FEBRUARY 1, 1977.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Mako at 5:10 P.M. Roll call was taken.
Present: Mako, Curry, and Zaun. Absent:`.Emond aad Clarkson.
The City Administrator presented::requests:€rom certain City employee groups and
. employees for 1977 wages. The Council reviewed the list of gositions remaining
whichsalariesfor 1977 have note been previously approved.
Councilman Emond arrived.
The Council discussed the policy on :the .employment of more than one member of
a family with the City.. The Council also discussed the method to be used in
recruiting and selecting employees at the Department Head level and`the concen-
sus was. that the Department Head should initiate the. recruitment, provide the
initial interview: and screening and refer the matter to the City Administrator
for.. his .review, and then on to the City'Council for approval to hire.
Councilman Clarkson arriued.
Mayor Mako had to leave the meeting at 5:35 F.M.
The City Administrator was directed to prepare a Resolution for the February 7th
Council meeting setting certain salaries and benefit .provisions for City employees.
.:.77.43 The Council briefly discussed other matters and the meeting was adjourned with
a motion by Emond and seconded by Zaun at 6:00'P.M.
Roll call. was taken on the motion. Ayes,-Emond Curry, .Zaun, and Clarkson.
Respectfully submitted,
atrick E. McGarvey, Clerk'
Edward._J_ Mako,..Mayor..