HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-16-78 y r ~ - CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL. MEETING JANUARY 16, 1978 The meeting was called `to order at'7:30 P.M. by Mayor. Lekson. The flag,, pledge was given. Roll call was taken. PresezYt: Spande; Lekson., Curry and Nelson. Absent: Zaun. ; Also present: Patrick Farrell, City Attorney; Darrell'Schneider, Consulting City Engineer; Patric~C McGarvey, City Administxs.tor/Clerk; James Robinette, Public Works `Director. 78.26 'Motion was made. by Curry; seconded lySpande to approve the minutes of 'the January 3, 1978 Council meeting. re• Roll call was taken ori` the mot~.on. Ages, Lekson, .Curry, Nelson and Spande. 4 At this time Councilman 2aun~a~'rive~ and ook his chair.. -The City Council reviewed the claims for payment. The Council directed that no claims 'should be made for he purchase of Christmas ~¢ards by any City de- partment: 78.27 Motion was. made'by Gurry, seconded by Lekson to approve'the.claims for payment ..except X6020017 concerning .the Christmas cards. Roll call was taken. on the motion. Ayes', Curry, Zaun,. Nelson., Spande and Lekson. At his time Mayor Lekson"introduced Mr. Chuck Halberg who addressed the Council briefly concerning ;his proposal to serve as Gity Attorney. 78.2 Motion was made by Zaun, ,seconded by Spande to appoint. he firm of Grannis & Granns as the City Attorney. Mrs. Curry stated that she will abstain on the vote until the State s.udt is finished and 'would prefer, to wait until then, as a means of -evaluating the City Attorney. Councilman Zaun stated that he did not. see why the City could not go ahead and appoint the firm at this time,... Councilman Nelson.':s ated Ghat he, would prefer to wait until the audit ftom the State is complete: Roll cah was taken-on the motion. Ayes,> Zaun, Spande and Lekson.' Nays, none.' Abstain,: Nelson and Curvy.. Staff reports.. The City Attorney gave the Council a report on the status of the 175th ~itreet appraisals. The City Engineer gave the Council a report on the status of the Well X64 Re- development work. At this time the City Council"reviewed a Resolution which was to establish policy concerning the installation of s reef lights. and the cost of energy and maintenance of the streetlight system. Mr: Farrell advised ;the Gouncilthat Minnesota Statutes: 429.101 would require the adoption of an Ordinstnce n order to assess the nonpayment of any utility bill for energy. and mainteaan.ce costs. The Council regi~wed the " ~`-a~td decided to leave out any specific rates.. The ,rates would be establ3shed.in~a-separate Resolution: 7$.29 MAticm was made by Zaun, 'seconded by Curry to .~tdopt'Resolut~.on X78-3 setting fcarth City policy on street lighting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Spande, Lekson,. Curry and Zaun: iII.30 Motion was made by Ztaun, ,rea~conded by Curry to ,,adopt Resolution 6678-4 or~eriag the Valley Park anal.',Co~.i~ga Park street lighting-improvement project and authori~- ing the preparation of plans and specificiations. - Rolf ca1.l ryas taken on the motion: Ayes, Spande, Lekson, Curry, Zaun and Nelson. 78.31 ' Motion was made by Zaus~, ~ ~secorided by Curry tq ` re~,eive the m~.uutes of the Advisory 'CITY`OF LAKEVILhE COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY.. 16, 1978 Committees. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,:Lekson, Curry, Zaun, Nelson and Spande. 78.32 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to receive the resignation of Mr." Donald Peterson from the Natural Resource Connnitteeeffective January 18, 1978. Ro11 call was taken on ,the motion. .Ayes,: Curry, Zaun, Nelson; Spande and Lekson.- 7$,33 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Curry to ~ala.te.,~< the recommendation of the Park and Recreation C,Qmmtfiee concern~aigthe establishment of lake:'level-for Lake Marion. on 'the February 6th Council agenda. Roll call was taken on the motion. dyes,; Zaun, Nelson, Spande, Lekson and Curry. 7$.34 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to confirm the Planning Commission's selection of Mr. Larry 13azei as Chairman for 1978. _Roll call was taken on the motion, Ayes, Nelson, ,Spande, Lekson Curry and Zaun:- 78.35: Motion was made by Curry, 'seconded by Zaun to adopt Resolution 78-5 on the ac- quisition or condemnation_of additional right-of='way for>the 175th Street im- provement pro3ect. Roll :call was taken on the motion. ..Ayes:,-Spande, Lekson', Curry,`Zaun and. Ne son. 78.36' Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Curry to authorize the Engineer to prepare a preliminary engineering report on 175th Street improvement project. Roll call was taken on the motion. ,Ayes, Lekson, Curry, Zaum, Nelson and Spande. The Citq Administrator and Council discussed the codification of City Ordinan.ces." The Council felt-that the time..had arrived for the Ordinances to be codified and :the Administrator was directed,to get more information concerning casts,, different 'printing layouts and report back to the Council. It was indicated that this would' be an appropriate and beneficial use of Federal Revenue Sharing funds.. 78.37' Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to authorize 'the City Engineer to pur- sue variouse a`2tetna~tivee Qn edst"t~ene~it, basis for the imprc?vemeat of the Orchard Lake 'truntc ewer' system.. :'Roll call was taken on fihe motion. .Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Nelson, Spande and Leksan. The City Administrator-presented a litter to the Council from the Attorney on the change in the~'C'iZy's insurance; limits and a letter from the Ci y's insurance agent. It was pointed `out that the Statutory limits on the City's potential y underlthe s present~l.~? -sit a"C ~'30fl,00Q for ,bodily injury and property damage eneral Liability a'r$Sfl0,t~00 on the dram shop:. 78.38: Motion was# made }~y Zaun; ~~c~?ned day ; Lel~on' to approve and authorize the 'change in the Gene~al~~. Liability ~isi~ra~tce lfmits to $300,©00 bodily injury and $300,.000 ..property dannage, RoI1 call was taken an the:motiar. Ayes, Zaun, Nelson, Spande, Lekson anal Curry. 7~~.39 -Motion was made by Curry,.. seconded by .Zaun to authorize and direct the installs- tion of warning ,signs en 168th :Street as it :approaches the lake area andral- road viaduct, . `.Roll call was taken'on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Spande, Lekson, Curry and Zaun'.. At .this time Mr. Rice addressed thee-Council concerning his application: to be appointed to the Planning Commission, 7$.40- Motion, was ;made by Curry, .seconded by Zaun to place the discussion of the pro- posed improvement of Counay Road 46S from Interstate 35 to the ;Burnsville boon- dory on the February 6, ].978 Council agenda, and requested that Mr. Streefland. be present. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Spande, Lekson, Curry, Zaun and Nelson. -2- CITY OF""LAKFVIL'LE COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 16, 197$: 78.41 Motion was made by Curry, 'seconded by Zaun to adopt Resolution,4~78-6 encourag- in~ the State .Legislature to change 'the `Statute to provide for he taxaaion of commercial landfills. Roll' call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Lekson, Curry„ Zaun, Nelson and Spande. 78.42: Motion was made bg_Zaun, seconded by Nelson to authorize the registration for the i~~ew~y Elected Officials Conference for Spande, Nelson, Lekson-:and Curry.;; Ro11 call was taken .on the motion.':. Ayes., Zaun, Nelson,:.Spande, Lekson and Gurry. 78.43 Motion was', made by Nelson, seconded by Zaun to ad~ournthe'Council meeting:.' Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Nelson, Spande, Lekson, Curry,: and Zaun. Timer 10x35 P.M. "Respectfully submitted, ~ attnk Mc~tvey, City C rk i~Z,a~.,'~ . Gordain Lekson 2 i. - -3-;