JUNE'16, 1977
The meeting was called to`order;by Mayor Mako at•`-4:05 P,M.
Roll call was taken. Present: Mako, Curry,. Emond and Zaun. Absent,.Clarksan.
'A1so present: Mr. Knutson, City Attorney; Patrick McGarvey, City AdminiB•trator.
Mr. Knutson presented his report and reviewed a survey the City had obtained on
the land adjacent to and including..Maplewood Park. Mr. .Knutson stated that the
survey showed that'the property being used by the City was indeed a combination
of the Maplewood".Park and former vacated street. Mr. Knutson also `stated that
he railroad to the north and for the owner to whom the railroad is leae~ng
the property were an,their.own property, as a result of the survey acquitted by
the City.. ,
77.2.8$ Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun accepting the survey acquired by the
City of Lakeville from Gene Jacobson and directing... the City Attorney to dismiss
the-law suit the City `had Filed against Mr. Gephart.
Roll call .was tarken ou the, motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry and Zaun.`
-77..289 Motion was ,;made by Emond, seconded by Zaun to ad3aurn the Council meeting.
Roll call was t~.~ten.dn the mation~ aA,yes, ~mand Mako, Curry and Zaun. T3.me:
.Respectfully submitted,
• _
_ • atrick E. McGarvey,:City C rk
Edward J. Mako; year ~