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k r; r ~ ~ • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL.MEETING ;JANUARY 17, 1977 The meeting was called to order`tsy Mayor-Mako at 8:00 P.M. The flag pledge of allegiance was .given... Roll call was taken.. Present: Emond, Mako, .Curry, Zaun and'Clarkson.~ Also. - present: Patrick.McGarvey,' City Administrator;-<Robert Rosene, Consulting City Engineer; Roger.Rnutson,;City Attorney; James Robinette, Public Works Director;. Dennis Feller, Finance Director. 77,26 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Emond to approve the minutes of the January 3, 1977 Council .:meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mako,. Curry,' Zaun, Clarkson and Emond. There were no minutes to approve for xhe Council meeting on January 11 as the Council met informally in the afternoon with Representatives and Senators for the Lakeville. area in the Legislature, and with the Planning Commission that evening. 77.27 Motion was made by Curry,_seconded by Mako to direct the City Administrator to meet with. the. Administrators of Apple Valley and Farmington and devise a report .format on the service provided by Midwest Med-Kab, and report to the Council by February 7th. Roll call was taken on the mofiion. Ayes, .Curry, Zaun, Clarkson, Emond and Mako. 77.28 Motion was made%by Zaun, seconded by Curry to approve the list of bills for pay- ment as presented. Rolf call was taken on the motion. _Ayes. Zaun, Clarkson, Emond, Mako and Curry. 77.29 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Emond to approve the Liquor Store bills as presented .except. check X017043. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Clarkson, Emond, Mako, Curry and Zaun. Staff reports: The only staff report was from the Consulting City Engineer, Mr. Rosene, who reported that the Orchard Lake trunk water and sewer project had been completed up to the Orchard-.Lake Elementary School and that the school had ..connected to the sewer system°on January 14, 1977. Mr. Rosene advised that the contractor, McGrand and Frovarp, had been required to complete the utility work by December I and had been give; an extension to January 1, 1977. Mr. Rosene reported that the contractor completed the lift station far the sewer system on .January 7,:1977. The final completion date for the entire project including street restoration is not until June `of 1977. The approval of the plans and specifications for the Liquor-Store addition anal remodeling was tabled on the advise of the architect due to the extreme`cold - weather. It was recommended that the Council postpone the starting of the construction sothatadded costs for working in this type. of weather would be avoided. The Council decided to place the item on the. February 7, 1977 agenda for approval and directed that a financial report on the Liquor Store..for:1976 along with the bonding needs for the project be available for that `meeting, along with-the plans and specifications.. Mr. Robinette gave the Council a review of the gravel pit ordinance'and the meet- ing of the Public Works Committee with .some of :the gravel pit owners. ..Council discussed the Ordinance and asked owners who were present if they had any ob- jections to the draft. They responded that they would like a copy'of the fiaal draft and would respond by the .second reading of the_Ordinance on February 7, 1977. .The. Council. directed ahatthiswas fhe first. reading of the Ordinance and that the second reading be put on the February 7,.1977 agenda for reading and appro- val. -1- ~ . . • CITY. OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 17, 1977 The City Administrator presented to the Council the Joint Powers. Agreement and model Ordinance received from the M.W.C.C. concerning the implementation of extra strength charges for industrial users whose sewage effluent requires such a chargeunder public law 92-500. The staff recommended to the Council that the Council choose the alternative of entering a Joint Powers Agreement with .the M.W.C:C. and adopt the model Ordinance therebq allowing the M.W.C.G. ' to direct bill any industrial firm whose effluent requires-such a charge." This would prevent the City having the costs of inspecting, testing, billing for extra strength charge.. The City Attorney advised the Council that he had reviewed the documents and recommended that the Council approve them from a legal standpoint. The Council directed that this was the first reading of the model Ordinance and that the second reading-of the Ordinance and approval of the.Joint.-Powers .Agreement with the M.W.C.C. be placed on the February 7, 1977 agenda for aPProval. Mr. Robinette presented to the Council a review of the Public Works Committee''s work to date. on the installation of street lighting, especially in the Vallee Park area. Mr. Robinette also presented a memo recommending that three street lights be installed, at the intersection of 172nd and Kodiak, 185th and Dodd, and 188th and State Highway 50. His. memo also recommended that the Council use the high pressure sodium vapor lighting over.themercury-vapor as it is more .cost efficient in the long. run. The .staff reported that the costs and policies shall have to be reviewed on the street lighting system and will require more study by the Committee before recommendation can be made to the City Council.. 77.30 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to order in the three street `lights at the above locations and adopt a policy that the City will use high pressure sodium type. lighting in the future. Roll call-was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry, Zaun and Clarkson. At this-time the City Council took up the discussion concerning the selection from a list of ten engineering consulting firms of whom they wish.. to interview. In addition to the present consulting firm, the Council decided to interview three firms. Members of the Council discussed the need for establishing a criteria on which to evaluate whom should be interviewed, and how to assess. the firms who would be interviewed. The City Council members then gave the City Administrator. their list of the three firms theq wish to interview. A tabulation of the lists resulted in .the following three firms to be interviewed. Consulting Engineers Diversified of Osseo, Minn. Banister Short Elliott Hendrickson & Assoc., St. Paul, Minn. Orr-Sche3.en-Mayeron & Associates, Minneapolis, Minn. The following were items mentioned by the City Council that should be considered of importance in assessing the firms. They are, accountability, municipal ex- perience, breadth of specialties in the firm,. whether or not the firm analyzes- cost benefits of their projects, management capability including project control and inspection, type of answers they would give to questions from the City £auncil, who would be the principal representative from their firm to the City, and other considerations. Councilman Emond stated that the City Council and staff should review and deter- mine what ts,golicies and in-pause capabilities and procedures are, or should be, before Council goes much further with interviewing consultants and making selections. The Council directed the City Administrator to have for the meeting an January 25th, a list of present .practices and policies 'involving municipal engineering, project control and .inspections. 77.31 Motion was made by Emand, seconded by Mako to receive. the Planning Gammission- minutes of Januarp 6, 1977. -2- 1 f • . • CITY OF LAKEVILLE_COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 17, 1977 Roll call was taken on the motion. 'Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry, Zaun and Clarkson. The Council noted that the public hearing on the preliminary plat of Woodridge Addition had been closed and that the Planning Commission would be`making a recommendation to the Council. The Council expressed their concern with de- velopment in this urea due to the lack of sewer to the area and the problems of_extending sewer due to treatment plant capacity limitations at this time, and the need for an overall ;look at the development layout of all the groperty in the northwest quarter of Section l©. 77.32 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Curry to direct the Planning Commission... to reconsider the closing of the'publc hearing on the preliminary plat of Woodridge Addition due to the additional planning .considerations Ghat should be taken into .account on the property to the east of the. plat in Section 1Q, to the_,west and northwest, and to the timing of sewer to the area. - Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Ma.ko, Curry, Zaua, Clarkson and Emond, 77.33 Motion taas made by Emond, seconded by Glarkson to approve he appointment to the Planning Commission of Bi11 Campbell as Chairman of the Planning Gommission £or 1977. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Clarkson, Emond and Mako. The City Administrator advised the Gouncil of a Resolution received from the Suburban Rate Authority asking for the designation of the City's representa- `.tine and alternate. He also asked if the Council wished to-consider continu- ing their membership in the Suburban.. Rate Authority in tight of the Minnesota- Public Service-Commission now having jurisdiction aver private-utility com- panies and their rates.. Mayor'Mako pointed out that Suburban Rate Authority.had been primarily concerned with cases involving Northern States:. Power Company and their rates and that. the City of Lakeville receives much of its electric service from the Dakota .County Electric Goop. 77.34 Motion was made by Mako, seconded by'Zaun to discontinue the Citp's membership in the Suburban Rate Authority and inform the Authority of the Council's de- cision. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Clarkson,;Emond, Mako and Curry. The City Administrator and Finance Director recommended the Council adopt. a Resolution which would combine the Liquor fund checking account into the'General_ Fund checking account. It was pointed out that the Liquor Fund and General Fund as 'well as other City funds will continue to be kept separate on. the City books. This Resolution was merely consolidating checking accounts into one checking' account for the City. 77.35 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Emond to adopt Resolution x'77-4 combining the Liquor. Store checking account into the General Fund checking account. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, ,Clarkson, Emond Mako, Curry and Zaun. The City Administratorpresented aletter from the Green Tree Agency with two quotations on accidental death and weekly supplemental pay benefits'`for 'the auxiliary police force. Council had'directed.the Ctp Administr~.tor and insurance agent to obtain quotes an the coverage at the December 28`Specal Council meeting.', The City.. Administrator ;recommended that the City Council approve and authorize he purchase of the insurance under: Option ~1 for the auxiliary police. 77.36.. Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by ;Emond to approve the purchase of accidea- tal death. and disability insurance for the auxiliary: police force as per`Ogtion ~1 in the letter from the Green Tree..Agencq, Inc., dated :January 5, 1977. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako, Gurry, Zaun.and-Clarkson... The City Administrator handed out to the Council. a report an the estimated costs of printing'the Cauncilminutes based an the year 1976. `The Council _3_ •7 ~,L • ~ • ~ ~ CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 17;:19.77 decided to €urther consider the matter at the February 7 Council meeting.. The City Council reviewed Resolution X77-5 listing various fees to be charged bq the Cityfor City services and. inspections. Councilman Zaun suggested that `the list...include all of the fees under one Resolution to facilitate a clear understanding what the Citq's various fees are. The Council directed 'the Administrator to put all of the fees adopted by previous Resolutions under.. Resolution ~7?-5 even if there were `no changes in the particular fee. 77.37 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Zaun to adopt Resolution X77-5 estab- lishng charges for various. permits and. licenses foreGity services and in- spections. :Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mako, Curry• Zaun, Clarkson and Emond. 77.38 Under additional business, a motion wasmade bq Curry. and seconded by Zaun to- prepare areport o the Council on the costs o€ utilities the past three years, and to include cost estimates for improving. the energy efficiency of the various buildings. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Clarkson, Emond and Mako Marianne Curry brought to the Council's attention a large cross country aki race to be held on Minnreg property. in February. It was recommended that the Council direct the Park and Recreation Committee to review and make a recom- mendaton to the-Council concerning the establishment of .parking fees for Ritter Farm Park, as, a°~means of controlling the-use. of the .park due to its limited parking capabilities and road entrances,. and to'raise funds to help continue development of the park. 77.39 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Emond to request the Park and-Recreation, Committee to study and recommend to the Council actions concerning the use of Ritter=Farm Park for parking:-andtheestablishment of .parking fees. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Clarkson,-Emond, Mako and Curry 77.40 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Mako to extend the meeting beyond the 11:00 P.M. adjournment time to coasider-two additional items. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Clarkson, Emond, Mako, Curry and Zaun. .The City Administrator was to include on the January 25th agenda, an item con- cerning where, what and how to proceed to obtain various Federal. and/or `State grants for Citg projects. Councilman Clarkson reported on the Committee meeting concerning problems with the present street name and numbering system in Lakeville and that there would be an additional meeting on this matter. 77.41 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Zaun to adjourn the Council-meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry, Zaun and Clarkson. .Time 11:.20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ,F j~nQ~ I Patrick E. McGarvey, Cle Edward J. Mako, Ma or -_4..