HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-17-77 w: ; .CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING QGTOBER ~7, 1977 The meeting was called to ord~tr at 8 ; OO P .M. by ,Mayor Malbo . -The p~.edge of .allegiance to the flag .was given. .Roll call was 'taken. Presentr Mako, Curry. and Zaun.,.-Absent;:' Emond and Clarkson.. Aldo present: Patrick McGarvey, City Adminis rotor/Clerk.; Patrick Farrell, City ; Attorney; James Robinette, Public-Works Director. 77.531 Motion was made by Curry, seconded ,~y Zaun to approve ..tte -`°minutes of the Septem-- ;ber'29, 1977 Special'Council meeting. .:Roll call :was :taken on the motion. Ayes, Mako, Curry and Zaun. At this time Councilman Emond arrived and took his chair: 77.532 Mot-ion was made by Zaun, ,seconded by Curry to approve the minutes of the October 3, 19.7'7-Council meeting R®11 call was aken on-the motion. `Ayes, Mako, Curry and .Zaun. Nays, none. Emond. abstained. :.77.533 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Curry to approve the claims for payment as presented. Roll. call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry and Zaun. At this time Mrs. Linda Ansel gave a report from: the Centennial Committee on the planning .effort going into the Lakeville .Centennial. in 1978.:. Thee City. Administrator presented a`letter from the Lakeville Hockey. Boosters Associa- tion requesting legal advice as to ;whether a Mercedes Benz dinner. could be held in the City of Lakeville. to raise funds for the Association programs. 77.534 `.Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Curry to receive the letter from the Lakeville Hockey Boosters Associat3.on. Roll call was taken on the .motion. Ayes:, Mako, :Curry,' Zaun. and Emond. 77.535 -.Motion wasmade'by Emond, seconded'by Zaun to direct the Gity Attrrney to confer with the Attorney General's office on the request and report back to the Council. Roll call was -taken- pn the motion.. Ayes, Curry, Zaun,. Emond a~tt~ Mako. 77.536 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by ,,Zaun to approve-change-order ~~2 to Hoff- man.Electric Company for work on the liquor store 'for a.deduct in the amount of $1,828.09.- Roll call Baas taken'on the motion.-.Ayes, Zaun., Emond, Mako and Curry. Mayor Meko:commended the City, staff for-the fine'~ob on the Liquor Store pro3ect. Mayor Mako reported that he had beeninthe.Liquor Store for the grand opening and .felt that it should have a dance floor of a'portable nature available in the lounge.. He'reparted that several customers weze dancing on the carpet and felt that the service could be improvedwith a dance floor. It: was decided that the Liquor Store Committee-would look into the matter and- report to the Council. 77:537 Moti®n Baas made by Curry,`8eeonded by Zaun to-authorize the installation of high presaure sodium street lights et thee. intersections of 164th, 166th, and Upper and Lower 167th Streets at County Road ;S, now'that the street. improve-- ment`project is comp ate.. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes°, Emond, Malco, Curry and :Zaun. 77.538 'Motion was made by Curry, secanded.~y Zaun to send a letter to thee.. Dakota County Engineer,. request ng the status of County plans"for the update of .County Road 5 fromthe Burnsville/Lakeville boundary~to I-35:. Roll call was taken. on the motion..: Ayes, Mako Curry,, Zaun and Emond.. _1- k . a -CITY ~F L,A~~'~LLE° COUNCIL MEETING.. -0CTOBER 17, 1977 Marianne .Curry advised tie I:acil ghat `the Me'tropo].itan Waste Control Commission was oaking for a hazardous land fill waste site and. that Credit River Township was one of the areas under consideration. The City Administrator advised. the Council that Mr. Lynn Peterson's body ~t had'' .been."a topic of conversation between the Build ng Inspector and the. official at the Minnesota PCA in charge of air quality. The City was advised that if a oinks type paint booth or equivalent, was 'installed that the air quality standards: would not. be violated.. 77.539 'Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Curry to authorize the Building Inspector to issue a bulding`permit to Lynn Peterson to. add on to his body .shop with the provision that a oinks type paint bgQth or its;.. equivalent be installed in the addition. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Errand and ko. At this time Mr. Russell Engle appeared before=the Council to'request a reduction - in his assessment on his property along County. Road 44 to 140 front feet.. The City Administrator recommended that` he'Council assess the property far 200 front ,feet which:was a reduction from the original assessment roll figure of 240 front feet. The Council .reviewed Mr.,Engle's request and maps he presented. The Council stated Ghat they would approve a reduction fo 170 front feet if Mr. Engle would accept it. Mr. Engle stated hat he would, - 77.540 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Zaun to set the front foot assessment at 170 feet for Mr. Engles,property on the'Orchard Lake'Phase I water and sewer utili y project. Roll call was taken on the motion. 'Ayes, Zaun,. Emond, Mako and Curry. 77.541 Motion. was made by Emond, seconded bq Curry to adopt Resolution 77-69 certify- ingdelinquent,water and sewer accounts to the.'County Auditor. Ro11 call was taken on the. motion. ..,.Ayes,.Emond, Mako,-.Curry and Zaun. .'77.542 M®tion was made by Zaun, seconded by Emond to receive the minutes from the October 4 Natural Resource Committee meeting,... October 5 Park and Recreaton_ Committee meeting, and October.6 Planning Commission. meeting.; Ro11-call was taken on the motion. Ayes,`Mako Curry, Zaun and Emond. At this time. Mayor Mako issueda procl:,amation declaring the week of October 24 to 29 as Park and Recreation Week; 77.543 Motion was made 'by _Emond, seconded by Curry to`adopt and'apgrove a Resolution` assessing Mr. Loken for storm sewer in the Logarto Addition,'Resolution ~1~77-70. Roll 'call was taken ,on the motion. .Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Errand and Mako. 77.544 Motion was made by Emond, secondedyby~Zs.ure to approve the quotations for the purchase of gravel for the 8treetAepartment as presented by,_the Public Works pirector. Roll call was taken on xhe,m+Otion. Ayes, Zaun, Emond, Mako and Curry. 77.545 Motion was made by Curry,`seconded by Mako to .authorize and approve the George M. Hansen`Company to conduct the 197.7 audit of the :City; books in 1978. Roll call. was taken on the motipn.~ Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry and Zaun. Consideration o£ the housing program from, the Dakota°County kIRA was tabled until further notice from the RRA.-_ The City Administrator presented-a tabulation of the bids received on the Antlers Park restroom/shelter building. The Administrator advised the Council that all of the bids were substantiallq over the architects estimate. Council coos requested to receive the bids and 'table any 'action obi` them until the fiber 7th meeting to allow the architect to meet with:. the' contracaors in -2- • t, CITY OF LAKEVILLE~'COUNCIL MEETING'....` OCTOBER 1.7,..,1977 an effort'to find out why-.the Costs'."were over the#estimate and what could be .done 'about it. <; ~ ~ Y 77:546 Motion was made by Emond, seconded b~ ~'aun'to receive a bids. Roll call was taken. on the motion. Ayes, Maki, Curry, Zaun. and Emond. 77.547 Motion was made by Emond, seconded : by Zaun to tab1~ the award Hof the cc~sntract until the November'7, 1977. Council.-meeting to allow the architect and staff o meet with the contractors. Roll call'was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Curry, Zaun, Emond and Mako. At this time the Council.. took up consideration of the proposal .from the Smith Martin. Ambulance Company and Fairview Hospital to grrovide ambulance service to the communities of Burnsville, Apple Valley, Farmington and Lakeville ,in 1978. The City Administrator advised'the:Councl that the Smith Martin firm had re.- ceived a commitment-from Fairview to pay"7~+~ out of the $1.74 requested sub- sidy for this service. -This would leave $1;00 per-capita fnr the cities to pick up. Council was advised that this was the lowest.. offer: now available to the City since Midwest was .:unable to secure any assistance from`the,Apple' Valley Citric . The Council discussed the merits of the ..proposal and change in ambulance ser- vice to the Citq in 1978.. 77.548 Motion was: made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to authorize he City Attorney to participate in. the drafting of an .agreement with Smith .Martin at a per capita'` --rate of $L00 for ambulance. service ;in 1978 as per their :proposal Roll call was taken. on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry and Zaun. The Council discussed with the Administrator the schedule for receiving and , reviewing the new Shoreland Ordinance, Subdivision -0rdinance, Policy Plan, and the resolut on concerning the moratorium on lot size and certain develop- went in Lakeville. The Council was 'advised that these documents would be forthcoming from the Planning Commission beginning ,in November. 77.549 Motia~n was made by Emond,,seconded:by Zaun to adjourn the Council meeting, Rolf call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry and Zaun. Time; 9:45 P.M. Respect lly bmitted, j s ~ Patrick E. McGarvey City' Clerk Edward J. Mako, ayar . , - F x '•7~