HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-21-77 -.CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL: MEETING NOVEMBER. 21, 1977 The meetngwas called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Mayor Mako. The .flag pledge wad given. Roll. call was taken, Present: Emond, Mako, ...Curry,. Zaun and'Clarkson. `Also present: Patrick McGarvey, City Administrator; Darrell Schneider„ Consulting Engineer;_,James Robinette, Pub-lic Works,-Director; Patrick Farrell,. City Attorney. 77.5$0 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Zaun to approve the minutes o€ the Novem- ber 7, 1977 Council meeting. Ro l call was taken on themotion.;. Ayes, Mako, Curry, Zaun, Emond and Clarkson. 77.581 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Mako to approve the minutes of the Novem- ber 10, 197?...Special Council meeting. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun and .Mako. .Nays, none.' Clarkson and Emond abstained as they were"not present at the meeting. 77.582 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Zaun to approve the claims for payment as `presented. Roll!ca1~,'was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Zaun, Clarkson, Emond, Mako 'and Curry.... .Staff reports. The City Administrator.. presented a letter from Ackerberg & Associates re~om-- mending approval of the final payment and acceptance .of"the project for Hor- witz Mechanical on the~Ligt~a~`Store project. 77.5$3 Motion was made by Emond,~seconded by ,Curry to approve' he .final payment to Horwitz Mechanical-and-accept thepro~ect as of November 21 1977. Roll call Faas taken on the motion. Ayes, Clarkson, Emond, Mako, Curry and Zaun. M Mr. Schneider reviewed a litter cgncer-Wing the sewer odor problem in the Lake y Marion-area and discussed the problem°at t"he Brandes residence. Mr. Schneider explainer} that the x`unn~.ng trep is legal but that the one drawback is that it is d~:fficult to clean if it'dees plug up.' However, in Mr. Brander' location. the amount of fall fres~ the douse to the city. sewer line is considerable and will create a-larger:head wb3~eh should reduce the chance of a plug up in the .running trap`in~the area of the: rervice line. It was explained that a running trap should eliminate "any further":odor from backing up into the Vie. It was pointed out;tl3at Mr. Br~tndes'has,called the Cite.several times .concerning"the odor in_his house.- Mr. - Schneide~t ~reco~mtendei -that 'ttte"Council authorize the installation, of a running t~ap~on the sewer ervice`line'at the Brander' residence at a cost not-to exceed. $300;as an experiment to check the effectiveness of this de- ~ice in 'eliminating sewer odor problems. 77.584 Motaol~h. was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to authorize the instillation of a rttin~ing trap at the Brander' residence at a cost not to exceed $300. Moll call was taken on the motion.: Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry, Zaun and Clarks=an. 77.585 Motien was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to direct the City Administrator and City Attorney to have an agreement,prepared between the City and Mr. Brand~es concerning this instahation. Ro11 call was tak+sn on the motion. Ayes, Mako, Curry, Zaun, Clarkson and Emond. 77.586 Motion was made by Clarkson, seconded by Zaun to receive the minutes of the November 15 Natural Reseurce,Commttee, Iovember l7 Planning`COmmission meetings, Roll call was talon on the motion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Clarkson, Emond and Mako. Item"#7 an the agenda was tabled as the Planning Eommission had not made a recommendation on Mrs. Palm's special-Home t?ccupation permit renewal.. ~1„ _ • _ CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING' NOVEMBER 21, 1977 Mr. Thomas Vucinovich presented the site, plan and building plan for an,addition to his house at 8420 207th St': His Certificate of Survey showed that he pre- sent:house is sitting 28~ feet from the,-property line and that the addition.-to the .house would be'2O to 21 feet from the property line. Mr. Vucnovich ex- plained the remodeling plan for his house. 77.587 Motion wns made by Zaun, seconded by Emond to`grant a front yard variance to Mr. Vucnovich-as described above. " Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Clarkson, Emond, Mako and Curry. At this time Mr. Charles Wren addressed .the Council and presented a lira of- citzens signatures within 300 feet of the propert3~ he owns where he wishes to move the bulding.from the Gephart property. He also presented;a picture of the building and plan for the location of the building on his property. 77.588 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Zaun to approve the relocation of the former Gephart building onto Mr. Wrents-.property at 8520. - 209th Street.. sub-' ~ec:to staff checking of this'sgnatures. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Clarksox~~ Emond, Mako and Curry. At this time Mr. William Johns~on~an attorney for the Dorsey firm in Minneapolis,-> presented;,a request from Me~rillat;industxiesfor a $3 million industrial revenue bond issue for; the purchase of the £orme.r Er~derick-Willys building and equipping:` of it. He also introduced to`Mr."John Thurman of Merillat Industries. Mr. Thurman expl.ainec} that , Merillat ~c~ustries is the.,, maker of kitchen. cabinets and vanities sired has~;beenrin"businn s 31 years in ''Michigan. They presently employ sow 553 people at their.Michiganplant and they are the fourth largest maker of kitchen cabinets inn. the United States. Mr. Thurman explained-that ..once the Lakeville 'plant reached-fu7.1 production they expect to employ 150 to 175 people. Mr. Thurman explained that he had .been in contact with Maynard Johnson of Airlake Industrial`Park o`rt the sale of this building .and the 20 acres of property. 'The City Attorney advised the`CcSUnci1 that he. had not had sufficient time to study the documents presented by Mr. Johnstone for Merllat Industries as he had dust received<tl~em on the morning of November 21. Mr. Thurman explained that`the company had e~ateted into a'gurchase,agreement with Frederick-Willys and Stanely Company and it would expire on November 29th, unless the C y had given preliminary approval to an industrial revenue bond issue. The Gouncl advised the applicanas that a financial consultant, Mr. Pulscher o~_Springs ed,-.Inc. and the City Attorney would need additional tame to re- vieta-their request before the Council could take action on it. `77.589 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Curry to seta Special `Council meeting for November 28, 1977 at-5:(JO P.M. 'to consider and act. on this industrial revenue bond request from Merllat Industries. Roil call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Clarkson, Emond,. Mako, Curry and Zaun. The City Attorney advised the Council bq letter that the contract for'the Antlers .Park restroom/shelter building should not be executed and_a change- order reducing the costs in the magnitude be desired. He explained that this would be in violation of State Statute and past Supreme Cpurt decisions in Minnesota. `77.590 Mcsoa was, made by Zaun, seconded by Emond to re3ect the bids on the Antlers Park restroom/shelter bulding''based on the advice of .the Gty Attorney:. Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Emond, Ma~so, Curryt Zaun.. and Clarkson. 77'.591 'Motion was made. by Emond, seconded by Zaun to approve an addendum to the speci- fications and plans for the Antlers Park restroom/s1~~lter building and set the taking of bids:`for December 15, 1977 at 10:QO A.M. Roh ,call 'was taken on the motion. `Ayes, Mako, Curry, ..;:Zaun and Em€~rcd~.'' Nays, Clarkson. _2- ~ A • . . t CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 21, 1977 Mr. Darrell Schneider presented bids received on the redevelopment of Well 4~4. He recommended that the low bid be accepted and the contract awarded to:Keges We11 Drilling Company in the-.amount of $.12,922. 77.592 Motion was,. made by Emond, seconded bq Zaun to rece ve the bids on the redevelop- went of Well ~~4. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes<, Curry,. Zaun, Clarkson, Emond and Mako. 77.59 .Motion was made by Emond, .seconded by Clarkson to award 'hvs contract to Keyes We11-Drilling Company fore-Well'~~4 redevelopment in the amount of,$12,922. Roll call was taken on the motf.on. Ages, Zaun, Clarkson, Emond, Mako and Curry.' The City Council received~a litter from Mr. Schneider concerning the status of .the .water systems stiudy`his firm is working on. ' x`7.594 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Zaun to receive the written report from Mr. Schneider on the water systeges rstudy. Roll call was-~t~ken on the motion.' Ayes, Clarkson, Emond,`Mako.Zaun and Curry. 77.595 Motion was. made by. Mako, seconded by Clarksan to appoint Mrs.`Nancy Hiemstra to the Parr and Recreation=Committee to fill the remainder of Dee Christoffers ...term. Roll call was taken' on tie motion. ,Ayes,,: Emond, .Mako, ,Curry,... Zaun and Clarkson.' 77.596 Motion was made by Emond,-sec©uded by Curry to approve the liquor licenses for. the Chart, House, VFW Clubs and,,Hgneywell.Country Club..:. F Roll call was taken on the mo~3un. Ayes, Mako, Curry, Zaun, Clarkson and Emond. .77.597: Motion was made bq Emond`, seconded by Zaun to approve the assessment abatements.. from the Dakota County Assessor's office.. Rolle call was-taken on the 'motion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Clarkson, Emond and Mako. 77.59$ Motion was made-bq Zaun, seconded bq Curry to-receive. the two bidsforthe pur- .chase of three new squad cars: .Roll .call was taken. on-the motion. Ayes., Zaun, Clarkson,.Emond,-Mako and Curry. 77.599 Motion was made. by Emond, seconded by Zaun to award the purchase of the three squad cars to'-the low bidder„Todd Chevrolet in the- amount of $14,952.62 and- with the trade-in of>two`1976 Plymouths..valued at $700 and $.5.50 for trade-in" purposes;. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Clarkson, Emond, Mako and :Curry. A report was presented by the Chief of Police concerning the request to transfer funds from the $3;940 budgeted in program 350 for the cost of the uniscope which the State of Minnesota is now picking up, to program;355 for the purchase of'a mobile radio unit `for the car for the Xouth Relations Officers. The memo also included;quot+~s for this radio plus. two hand held radios for 'the Police.Depart- went and Res~cve Department and a ,quote for a generator 'to provide electrical. power to .the Police Station radio system and electrical system. 77.600 Motion was made by Curryt seconded bq 2aun to receive.. the radio and generator quotes. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond,. Mako, Curry, Zaun and Clarkson. 77.601 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Zaun tp award the purchase`of the mobile radio and two hand held radios to Motorola in the amount of $1,604 for the mobile unit and $822 each'for-the hand held radios.;. RoII call was-taken on the motion. Ayes., Mako, .Curry, Zaun, Clarkson. and Emond. '77.$02 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to approve the purchase-from Granger fora generator in the amount',of $1,574.' -3_ M: ~ + • • ~ CITY 'OE LAKEVILLE CODNCIL~.MEETING NOVEMBER 21, 1977 Rolle call was taken on :the motion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Clarkson, Emond and Mako. ` 77.603 Motion was made by Curry,. seconded by-Mako to`authorize the transfer of_$1,604 from program 350 to program 355 to pay for the mobile radio unit for the :Youth Relations squad car.. Roll. call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Clarkson, Emond, .Mako and Curry. At this .time the City Council and staff reviewed the proposed new Subdivision Ordinance. .Marianne. Curry questioned-on page 9 the requirement-for soil borings also on page 11. - She also suggested-on page 14 n subdivision (e) to the qualified person more. specific and designate aa:~Soils Engineer. On page 15, Mrs. Curry suggested that the requirement tie inserted to require a letter. of credit or financial statement or financial information from de- velopers when they are pr~~asing projects>in the Gi y: 0xt page 29 she si~~ested that the'-City Engineer be explicit as the person who would review specifications and compliance with them. Councilman `Clarkson. raised the question of g~otective co~renants and the 'involve- ment the City has.. in enforcing covenants in'~warious subdivisions. Farrell explained that the covenants are=~-a primate matter. between the developer, the purchasers of the property and eventually.:.. between the owners of the property. 77.604 Motion was made by Clarkson,~seconded by"Curry to set December 5th and Decem- ber 19, 1977 as the first, and .second-reading d.ate~s .far the new 'Subdivision Ordinance. Roll :call was taken on the.;moti~n.` Ayes, Emend, Mako, Curry, ,Zaun and Clarkson. .The staff was directed to make a list of the~.changes discussed: .at the Navemb@r 21st meeting for consideration. by the Council. on December 5th for iriclusion- 'in the body ,of .the ordinance. The City Administrator presented a report. to the G ty Council concerning suggest-' ed improvements in the Lakeville Liquor Stare and operational changes. 'Council- `man Zaun .reported on the proposed dance floor and-the costs and need for it as suggested by the Liquor Store ,Committee: 77.605 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Mako to implement the operational changes listed in the City Administrator's repnrt'o~ November 16, 1977. .Roll call was taken on the. motion..... Ayes,. Mako,..Curry, Zaun, Clarkson and Emond. .77.606 Motion was made by Mako, seconded by-Emond to'authorize the purchase of a 9 foot by 12 #oot-,portable dance .floor in the .:amount -of $67b.02 ,from Si.co. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Clarkson', Emond, Mako. Nays, Curry. The..staff was directed to:.getpricesfrom various suppliers for the purchase of a new television set Eor the On-Sale lounge. Item',~21 concerning the St. John's Lutheran Church site plan and building plan approval was tabled as the:, Planning Commission did. not act on it. The City Administrator presented a draft of the proposed Ambulance Agreement -between the City of Burnsville, Apple Valley,..Farmington, and `Lakeville"`with Smith'.0,mbulanee`for ambulance service in 1978 and stated that the agreement would-be on the'13ecember,5thagenda for consideration and. approval. 77.607. Motion was>made by .Clarkson, seconded by Emond to adjourn the Council meeting. Rolf call was taken'on the motion. Ayes,: Clarkson, Emond, Mayo, Curry :and Zaun. Time: -10:20 P.M., Res uh su mitt , -4- ~ Edward J.-Mako, yor Petrie E. McGarvey,.~i "Clerk