MAY 31, 1977
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Mako at 3:05 P.M. Roll call was taken.
Present:. Mayor Mako; Councilmembers Emond, Zaun and Curry. Absent: Clarkson.,-
The City Council met as a local Board of Review concerning the assessment of
property in the City of Lakeville. Also in attendance were five representa-
tives from the Dakota County Asses-soy's office.
At this time Mayor Mako had Mr. Jake O'Toole of the Dakota County Assessor's
office explain to the citizens present the recent changes in the assessment laws
made by the State Legislature, and how property is assessed.
After the explanations were given, Mr. O'Toole advised the citizens present that
he and the other 4 gentlemen from the Assessor's office were ready to answer or
review the assessment of property from those citizens present.
Several citizens met with the representatives of the Assessor's office during
the course of the meeting from 3:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.
Mr. O'Toole presented the recommended assessment abatement on the parcel of
property,~~22-44100-090-06 and recommended the Council approve it.
77.250 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Curry to approve the abatement on the par-
cel of property owned by Delbert and Sandra Goetz, ~~22-44100-090-06 as recom-
mended by the Assessor.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Curry and Zaun. Absent, Mako
and Clarkson.
77.251 Motion was made. by Zaun, seconded by Curry to adjourn the special Council meet-
ing as a local Board of Review.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Curry and Zaun. Nays, none.°
Absent, Mako and Clarkson. Time 7:05 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Patrick E. Me arvey, Cler
Edward J. Mako, ayor
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