureka .Township presented a letter to the
Council concerning the proposed 1978'contract-costs of fire-service to the.Town-
ship,from the City.
Mr. hlohn, representing, New Market also addressed the Council concerning ,
~`he 197$ costs. Both gentlemen requested the Council review the formula and
adopt a formula which`would_make,a'lesser charge to the contracting jurisdic-
The Citq Council'.agreed to refer the matter: to the Fire Committee of 'the City
Council'for'a recommendation on June.. 5,.1978.
The Council discussed the proposed ordinance draft for a new septic system
"MAY 15, 1978
:ordinance and directed.„the staff-to~p~ovid~ a copy of the latest PCA model
At this time Mr.`Zaun-gave a, report.'from the Liquor Store Committee showing
projections for the 1978 liquor store operat3.on.
The City Council set a work session £or 3;;30 F,M. on May 2'2nd to discuss the
1977 City audit, _a..water-systems study from the. Engineer:, and a special
:assessment report from the Finance Director.
78.235. Motion was made by Spande,'seeonded by'N"elson to extend the meeting beyond
the 10:30 P.M. adjournment time.
Roll cah was taken on-the motion. Ayes, Lekson, Curry, Zaun,,Nelson and Spande.
The City Engineer reviewed the proposed improvements from the Mimesota Depart-
ment of Transportation for Trunk Highway 50 and Dodd ,Road intersection. The
Council was briefed-on the previous City approval .given in 1976 and decided
to place the item on the June 5, 1978 agenda for formal Council action.
Mr. Al Patenaude addressed the Council concerning the City's support in fund-
ing for Senior Citizen's activities in the community.
78.240: Motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Zaun to adjourn the Council meeting.
Ro1T call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Curry,, Zaun, Nelson, Spande and<Lekson.,
Time: 11:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,<
f+}~~'~C~ ~ Patrick E. Mc arvey City C rk
orlon Lekson, Mayor'
~ -4-