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y CITY OF'LAKEVILLE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING JULY: 11, .;.1977 ' The meeting was called to order by acting Mayor, James Emond, at 4:0~ P.M. Roll call was taken..•- Present: Emond, Curry and Zaun. Absent: Mako and Clarkson. A tabulation of bids received-on the contract for the completion oi' the° Orchard Lake utility-project, Phaae'I, was presented by Mr.`Rasene. These bids covered the work remaining after the McGrand & Frovarp contract had to be terminated," and for the repairs. necessary on the work performed by -McGrand & Frovarp under their contract for this project.' ..77.345 :Motion was made_by,Zaun, seconded by Emond to receive the bids on the com- pletion of the Orchard Lake utility project,.Phase I. Roll call was taken. on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Curry and Zaun. Mr. Rosena:pointedout that the bids were received based; on unit prices for estimated quantities of work. Unit prices will be fixed but the quan- tity oi' work:-may vary above or below-those estimated by the Engineer. At his time Mayor Mako arrvedR".aid tookhis chair. .Marianne .Curry-stated that she'thought the firmer contractor,.McGrand and Frovarp, should be placed <in "t~•e ~tecoxd in some manner as to the unsatis- factory pezformance of th,~r work for the City and the fact that the in- dividual -involved in tha~C- company ~is now~:d®3,ng worle with another individual under a new name in the contract"i~g business. , r The Council discussed whether or not the"City should participate in any of the remaining-.work on this project. The,City Administrator stated ,that the attorney representing the bonding, company had been given several weeks to handle the. completion of this pro~e~t..througlx his own office and resources, and had chosen to have_the-City rebid; the project. It was, therefore, his recommendation Chat•.the City sii'ould award the remaining. work in its entirety to:the low bidder, McNamara-Vivant`Construction Co,', Inc: ' 77.346 Motion was made`by Emor~d,;.'.aeconded 1~y Curry to adopt Resolution X77-41 award- ing the contract to McNamara-Vivant Cejnstructiar~ Co., Inc. in the amount of $5?,334.90: Roll call-was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry and Zaun. At this time Mr. Rosene proceeded to'explain how the total amount of Class 5 tonnage was arrived at 'on .the contract with Richard Knutson, Inc. for the Orchard Lake-Lakeville Hills-Jackson Heights utility project. Mr._Rosene explained hat in 'September of 1976 he had had the contractor install the water and-sewer service as an added work item to serve the Country Kitchen restaurant. The total cost from the contractor for that-work came to $572.49., Since the ;amount of Class 5 used on'the project was at :that time less than ;the '20,000 tons estimated by the engineer'whenthe project was bid:-.out, ;pay-` aunt to the contractor for this added work for the Country Kitchen was pro- cessed as added-Class 5. Mr. Rosene`pointed out that the $572.49 plus 15X for engineering and administrative costs was directly assessed to the. Country Kitchen property in addition to their unit and lateral assessments for sewef and water. Mr. Rosene pontedout that the $5724~t,when divided by the uu~.t price of $2.24 per ton of Class 5 came to the 255..6 tons of Class 5 which was inc].ud~: ed in the ':'19,025.7 tons-paid the. contractor. He also .pointed out'that n their-tabulation of all of the weight tickets., plus:::the 255.6.: tons `that they' had come up with a ffigure of 20 tons less than the 19,025.7 and that Mr Schneider from Conault~ing Engineers .Diversified had come up with s, total ©f 18,987 tons in-his tabulation which is 38 ons less 'than the final .work statement for the project. He 'stated that he felt this was reasonably close c~,sidering the number of months that had passed since the original work statement had. been prepared from the weight tickets: 77,347 There being no further discussion on the matter, motion was made by Emond, econded by Zaun tozad~ourn the Council meeting. t CITY OF LAKEVILLE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING JULX 11, 1977 Roll call was taken on the. motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry and Zaun. Time: 4:45 P.M. ..Respectfully submitted, r~;, g Patrick E. McGarve Cl,~a Edward J. Mako, Ma a h s -2.