HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-06-76 A - ~ j; 7 CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING 6 JULY 6, 197b The meeting was called to order by Mayor Mako at 8:00 P;M. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was held. RoII call was taken. Present: Mako, Zaun and Curry. Absent: Clarkson and Emond. -Also present: City Administrator, P. McGarvey, Public Works birector, J. Robinette, City Attorney, R. Knutson, and Consulting City `Engineer, R. Rosene. The minutes of the June 21, 1976 Council meeting were read. The Council pointed '.out 'the correcti©ns is the minutes. 76.353 A Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to approve the minutes of June 21, 1976 as directed to be corrected. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mako,_Currq and Zaun. 76.354 A Motion was made by Curry, seconded ;by Zaun to ,approve the claims against the .City aspresented. Roll call was taken. on the motion.` Ayes, Mako, Curry and Zaun. The Engineer presented a lettar concerning the request for general approval to construct an 18 inch pipeline for` the William.. Brothers Pipeline Company. The pipeline would be construe ed on and within easements already obtained by the company and where two ,existing, pipes are already placed through Lakeville. A representative of the company explained that-the pipeline was .:far transporting crude oil, and requested that a determinat3.on of the permit fee be related 'to the. actual costs involved to the City to inspect 'the pro- -ject, rather than based on the valuation of the project. 76.355,0 Motion was made by-Curry, seconded by Zaun to table, approval fore the permit 'and direct the staff to recommend 'an appropriate permit fee. Rolf call :was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mako, Zaun and .Curry. The City Administrator presented an agreement with the Metropolitan Waste Control :.Commission for a Sewer'System Evaluation Survey provided Federal funds are available to the M.W. C. C. and the City for 90% of the costs that would be involved. It was recommended-that Council ,approve the agreement. 76.356 Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Curry to .approve-the Sewer System Evaluation:Survey agreement with the Metropolitan Waste Constrol Commission. Rol call was taken on the motion. 'Ayes, Mako, Curry and Zaun. _ The City Engineer and: Public Works Director recommended the Council approve the .taking of bids far the summer sealcoating program on the various City streets. 76.357 ,q Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Curry to approve and authorize the taking of bids for the'sealcoatng program. . Roll call was taken: on ..the motion.; Ayes,.Mako, Curry and Zaun. The City Administrator presented a letter from the Engineer and his quota- - ions~-concerning the installation of water,. sanitary. sewer and .storm sewer services~ta the, new fire station property. It was explained-.that these costs were omitted from the general contractors contract on the building because the committee felt lower costs could be obtained from a sewer and water con- txactor.' It was recommended that the low quotation from Frederickson of Lakeville in the amount of $8,466.00 be approved. 76.358 Motion was-made by Mako, seconded by Curry to `authorize and award the job of installing sanitary sewer, `water and torm sewer service to the new fire station to Fred Frederickson of Lakeville in the amount of $8,466.00 Rolle call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mako, Zaun and Curry. -1- • ''CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING . JULY 6, 1976 76.359 A Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Curry to adopt Resolution X76-33 making an abatement of two utility services on the Joe Schweich property. due. to' the fact that he groperty involved wilh-not be permitted to have two additional :dwelling"units built., on it_because~of shoreline setback requirements. RoII call was taken on the motion. Ayes, .Curry, Zaun and Mako. 76.360 q Motion was made by Curry, seconded by Zaun to adopt Resolution X76-34 making an abatement on the first years interest cost on water and sewer assessments on two parcels of property in Dakota Heights Addition due-to the owners not ..receiving assessment hearing notice. Roll call was taken on themotion. Ayes, Zaun,:. Curry and Mako. :Council reviewed the recommendation of the Planning Commission concerning the authorization to issue a'$uilding permit for a new industrial plant in Airlake Park........ 76.361 A Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Curry to"approve the plans and authorize the Building Inspector to issue a building germit for National Foodline Com- pany to construct a new plant in Airlake Park. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Mako and Curry. At this time Councilmen Emond and Clarkson arrived and-took their chairs. At this time the Council took up consideration of the request to extend water and sewer service further west from 168th Street to approximately Judicial Road as requested by'a petition of the property owners along 168th Street from the Sea Girt Inn., Several of the property owners have requested the service taecause their septic systems were on the verge of needing consider- able repairs and were possibly. polluting the lake. Mayox Mako also pointed out that the Dakota County Commissioners had. approved the permit to allow the M.W.C.C. to begin construction of anew swage treatment plant in Empire Township since the Council last considered the Phase Ipart-of the project on June 7, 1976. The Citq Administrator recommended the Council approve the extension of water and sewer service along 16,8th Street from the Sea .Girt Inn to approximately Judicial Road under Phase I of the Orchard Lake project which was ordered on June 7th. •76.362 q Motion was made by Mako, seconded by Curry to extend Phase Iwater-and sewer project around Orchard-Lake .from the Sea Girt Inn area to approximately Judicial Road. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako, ,Curry, Zaun and Clarkson. Council next took up consideration of the request from five property owners. to have their part of the-Orchard Lake water and sewer trunk improvements deleted from the project .entirely. This area involved approximately 400 .feet of pipe on Judicial Road from the intersection of-lb8th Street. The City Administrator explained that the cost for this part of-the project are higher than average due to the fact that the pipe will have to be buried at an extra depth to serve the area and that they will eventually serve the area to the north. If this project were installed by itself in the future the assessments to the property owners would be far above what they will be if it is .included with a larger project such as the Orchard Lake trunk project. The City Administrator: recommended the Council .not delete the 400 feet from .the project as ordered on June 7th, but that the: installation'of it be de- layed to the Phase II part of the Orchard Lake project which will be con- strutted during either .1977 or 1978 depending upon the sewer treatment plant capacity.<,available. 76.363,L~ 'Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Curry to deny the request to delete this portion'of the Orchard Lake water and sewer project at thin time. Roll call was taken on the motion. .Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry, Zaun and Clarkson. 76.364/~, Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Gurry to adopt Resolution X76-32 approv- ng the plans and specifications for the expanded version of Phase I of the Orchard Lake water and sewer project :and authorize the taking of bads on August 9, 1976'at 2:00 P.M. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Curry, Clarkson, Zaun, Emond and Mako. -2- 1. 5 ~ • .CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 6, 1976 At this time the Council took up consideration, of the report from the Public Works Commttee'of the Council 'on the Juno Trail no parking restrictions,. fishing locations, and related matters. The City Administrator read a written recommendation from the Committee to the Council.' It is recommended that the Council go on record toting that the City feels, based on information:receved from the City Attorney, hat the present driven surface including the shoulders 'of the road helong` to the City. The Committee also recommended that the City pro- vide for fishing areas on Lake Marion in Antlers Park, the gravel pit the City owns on Juno Trail,":and the fishing bridge on 35W. It was also recem~mended that the Council make no change in the no-parking .restrictions as `they pre- sently'exist on Juno Trail. The Committee also recommended hat the Council authorize he City. Attorney to concentrate his attention toward determining.. who owns the property adjacent to the_road right-of-way near the intersection of County Road 64 on Juno Trail. The Council and staff discussed the.recommendations as well as comments-from Mr. Potter and other 'citizens in attendance at the meet ng who were 'concerned with the Jurto Trail.matter. Mr. Potter stated that the citizens living along .Juno Trail were satisfied ..with the conditions along the road since the no parking restrictions have .been implemented.. 76.365 A Motion was made by Curry,,seconded by Zaun to'endorse the Public Works Committees three recommendations•.concerning Juno Trail and to direct the Attorney_to find out who owes the property ;adjacent to Juno Trail near its intersection with County Road 64. Roll call was taken on the motion.` Ayes, Curry, Clarkson, Zaun, Mako and Emond. The City Administrator recommended to the Council that the request received from three property owners for ,utility service on the east side of 35W north of Trunk Highway 5O be tabled'at this time 3n that the benefitted area would includes larger area than their property. and than. the request fore sewer be postponed un- til at least the ordering of the rest of Phase II of the Orchard Lake.: water and sewer project when sewer capacity is available.at the treatment plant. '76.366 A Motion was made ;by Curry, seconded by Zaun to table the request for water and sewer utilities to the Connelly Mobile Home Park and Acorn Motel until the Phase II part of the Orchard Lake water and sewer project is approved.` Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes'Mako, Emond, Curry, Clarkson and Zaun. The`City Administrator presented a preliminary report on the. costs for improving a one block area of 208th Street installing concrete curb and gutter. and an asphalt surface beginning at the intersection of Holiday Street and going to the east. 76.367 A Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Zaun to accept the report 'and call a public hearing for August 2, 1976 to present the`'cost to the ben.efitted pro- perty owners. -Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Clarkson, Zaun, Mako and Curry. At this time the Council ..took.. up fliscussion and consideration of the proposed Ordinance hat would establish a'Natural Resources Commission. Considerable discussion between the Council. members pertaining to the authority. and responsi- bility such a Commission would have and what-individual Council members thought it sh©u1d have. Lt was decided .that each Council member would make `recommendations on their copy of the proposed Ordinance and submit them to the City Administrator fora second '-aft of the proposed Ordinance. s ~ - " The City Administrator recommended that the Council approve the dance license for the Sea Girt :Inn, 76.368 ~ Motion was made by Mako, seconded by Emond to approve the issuance of a dance license `f or the Sea Girt'Inn. -Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako,'Currg, Zaun .and .Clarkson. -3- ~ • • ~ J CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING • JULY 6, 1976 The City Administrator presented a written recommendation from the'Chief of Police on the procedure to follow to .begin the clean up of dunk cars in the community. 76.369 A Motion. was made by Zaun, seconded by Curry to approve the dunk car clean up procedure as sumbitted by the Chief of Police. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry, Zaun and Clarkson. The City Administrator presented a letter from the Metropolitan Council request- ing the City to_establish census tracts for the 1980 Federal census. Lt was ex- plained.that Lakeville qualifies for two or three tracts for the 1980 census since the community is now over 10,000 population. Mrs. Curry raised a ques- tion of etting census tract lines different from the present three precinct" voting 'district lines and the. possible requirement .that they should be the same. It was decided to table further consideration of the census 'tracts until this could be checked out by the staff.. The City Administrator recommended that the Council approve .the filing. of a preliminary application for LAWCON and/or LCMR grant funds for additional land acquisition and .improvements of Antlers Park, and approve the. preparing of a scale drawing of the park to be submitted with the application by the .Planning Consultant. 76.370 A Motion was made by Mako, seconded by Zaun to authorize and approve the filing of a preliminary application for LAWCON and/or LCMR grant funds as recommended by the staff. Roll ..call was taken on the motion. Ayes,.Emond,'Mako, Curry, Zaun and. Clarkson. At this time Mr. Joe Duffy appeared before the Council ,concerning his request for a permit_to hold a Country Music Festival on :his, property- n Lakeville. Mr. Duffy presented written material concerning a traffic analysis an how traffic is expected. to get to the site from various areas of the Twin Cities and other information concerning the way the festival would be handled. -He .introduced Mr. Jerry Pettit, a policeman with :the Minneapolis Police Depart- ment who spoke on-the security and crowd control requirements as he analyzed them. Mr.~Duffy stated that they estimated a potential of 20,000 people per day for the Saturday and Sunday festival-and that there would be two or three main country entertainers along with local country bands performing. throughout the day at the festival. They propose to begin the festival at 10 in the morning .and run until 11 in the evening bothdays.. The Council and staff asked Mr. Duffy and Mr. Pettit several questions con- `cerning the security traffic, sanitation and related. items that would be involved with a festivalthis large. The City Administrator presented written xeports from the`Public Works Direc- for and Chief of Police concerning their analysis of what Mr. Duffy had pre- sented-to the City concerning the festival, and their recommendations to what would be needed to effectively haadle a large festival at this particular site. Mr. Duffy stated that they would take measures to protect the surrounding pro- perty owners property. Mr. Clarence Eisele spoke and reminded the Council that he would be looking. to .thee City of .Lakeville. and the Lakeville Police Degartment fob the protection""of his-property, He also. stated thathe had a- greenhouse building which possibly would provide an attractive building to some of the festival goers as far as breaking of `windows. Mr. Duffy presented a letter from nearby property ox~ners stating their feel- ings on the festival. 76.'371 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Curry to acknowledge 'receipt of the letter. Roll 'call was taken on the motion... Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry,: Zaun and Clarkson. • ~ ~ / CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 6, 1976 Mayor Mako asked the question of what good would such a festival do for-the City of Lakeville. The festival. would provide employment, exposure to the City of Lakeville, entertainment to the citizens and people in the nearby area, He stated that Council should .weigh this against the potential prob- l~ms such a festival would present. :.Problems presented by the Council and staff included security of nearby property, sanitation, requirements, traffic control and dust groblems,'and passible noise to people in the area not in attendance at the festival.` 76.372 A- Motion was made by Clarkson, seconded by .Curry to deny permit to hold a Country Music Festival .due to the problems the City would face and surrounding property owners from security, hea th and-sanitation, and traffic standpoint. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond,:Curry, Zaun. and Clarkson. Nays , ,Mako . Motion was made by,Emond, seconded by Mako to ad3aurn the Council meeting, Time,:: 12c05 A.M. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry, Zaun .and Clarkson. Respectfully .submitted, r atrick E. McGarvey, C ark ~ Edward J. Mako Ma ~br -5-