HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-12-76 y„ CITY QF I~AKEVILLE HEARING ON WATER & SEWER EXTENSIONS, ORCHARD LAKE AREA APRIL 12, 1976 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Mako at 7:30 P,M. Present; Clarkson, Emond, Mako, Curry and Zaun. Also pre~~ex~t; Roger Knutson, City Attorney, Robert Frigaard and Robert Rosene, City Engineers and Pat McGarvey, City Administrator. The City Attorney reported that mailed notices had been sent to all .property owners according to law. A list of interested property owners is attached. Mr. McGarvey reviewed the history of the Lakeville sewer plant and how the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission had taken this plant over. He also reported that a notification had been received regarding the overcapacity going into this` plant and how many homes would be allowed to hookup. Mr. Rosene reviewed the proposed project and said that the project would be`b~.ilt according to;the comprehensive sewer plan, the sewerage would be pumped out into a force main to the oversized trunk sewer. He also explained the costs and the work .that .has been done on the project in ,progress. Ba.~: Aadland asked regarding 172nd St. about the hilly. road and the straightening of this road. Mr. Rosene said there are no plans for grading at this time as it is not designated a state aid road. Dick Gasterland'asked about the time table and was advised this. had not been set as yet although the work should start early enough so that a given phase could be constructed during a given season. All-the contracts could be let at one time and then the work done in phases. This would save money in the long run as inflating prices would not affect the orig~.al contract. Lyle Bygoth asked regarding some lots he had and if building permits could be issued and the water installed to his property. Ron Kastner asked who determines where the lines stop and regarding the reason for notifying the people on`the fringe area. Mr. Rosene said the lines could be extended as far as capacity is concerned but on certain lots the elevation. is so .high that no water service would be possible at this time. Mr. Don McGuire representing the board of education, said he_is urging the Council to consider the immediate expansion to the school area so that this service could be utilized by fall. .®rvid Swanson asked. about the time limit for hookups according to the ordinance and what the limit on hookups by the sewer board will do to this time limit. He ~~:Tas advised that it is hoped that only persons having sewer problems would hookup in the next three years until the new sewer plant .is available. Mr. McGarvey said that the water would be available for hookup but the sewer service is limited. Bruce Person asked how a corner lot is assessed and was told that the assessment is on a front foot basis. Martin Klein asked if a person could hoo'~=up to sewer only and if the existing water supply can/used for the outside area. be James Kirby asked about people with more than one lot and was advised that a notice is issued and the homeowner asked where he wishes his services to be located... Ralph Trabant asked if stubs would be installed for vacant lots and was. told that it would be cheaper to install. them at this time than at a later date. A lager stub could be installed to land which will be developed at a later-date. John Asmus said his road is blacktopped now and whs.t it will cost to put back at a later date. He also asked if the sewers would be installed at a sufficient depth. Bob Whitman asked if 172nd St. elevations had been checked, how long the ~1) CITY OF L~AKE'VILLE HEARIlVG ON WATER &.SEWER EXZ'E'LJSIONS, ORCHARD LAKE ARFQ APRIL 12, 1976 assessments would run and the explanation of the SAC charge.. Ron Engstrom asked if his., land on a hill in Hrkals Addition would be picked up and was assured that it would be. Keith Dobbs asked if there is an ordinance about what has to be .done about .the septic systems and was told there is not. Steve Johnson asked if the road on the south side of the lake would remain only 20 feet wide and the. engineer said he would recommend that the road be widened to at least 2~+ or 28 feet. Mr. Gasterland asked what the interest rate is and Mr. Peterson asked how payments are made. Ron Melhouse asked if there are_any penalties... Steve.. Johnson asked how,many homes can be hooked up and was-tald_250. It was explained that thig project would be constructed in a'time frame as the new sewer plant is constructed.. Mr. McClsh asked if any federal monies. were allocated for this project `and was told there are none. Mr. Peterson asked when the Council -will .decide if this project will be ordered and about any road problems that develop when the project is constructed. Mr. Whitman asked if any priorities had been established and was advised there are none except for .the school. Mr. Holetz asked w'.~en the blacktop will be replaced and Mr. Klein asked if road limits would change to slow down traffic. Steve Johnson asked how road surfacing can be considered if there are no road costs available. Mr. Coram asked why the gravel on the road was graded into the::- ditch. Mr. Johnson said the. gravel road should remain until information_is.avalable as to what is to be done. 76.176 Motion by Zaun seconded by Emond to close the hearng'for the extension of water and sewer laterals. to the -0rchard Lake area. Glarkson, Emond, Mako, Curry and Zaun "aye", motion ;carried'. 76.177 Motion by Emond seconded by Curry to_table a decision until Monday, June 7 at 9:00 P.M. and hold the Council meeting at the Orchard Lake School. Emond, Mako, Curry, Zaun and_Clarkson "aye",.motion-carried. Motion by Clarkson seconded by Mako to adjourn .carried unanimously, Respectfully .submitted, CITY'CLERK MAYO