HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-07-77 r- • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 7, 1977 .The meeting ~aas~, called" t"o oxder ,bq: Mayon Mako at 8:00 P.M. Thee .pledge of allegiance. to, th~a flag' Baas given. Ro11 call .was taken. Present: Emond, Mako., Curry and Zaun. Absent: Clarkson.. Also present: Patrick ~ICGarveyy City .Administrator; Dennis Feller, Finance Director; James ""Rmbinet>te, Pwblc UTorks Director; Pat Farrell, City .Attorney; Darrell Sehn~der,~`Consulting Engineer.. 77.550 Motion wad"°`made by ._Curry, seconded by Zaun,; to approve the minutes of the -0ctober,l7, 1977 Council meeting. .Roll call was taken on-the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako,. Curry and Zaun. 77.551 Motion wasFinade.by Curry, seconded by Zaun to approve the claims .for payment as presented 'and: _ intlu~le. wi,t~h the minutes of the meeting the cost breakdown for the payment .to the &onestroo firm for the engineering plans on Phase II F and ITI of the Orchard Lake project. R©11 call was taken on. the motion. Ayes, Mako, Curry, Zaun.. and Emond. Staff reports.. The City: Administrator presented specifications for the tilting of bids on the em~~oyee's group hospital/medical. insurance. coverage. The Administrator:. advised the Council that the City had not taken bids for several years an- ths coverage: and that the premium t© the City had increased substantially cover that pe"riod-of tinwe. It is hoped. that he bidding pzocess would,r~esult in equal coverage for the employees at'less cost to the City. 77.552 Motion was made, by Zaun, seconded-by Curry to approve the group health incur- ance specifications and set he taking of bids for December:: 15, 1977 at 2:t30 PM. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ages, Curry, Zaun,. Emond anal-Mako. 77.553 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by. Emond to approve the filing of an appli- cationfox a tategrant of 100x for experimental tree, program to prevent Dutch EZm disease in the Antlers Park and old part of Lakeville en public property, Ro11 call'raas taken on "the .motion. Ayes, Zaun, Emond, Mako and Curry. 1~r. Darrell Schneider presented a letter requesting approval to :do survey control work along,'the 175th;Street project so ,that the appraiser can-have adequate property descriptions in preparing property appraisals. Authority- was requested to have this work done not to exceed a cost of $750. 77.554 Motion was made_by Zaun, seconded by Curry to authorize the survey control ,work on 175th Street by C.E.D. not. to exceed '$750.40.: in cost." Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,. Emond,.Mako, Curry and Zaun: 77.555 Motion was made by Zaun,. seconded by Emond to receive the minutes from the Natural Resource Committee, Park and Recreation Committee and Planning Commission. R©11 call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Mako, Curry, Zaun and Emond. At. this time Mayor Mako took up-the-proposed rezoning requested by Mr. Gary Parker. ,Mr.' Parker addressed the Council and stated that he was withdrawing his application. due to the recommendation of the Planning Commission to deny the.. request, The City Attorney advised the Council that no Council action was necessary dui- to withdrawal. At thia t3.me Mr. Schunk, an arichitect representing Gepharts presented the site -plan and building ~'lari for" an" °add~.tion and remodeling- of Gephart's Furniture Store. " Ae revieweii the paY'king ~~,syout and the parkiag long. range situation. Mayor .Mako brought txp the poesY.ble congestion of parking on•:207th Street $ r 'CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER. 7, 1977 and whether or not the south side. of 207th Street should be posted as a no parking zone. Mr. Schenk said he did not believe his client would have any ob~ectons_if that; was necessary. Mr. Leonard Gephart said th~ab bhe~.l;oadng for his furniture business will be taken care of on the east-side of the new. addition. The City Administrator advised the Council that the Planning Commission 'had recommended approval of the bul.~ing plan ahd site plan and. that the-City Planning. Consultant and staff should;meet with the developers of the down- town parking plan to assess the4lang range goals and requirements. 77.556 Motion was made ~?q Curry, seconded by .Zaun to approve the site plan and authorize the 'Eulding permit sub3ect'`to negotaton between the City and the deve~.opers in the future on the parking.~equrements. Roll call. was taken on the motion. Ayes, Curry, 'Zaun, Emond and Mako. 77.557 Motion was made by Emotrd,:seconded:.by Zaun to approve and authorize a building permit for the greenhouse addition t~`~he}i`ormer Freeway Furniture building on old 65. Roll call was taken on the motion: Ages, Zaun, Emond..Makoand Curry,. 77.558 Motion was made by Mako, seconded by Emond to authorize a huilding permit for the construction of a metal storage building for:Northwestern.Aggregates as recommended by the Planning Commission:. Rolf call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry and Zaun. 77.559 Motion was- made by Mako, seconded by Curry to approve the special Home Occupation hermit for Mrs. Judy Baldus at 16290 Galena.Avenue to_operate a beauty.:shop, the renewal for a three year period. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mako, Curry, Zaun and Emond:. 77.560 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by. Curry. to approve a conditional use permit .for Mr. R. E. Enright at 18379 Ixonia Avenue to`construct a garage in his rear yard. providing ,garage:•space over 1,000 square feet on his pro- petty, subject to the new garage being no closer than-25 feet to the rear property line: Roll call was :.taken on the motion. Ayes., Curry,. Zaun, Emond and Mako. The City staff reviewed Resolution 77-71 which would replace Resolution ~~7~--49 that had- placed a moratorium on 'a lot` size at ten acres. It was pointed out that the new .Resolution would keep the to size in~the un= sewered area. of the City 3n the mid-range and long-range area at en acres, but provides an; opportunity. through a variance procedure to re- duce the; size to five acres-per dwelling unit. It would .also provide,' for the issuing of building permits. for the enlargement or construction of new commercial `or industr~.~il buildings provided the'lot size 'met with the..requirements outlined in the Resolution `as well. `as other criteria. 77~-561. Motion was made by Emond, seconded by-Zaun to adopt .Resolution:#77-71 as .recommended by the Planning Commission, Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun.,.. Emond, Mako and Gerry. 77.562 Motion was .made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to direct the staff to obtain fromthe State of Minnesota the'newly..revised septic..: systems standards and bring them to a future Council meeting for review.: Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond,. Mako, Curry and Zaun. At this time Councilman Clarkson arrived and took his chair. 77.563 Motion was made by Zaun,-seconded by Emond to adopt Resolution ~~77-72 placing`limitations on the-.use of pole barn construction in var3.ous areas of the City... -2- r • _ CITY flF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER-7, 1977 Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond,°Mako, Curry, ,Zaun and Clarkson: 77.564 Motion was ,made by Emond, seconded by Zaun to approve the specifications for the purchase o£ three new-police-cars and set the taking of bids for November 21 1977 at Z.00 P:M.; Roll-call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mako,-Curry,'~aun, Clarkson and Emond. At this time Mr. Douglas Watschke, architect from.Ackerberg & Associates pre- sented a letter',outlning deductions that could be made from the-proposed Antlers.Park xestroom/shelter ~~ulding to lower the price. Mr.'Watschke exp dined that the architect and staff had met and reviewed items that could. be eliminated to reduce:. the. price. The arcchitect then met with two lpwest bidders `and submitted he list to them .and asked them 'to submit their price reductions to the architect... Each low bidder had done:'this:.in writing to the architect and the low bidder remained C. 0. Field Company with a rev3.sed low bid of $53,47Q, as compared to his original bid .of $7$,133. The City Attorney advised the Council he would like time to check the Statutes to see ,if this method of awarding'tl~e contract and issuing achange-order to deduct this substantial .amount was legal. 77.565 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to approve°the`contract with C: O. Field Company for $78,133 with achange-order reducing is to $53,470 subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney.. Roll call was taken on'the motion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Emond and`Mako Nays, Clarkson,. Approval of an agreement with Mr. Charles Wren was taa3:pd to November=21,.'1977. as Mr. Wren had not had time to'sign the agreement. At this time the City Attorney presented an addendum'ta the. development agree- ment with the developers of Cedar Highlands Addit on. Mr. Farrell recommended that the. City Council approve the developers..agreement. 77.566 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Curry to approve the final plat of Cedar ..Highlands 1st and 2nd Additions and approve he developers agreement,;sub~eet to receipt of a letter from the bonding companp providing supplemental bond coverage.: for street lighting, erasion control, withtheagreement to be dated November 4, 1977. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Clarkscm, Emond, Mako and Curry. 77.567 Motion was ..made .by ~monc}, seeonded,by Zaun to approve the second reading of an Ordnance~~e~o~ing a.portion of the Cedar Highlands 1st Addition from'R-1C to R-3A.` Roll call was taken on~the;motion. Ayes, Clarkson, Emond, Mako, Curry and :Zaun. :77.568 Motion. was iri~de' by Clarkson,"'seconded by Zaun to< inform the Farmington and Rosemount School ..District: Superintendents of the Cedar. Highlands plan. as t appeared the boundaries of the:SOhool District would cute through; some lots.. •.e { Roll call was taken on=the motion:. Ayes,; Emond, Maka.Curry, Zaun and Clarkson. r 77:.569 Motion waS.made bq Curry, seconded by. Zaun to approve the transfer of`$3,074.89 from the. 1966. lmpnovemgait ~on,d Fund- balance and :close out the Fund, with trans- fer being: made to .tYPe Trunk Fund. Roll .call was; taken on the Motion....-.Ayes, Mako, Curry, Zaun:, Clarkson and Emond:'. 77.570 `Motion was made by-Mako, senonded by:Emond to acknowledge receipt of a letter from Mr. Wilmot Campbell~resigning;from the Planning Commission as of:January l,, 1978. Roll call was taken on the motion... Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Clarkson,;Emond and Mako: The City Administrator was directed to write a letter to the Chairpersons of -3- s • ` • s ~ r CIl`Y OF LA~EV`ILLE COUNCIL MEETING , NOV'EHI~ER 7 ~19 ~ 7 ! the other three advisory committees pointing out the vacancies an the Planning Commission: and requesting them to'inform the members of th+~~:r Committee in the event any of them are interested"in serving on the Planning Commission. ..:77..:571 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Zaun to approve the establishment of:a payroll-benefit fund as recommended.. by the :Finance Director:. Rohl call was-taken on the motion. Ages, gaun, Clarkson, Emond Ms.ko'and Curry. Mr. Darrell Schneider and the City Administrator :presented the result of quota-- tions received from three :well companies for the redevelopment of Well ~4._ The City Administrator advised the Council the staff had requested written quotations from.. the three companies on the belief that all he work that may be necessary once the pump and piping are removed would be less-,than $10,000. Quotations received were all in excess of $15,000 if all the work was actually necessary. Mr. Schneider-presented a letterrecommending that the Councfl approve a pur- chase order for the removal and reinsulation of the pump, wiring and piping and labor and material 'to complete the redevelopment work in the we11'for up" to 160 cubic yards of sand removal, with acost not to'`exceed $8,775.' It was explained that a second purchase order would have o be approved after written quotations were received, on any repair necessary to the pump, wiring and piping once it had been removed. Mr. Devons from Bergerson-.Caswell objected to this and requested ths~t the pro- ject be rebid because their low quote of the total work was-not the lowest price for pump: removal and 16p cubic yards of sand removal. The City `Attorney advised the Council ghat 'the Council should probably rebid the;pro3ect because it appeared-the work would be in excess of $l0,OQ0, and ask 'for sealed bids rather than quotes. 77.572. Motion was made by Mako, seconded by Zaun to receive the quotes q~i We11 ~4 for redevelopment. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Clarkson, Emond, Mako, Curry and_n. 77.573 Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to re~;e,Ct~`the quotations and to authorise specifications and the taking. of bids and approve the specifications on-the redevelopment on Nell #4, with the bid opening'to be on November 21, 1977 at 2:00 P.M Roll call was .taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry~~ Zaun and C1°a.rkson. Councilman Clarkson brought up the, question of the propbeed Vinland project, which Lakeville is being considered as a possible site for. Marianne Curry stated that Mr.-Ken Anderson,.: Executive .Director for: the Vinland protect, will be presen at the December 5, 1977 Council meeting to brief the Council on the project and answer questions. 77.574 Motion was made by._Glarksori, seconded by Emond to authorize a letter to be written"to .the. Fire Insurance Services requesting a Fire Fighting Inspection of-the. City's:...capabilites. . Roll call was taken on the motion.";Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry, Zaun and Clarkson.. 77.575 Motion was made by Clarkson, seconded by Ma~.o'to direct the Park `and Recreation Committee' to- ook into the ma~r~t.ing t~f `arious .park entrances. around the City for, the public's convenience.. Roll call was taken on the motion.. ~ Ayes, Mako, Curry, Zaun Clarkson .:and Emond. . ~ The staff was direcred~ to put on the .next Council agenda the consideration of a dance`floor for the Liquor Store and obtain costs on that and also to com- mence the inspection of~-various~City improvement projects which were; accepted Late in 1976 for the one yeargmaintenance,period. Marianne Curry stated that the,:next City Newsletter should include a paragraph -4~ ' • CITY OF LAREVILLE COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 7, :1977 on the need forresidents to post .their house numbers.. The.-Council set a Special Council,-meeting for November. l0, I977 at 4:00 P.M. to canvass the votes from the November 8, 197.7 municipal election. 7T.576 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Curry'to adjourn the meeting. Roll call was ,taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry, Zaun and Clarkson. Time: 10x20 P,M. Respectfully submitted, f ~ Patrick E. McGarvey, City C k Edward J. Mako, yor e. -5-