HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-06-78 Y • CifiY OF LAKEViLLE "COUNCIT~ METING ; ~'EBRVAI~Y 6, 1978 r The meeting was called ,to order at° x:30 :P.M, Eby Mayor Lekson. The- pledge of ~r allegiance to he. flag 'was given., Roll call was talon.. Present: Councilmembers Spande Curry,, Zaun and Nelson, and Mayor'Lekson. k Also present: Patrick Farrell, City Attorney;'Darrell Schneider, Consulting City Engineer; Dennis .,Fell.er,'..1'imanee Directior;~ James Robinette, Public Worth Director.; ]?atrick 1~fcGarvey, .City Administrat~Qr/Clerk.,: 78.G4 _ Motion was made by Zaun, econded by Curry=,,to approve the minutes of the Janu- ary 16, 1978 Council meeting with one; correction in Motion 478.33.' Roll call was taken. on 'the motidn.Ayes, Lekson., Curry, Zaun., Nelson and'Spande. The claims were presented for `payment. Marianne Curry questioned `the Legality of making payment to the Chamber of`.:Commerce from City funds for membership. It was decided to have the City Attorney investigate the matter. 78.45 Motion was made by Spande, seconded-by Zaun to approve the .claims .for payment as presented with the exception of the $100 claim for the Lakeville Chamber 'of Commerce. Roll call was °taken on the mo ion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Nelson, Spande and LeT~son. Staff reports: Thee:.City Attorney reported that there would be a Resolution on the next Council ..agenda approving the issuance of the $3,000,000 worth of industrial revenue bond$ for Merllat Industries.- This was previously given preliminary epproval by the Council in late I977. The City Attorney reported that the settlement is close :with ahe bonding companp an the McGrand and Frovarp and McNamara utility project near Orchard. Lake. 'The City Attorney also reported that negotiations are underway for. the-acqusi- tion of the :additional right-of-way required to make the 175th Street improve- ment''pro~ect but that negotiat3.ons may be difficult especially in the area of 175th Street ,and Highway 50. 78.46` Motion was.. made by Curry, seconded by Lekson to authorize and direct the City .Attorney to prepare a Resolution which would state 'the 'City's oppoistion to the 2% tax`on liquor,by the drink in the metropolitan area to'support the new sport stadium, and state-that the position should be supported by the entire .State of Minnesota:, Roll:call was taken on the mot-ion. Ayes- Zaun, Nelson, Sgande, Lekson and Curry. The City Engineer reported on'the study he is .preparing analyzing he rank sewer situation in the s stem feedn the ,Lakeville treatment lent andwith his meet-~ Y g ~ 'ing with the MPCA concerning the s cps to prevent further sewage spills. , "The City Engineer also reported that the Redevelopment of Well 4~'4'is nearing comp etion. The pity Administrator reported that a draft of the. agreement between the CiCy sand the Lakeville School District. is being readied`for'Council approval`on the Community School system. The Council designated Marianne Curry as the liaison with the Nattaral Resources Committee. 78.47 Motion was made by-Zauns, seconded. by. Spande.to receive the Advisory Committee :.minutes as shown on..~he-agenda., Roll call'.was taken on the motion.' Ayes, Nelson,. Spande, Lekson, Curry and,. Zaun. The City .Council reviewed the ,findimgs ,.arid 'recommendation of the Plannatg Commis- Sion concerning the :requests for ~QUr variances t® bu3.3d on Lot'18, Block l of , Marian Heights Addition. , The ;applc~.tion of` Neil amd Candace O~eeson was review- ed. - ,1_ CITY DF LAREVILLE COUNCIL MEETING. FEBRUARY; 6, 1978 Mr. Joseph Schweich,..realtor involved"with the sale of-this: property,.objected to some of the findings in the written recommendations from the Planning Commis- sion. 78.48 +Motion was made by Lekson, seconded by Curry.. to deny yard area, lot width, aide yard setback for the house..variances requested by Mr.'Okeson based on the find- ings and 'recommendations of .the Planning..Commission.. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes„ Spande, Lekson, Curry, Zaun and Nelson. 78.49 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Spande to adopt .Resolution X78-7 approving the variance requested to construct the septic system in the ten foot sideyard setback on Lot'18, Block 1 of Marion Heights Addition provided the Okeson's can acquire the necessary addition$1•la~d from the owner of Lot 19 to eliminate-the need for the three variances previously denied. Roll-call was taken-on the motion. ,Ayes, Lekson, Curry, Zaun, Nelson and Spande. The City Admin strator gave a report on the•fiids taken for the purchase of em- ployee group medical/hospital snd lfe'insurance. The Administrator explained that the two .lowest b3.dders were. permit ed to make revisions in their original bid to bring: their contract into line with what the present City contract pro- vides and with the pecificatons. In making the revisions, each company was also allowed to adjust their monthly premiums. Each of the two low bidders were directed to ;make` them last revisions and' rate' adjustments in a sew letter. which was opened`~on February '2, 19'~~8 `at° Z:OO P.M. at which 'time representatives of both companies were .present. The staff :recommended that the ;C©uncil award the contract to Blue Cross who was the lowest responsible bidder. Mr. Duffy; of Mutual of .Omaha addressed the Council and .advised them to take .into'-account that his company had offered an 18 month guaranteed rate which was six .months longer khan the specifications called for. He felt that"'a rate increase:•:by Blue Cross at the end of the `12 months could more than off- set~ahe higher Mutual of `Omaha `rate during the first 12 months. The Council discussed the matter.: with the staff and:. insurance agents present. 78.50 Motion was made.: by Zaun,".seconded-by Curry to approve the contract with_Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Minnesota Mutual Life for the employee's group medical/ hospital and life insurance. Rollcall'was taken-on ..the motion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Nelson; Spande. and Lekson. 78x51 Motion was-made by Zaun, seconded by Nelson to: adopt Resolution x{'78-$ providing for self-insuring weekly indemnity insurance for City employees. Ro1T call was taken on the motion.•.Ayes; Zaun.,. Nelson, Spande, Lekson and Curry. At .this .time,. Mr. Patrick Scully, Chairman of the Dakota'County Board of Commis- sioners addressed the Council.concerning the-proposed future improvement of County Road 5 from Interstate 35 to the Burnsville boundary. He stated-that he was speaking for Mr. Streefland who was in the hospital. Mr. Scully .stated that he felt the parties should firstagree'on the type ofroad improvement to be made on County Road ~~5 and then to begin to acquire any additional right-of- way-that should be necessary.. , The Council concurred and agreed that steps should be initiated t~ward the im- provement of County Road 4~5. 78.52 Motion was made 'by Curry,.. seconded by Zaun to approve and instruct the City staff o meet with the Dakota County staff nn this proposed improved. project., Ro11 call-was taken on the motion. Ayes., Nelson, .Spande., Lekson, Curry and Zaun. At this Mr: Schneider presented his preliminary report on the improvement of 175th Street from H3;ghway::50 to Ipava Avenue..." 78.53 Motion was .made by Zaun`, seconded by Curry to receive the preliminary.. report an the 175th Street improvement and set the public hearing for March 2 1978 at-° 7;30 P.M. by adopting Resolution 4f7$-9. -2- i , CITY AE .LAKEVII,LE< CO~TNCIL MEETING: _ ~ FEBRUARY 6, ',1978 Roll call was taken on the`mot~on. =Ayes, Spande, Lekson, Curry.,.. Zaunand Nelson... 78.54 Motion .was made by CurY°y,;se~conded by Lekson to approve the bid from Badger `Meter Company for theepurchase of water meters dur3.ng 1978. Roll,call'was-taken on the motion.. :Ayes, Lekson, Curry,:. Zaun, Nelson and Spande. 78.55 Motion was made, by Zaun, seconded by Curry to adopt Resolution X78=10 approving the Comprehensive Plan Preliminarg Policy Plan. ' Roll .call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Curry,.. Zaun, Nelson, Spande and Lekson._ At this time the City Administrator explained to the Council .that ..the recommends- tion in the-Park and Recreation Committee meetings on the lake level of Lake .Marion was intended. to be sent to the Natural Resource Committee and not the' City Council as the minutes read. Mr. Gordon Lamp. addressed the'Councl and stated his concern, over any lowering of lake levels. Mayor Lekson .explained that'the Council was of intending to lower the lake. Appointments to the Advisory Committees were tabled until the next`Cout~cil meet- ing to allow the Council to interview the applicants. At this time Councilman Zaun presented a report from the Personnel Committee con- cerning the proposed ordinance to affirm and set forth-the duties and responsi- bilties of the City Administrators position. Marianne Curry stated that the Committee felt the position should be established by the adoption of an ordn- ance. The Council 'reviewed the ordinance and directed the Administrator to place ;t on the February 21, 1978'.: agenda for the first reading. .Consideration of setting the Administrator's salary and benefits was tabled un- tileahe February 21, 1978. Council meeting. The City Administrator presented material received from ordinance codification .firms. and advised the Council that further information would be received from another. firm.- The. Council reviewed the sample and' tated that a proposal should be ;prepared on what type of a format the City would be interested in for its City code. 78.56 'Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to; adopt Resolution 478-11 setting the rates for street lighting... Roll call was taken on the motion. °Ayes, Zaun, Nelson:, Spande, Lekson ;and Curry. 78.57 -Motion was: made by Lekson, seconded by Zaun to approve the purchase of a master coupler for the Public Works Department front end loader in the amount of $3,762. Roll call was. taken.. on the motion. ..Ayes~, Nelson, Spande, Lekson; Curry and faun. Marianne Curry; advised the staff that Federal law provided that the City would not have tb p~`y f social security tax on any sick leave pay of its employees. The Council acknowledged reca3,pt of 'a letter from Brad Johnson who offered to rent: the City spaceiia. hi.-o~fice'building for City. Hall purposes. 3 S Councilman Zak;.stated 'that Tie' had 'been ques Toned about the lack of access `to City streets on the east shore of Lake Marion if a train should be blocking `ahe entrance from Jagudr Averrue. The_City Administrator advised the Council that Wren, Inc. would .like to dispose of the demolition debris of th~~building ors Holyoke Avenue. on their property ad- jacent to~Highw~.y 5.0. I~ was recommended that a written agreement be entered into'.. 78.58 Motion was madeaby,Curry-s:econ~ed~y Lekson to ..approve an agreement between. Wren, Inc.. and the City., of Lakeville on the disposal of demolitiondebris on the Wren 'property add scent tc~' highway 50. -3- . r r> CITY 0~' LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY' 6, 1978 Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Spand~, Lekson, Curry, Zaun and Nelson. 78.59 Motion was made by Zaun,'seconded by Nelson to ad~'ourn the Council meeting. Roll call was taken. on-the motion. Ayes,. Lekson, Curry,, Zaun., Nelson and Spande. ..Time: 10:45.P.M. .Respectfully submitted, Patrick E. McGarvey, City C rk Gordon Lekson,. Mayor -4-