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MARCH 6, 197$
The meeting'was called to order. at 7:30 P.M, by Mayor Lekson. The pledge of
allegiance. to theflag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Councilmembers Spande, Curry, Zaun, Nelson and
Mayor Lekson.
Also present: Patrick McGarvey, City Administrator/C1erk;,Patrck Farrell, City
Attorney; Darrell. Schneider, City Engineer;.James Robinet e, Public Works Dirac-
7$.82 Motion-was made by Zaun, seconded. by Nelson to approve the minutes of.'the Febru-
ary 21, 1978 Council meeting..wfth one .correction.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Lekson, Curry, Zaun,:Nelsonand Spande.
78.83 :Motion. was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to approve the .claims. for payment as
Roll call was taken on the. motion. `Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Nelson, Lekson and. Spande.
Staff reports.
The City Attorney reported an the; requirements far environmental assessments or
impact statement on City. improvement'pro3ects.
The City: Attorney also brought up the request from the Attorneys for the Ohio
Company which s.re bond underwriters for the Merillat Industries`ndustrial
revenue bond sale. Mr. Farrell .explained that he State of'Michigan;IIepart-
merit of_Securitieswish to have the statement contained on page 13 4~_the
Offering Statement under miscellaneous deleted from the Offering ;Statement.
Mr. Farrell explained that he had reviewed 'the matter with Mr. E~i,11 Johnstone
of the Doreey firm. and they concurred on the recommendation to approve the
deletion of .the"statement.
78.84 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to gibe the City Attorney permission.
to write'a .letter to 'the 0'ho; Company authori~tng the removal of the statement
under the'miscellaneousn::category on page 13 of the Offering-S atement.
Roll call was taken on the ma.tion. Ayes,.. Zaun, Nelson, Spande,..Lekson and Curry.
Mr. Farrell also advised the"'Cbtnnc3l"that..a written report as to the status of
various legal niattersPnvc~lving the City would be forthcoming.
The City ,Engineer'liad,no ~taf~ report to make.-
The City Administrator brought,up a petition received on March 6, 1978 from
residents o£ the Malley- Part- area c~on+cerning the construction of single family
homes without~~ara:ges. 'The Mayor tiady"the City Administrator read the:pet#aion'
in. full.
78.85 Motion was made by Zau~~,, secende~ `'by Nelson to receive the' petition ~r~ the '
residents of<the Valley_Parkarea.
Ro11 call was taken on ~h~ m,~.tion, Ayes, Nelson,. Spande, Lekson, Curry and 'Zaun.
Mr. Fred Rabine, the builder of the homes; was present and spoke to the Cat~ncil
and citisen.s'cbnce~ the Birchwood model which. is the :one built without gar-
ages. `He explained that in 1977 he constructed 13 of these,mod~ls and thz~t as
of, March 6th, $ of them had .completed. building double garages arnd the 9th-unit
had a double garage under construction. He also presented figures for three
homes he built 3n the-area. of these Birchwood medals which have recently sold
and showed the values: of the homes had increased substantially.:
Residents expressed concern to the Council over tract development and especially
the same style models. without garages...
It was .explained that the City does not have an ordinance which requires garages
to be built, but rather requires that space be deft on the lot for a'garage in
the future without: having to request variances in .the setback requirements.
Mayor .Lekson stated that he-felt the builder was a reasonable person and that
the. City. staff should have a'chance to meet with him to determine his future
~T* •
MARCH 6, 1978;
plans and to work out a..solutionsatisfactory to all concerned..
78.86 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Curry to direct the City staff to meet with
Mr. Rabine on his-plans on his remaining lots in Valley Park Additions and report
back to the Council no Iater_than the April 3rd meeting.
Ro11 call vaas taken on the motion. Ayes, Spande, Lekson, Curry, Zaun; and Nelson.
78.87 Motion was made by'Zaun seconded by Spande to receive the minutes of the Planning
Commission, Natural Resource_Committee and the Park and Recreation Committee meet-
Roll ¢a1l was taken on the motion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun,'Nelson, Spande and,Lekson.
At this ime the Council reviewed the-.preliminary plat.'of The, Meadows. The City
Administrator presented the original preliminary plat and. the revised one which
showed the difference in park land.
The Council discussed the recommendations of the Park and Recreation Committee
and the Planning.. Commission coneexning the acceptance of park land in this. plat
and/or cash in lieu of park land. Thee. Council also discussed the merits of the
park in`this particular plat bersus a'larger park to the west of this area..
Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to approve the preliminary plat des-
cribed a.s plan A showing park land and the requirement for _a cash contribution.
However, with further discussion the :motion was withdrawn.
78:.'88 Motion-was then made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to give preliminary plat approv-
al to .the plat described as plan B with the park area changed Co'include the
'area shown as Italy Plage Court -:over to the east to include the Qtitlo't as hown
Ro11 call was take~i on the-motion. Ayes, Zaun, Nelson, Lekson and .Curry. Nays,
78.$9 Motion was made by Zaun~second~d by Spande o approve the second reading -and
adopt the ord~namce ~1i6 seeting Forth street lighting; installation, energy
and'mai~.~enance requirements.
Roll cal uYas taken ®n the motion. Ayes; Nelson, Spande, Lekson, Curry and Zaun.
The Council reviewed the agreement with Dakota Electric Associat-ion for the in-
stallatfon of the new street` lights in the Valley Park area. It-was pointed out
the City Attorney wau~.d be expected to acquire the additional easements n.eees-
sary for tie underground wring~towt~e street l ghts.
7$.90 Motion was made by'Zaun, seconded by Curry `to approve the ;agreement with Dakota'
Electric Association for the street lighting conversion and improvement in the
Valley Park .Additions.
Roll call teas taken an•the motion.. Ayes, Spande, Lekson, Curry,'Zaun and..Nelson.
78.91 Motion ores made by Curry, seconded by Zaun 'to adopt Resolution 7818 as amended-
by the City-Council etting'forth Special Assessment Deferment Policy:for.:Senior
Cit yens.
Roll call teas taken on the motion. Ayes, Lekson,, Curry, Zaun, Nelson and Spande.
78.92 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Spande to approve the abatements on the
property assessment as recommended by the .Dakota .County Assessor's office..
Rohl call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Nelson, Lekson and Spande.
The Council reviewed the request of the County, Assessor and concurred in setting
the Board of :Review meeting for June 28, 1978 from 3:OQ to_7:fl0 P.M. in the
Council Chambers.
7$.9S h~otion was made by Spande, seconded by Nelson to :.approve the second reading and`
~.dapt an ordinance affirming and setting forthe the position of City Administrator.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Nelson, Spande, Lekson and: Curry.
• •
MARCH. 6, 1978.
78.94 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded"by_Curry to authorize the City Engineer to pre-
pare plans and specifications for .the Redevelopment of Well 4~3.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun,. Nelson,::.Lekson and Spande.
The City Administrator ~evewed;t~e~reNsed Systems Statement letter received
from Mr. Bohn Boland of-tha Metropolitan=Council and the estimated population
and sewer flow figures pertaining to Lakeville. The Council and staff discussed
the figures and the importance of .the City taking action to get the matter straight-
ened out at this time 'before"the City proceeds".any further in`its Comprehensive
Plan process....
78.95 Motion. was made by Curdy, seconded by Zaun to have the taff draft amore-sge-
cific letfer to Mr,.Boland. at the Metropolitan Council concerning the `Revised
Systems Statement population and. sewer flow figures and~.the City's disagreement
with them.
Roll call was talon ®n the motion...Ayes, Zaun, Nelson, Lekson, Spande and Curry.
Mr. Robert Pulsche~, Fi~,anc~.al Consultant for the City from Sprngsted, Inc..
addressed the~Comncil concerning the `advanced refunding of two 1975 improvement
bond sales,. one for $85,000 and the: other for $1,560,000. Mr. Pulscher ex-
plained that he interest rates in 1975 were in the range; of 6.8% when ttte bonds
were sold and thattlier forecast was that the refunding bonds could be sold for
in the range of 5.25% to,5.~4%~now. -Mr. Pulscher then explained the process
of advanced refunding and~the requirements of it. He also presented three re-
funding payment schedules and reviewed the advantages of each schedule with the
78.96 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to extend the Council. meeting beyond
ttte lfl : 30 adjournment .time
Roll .call was taken-on the,motian. Ayes, Spande,.. Lekson, Curry,-Zaun and Nelson.
After discussion, the Council decided. to structure the refunding in accordance
with schedule 3.
78..97: Motion was made by=Curry,°seconded by Zaun to adopt Resolution 478-19 on the
advance"refunding of $2,205,000-of existing Generai.Obligaton:`Debt and set
April 3, 1978 at 12;00 noon for ;the opening of the bids at the Springsted
offices, refunding to `be in accordance with-schedule 3
Roll call was taken on the motion:... `.Ayes, Lekson, Curry, Zaun, Nelson and Spande.
..78:.98 Motion was made by Spande, seconded by Lekson to 'approve an agreement with Lake-
ville School District ~f194 for the Community School program..
Rolfcall was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, 'Nelson, Spande, Lekson and .Curry.
78.99 Motion was made by Spande, seconded by Lekson to appoint°the Chairman:: of-the
four City Advisory: Committees as the City's representatives to the Community
School Advisory Board..
Rohl call. was taken on the motion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Nelson, Spande and Lekson..
Thee Council decided to interview candidates for the vacancies on the Natural
Resource Committee at<J:00 P.M. before the March._20th Council meeting..
78.100 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun. to .receive .from. the Natural Resource
Committee an; inventory of wetlands and place on the April 3rd agenda for ds-
Roll call was taken on the motion." Ayes, `Zaun,. .Nelson, Spande, Lekson and. Curry..
78.101. Lotion was made by Spande, seconded-by Zaun to .adjourn the Council meeting.
RQ11 call was t~.ken on he motion. Ayes, Nelson, Spande, Lekson, Curry and Zaun.
Time:.. 11:05 P.M.'
Respect idly^sub tted,~
nYRnn T.clrann Mwnv D~r.ad ..L:.- T. Ld.. /~..ws... tee e.rL