OCTOBER 6,.:1976
The meeting-,.was called to order by Mayon Mako at 6:45 P.M. Roll.-call was taken.:
Present::: Mako, Curry, Zaun and ;Clarkson. 'Abaent: 'Emond: Also presents Pat
Farrell and Roger Knutson,; City Attorneys; Pat McGarvey, City Administrator;
.Robert Rosene and Robert Frigaard, Consulting Engineers;-James Robinette, Public
'7b.509` Motion was'made by Zaun, seconded by Curry to- adopt Resolution No. 76-53,granting
variance and approving building ;;and site plans for an addition and parking im-
proveu?ents for Engineered Specialties.
Roll .call was oaken on the motion. Ayes, Mako,'Curry,..Zaun and Clarkson.
76.510. Motion was made by Zaun, seconded by Curry to approve the abatement interest on
the assessments for the Veldman and Gary Hanson lots:. in Dakota Heights for the
19.75 sewer and water utility assessment.
.Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,. Clarkson, `Zaun, Curry and Mako.
At this time Mayor Mako opened the public hearing on the assessment of utilities-
for Dakota Heights 7th Addition.> The :City Attorney attested to the legality of
the notice and"hearing. Mr. Rosene explained the project costs.
At this time Councilman .Emond arrived and took his chair.
There-was no one-present at the meeting who wished to comment or ask anq questions
on this project.
Tb.SIl Motion was'made by Clarkson, seconded by Zaun to close the `hearing.
.Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry, Zaun and Clarkson:
76.512 Motion was made :by Emond,. seconded by Zaun to adopt Resolution No. 76-54 approv-
ing the assessment roll.
Rall-.call was taken on the motion. Ayes,: Zaun., Clarkson,.. Curry, Mako and Emond.
E yor Mako opened the hearing on the assessment of the Oak Shores Addition for
ie assessment of the trunk sewer area charge,. unit sewer"charge, unit water
charge., water and. sewer laterals and services, ,and ..street improvement.
The City Attorney attested to the legal notice and legality of the hearing...
.The City Engineer explained the project costs.
Mr. Pat Purcell questioned the policy on future assessments for a corner lot.
Mr. Rosene'explained that corner lots are. not assessed on the side for up to
150 feet. Mr. Rosene explained that he would get a future assessment for
laterals benefit if -the lot is sufficient depth to exceed 'the. above footage.
Mr. Glen 'Hindle questioned the various type of charges being assessed on the
Oak Shore project. The City:Engineer answered on .behalf of the City.
Mr. Jim Tybursk questioned as 'to whether the Grant Burnsville. received from
HUD was of any financial benefit to the Lakeville residents. -The City. Attorney
stated that. he doubted that it was but would look into the matter.
The City Attorney explained to the citizens.present'how the assessment could be
:paid within 30`days at no -interest and. how 'it could be paid up in future,. years
by paying on or`before November 16th to avoid an additional years interest.
76.513 Motion was made-by Zaun, seconded by Emond to close the hearing.
Roll-call was taken an the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry, Zaun ..:and Clarkson.
76.514 Motion was made by Clarkson, seconded `by Emond to adopt Resolution 76-55 adopt-
ing he assessment roil.
Roll call was taken on the motion. .Ayes, Mako, Curry,, Zaun, Clarkson-and Emond.
At this time Mayor Mako opened the public hearing on the assessment of the Dakota
OCTOBER 6, 1976
Heights/Oak Hills street project.
" The Gity Attorney attested to ...the. legal notice and legality of the hearing.'
.The City .Attorney. explained to the citizens present how the assessment"could be
paid within 30 days' of October 6th with `no interest charge8 and that .the first
year of interest in 1977 would be for a period beginning October 6,'1976 through
1977. Mr. Farrell explained that a person can .pay off future years interest by
paying on or before November 16th of the year.
Gordon Lekson-asked how. many times a person would be assessed for the $250 area
.charge and the answer was just once...
Robert Nelson. ;questioned the difference in assessments per lot in Oak Hills vs.
Dakota Heights. Mr. Rosene explained that the costs were kept on a separate
basis for: he two Additions due to. different developers being involved. The
reason for the difference in cost. per unit lot basis was that street distances
in Oak Hills and the number of lots differ from Dakota Heights along with
money from the developers. He explained that the fairest way to handle; it
was to keep the cost separate for the two Additions .due to the funds and method
developers were obligated to the City for in paying the cost of the asphalt
street portion.
Mr. Bob Clark questioned about who is responsible for .the clean-up of thepro-
ject and Mr. Rosene. explained that the contractor is responsible and that there
will be a general clean-up once the .boulevard restoration has been completed.
Mr. Gary Nichols questioned about who pays for the clean-up and Mr. Rosene
answered-that the contractor is responsible as it is a part of his contract.
Mr. John McGraw questioned about who takes care of any settlements that might
occur .during the next year and it was explained that there is a one-year main-
tenance bond to cover those potential problems.
76.515 ~ Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Zaun to close. the public hearing.,
Roll call was taken on the motion. '.Ayes, Zaun, Clarkson, Emond,;Mako and. Curry.
76.516 Motion was made by Curry,`seconded by Emond to adopt Resolution No. 76-56 ap-
proving .the assessment roll.
Roll call was. taken on the :motion. Ayes,: Emond, Mako,•Curry, Zaun,and Clarkson..
At this time Mayor Mako opened the hearing on the assessment of the Orchard Lake
trunk area charge. The assessment rate is $250 per. acre for. trunk sewer,
The'City Attorney attested to the legality of the notice and the hearing.
The City Attorney, Mr. Farrell, explained that=:citizens can `:pay off the assess-
ment within 30 days with no interest and that the first interest payment on the
taxes in 1977 will include interest for almost a 15 month period commencing on
October 6, 1976 through 1977...
Louise Olson asked the City Engineer when the citizens in Lakeville Hills can
begin ,to hook up to the sewer system. Mr. Rosene explained that there is re-
pair-work being done by the contractor. and that it will be at least a week or
more .before hook ups would be allowed.
Mr. George. Horner .asked if they pay the area charge more than once and the
answer was no.
Mr. Leo Durand questioned the minimum size for which the area charge is applied.
The answer.. is that the minimum charge is based on a 1/2 acre sized Iot, even if
the lot is smaller. This comes to $125.
Mrs. Olson claimed that the assessment of her 2.6 acres is as much as she paid.
for her entire house .due to the front footage involved.
Mr. Walter Sternberg asked aboutthe method the City uses in computing. the land
area that the City. used to make-the area assessment. The City Attorney advised
him that if he~had a surveyofhis property to'bring it to the Cfity's attention
- and adjustments would be made if the City's .calculations were in error.
OCTOBER 6, 1976.
J ~
Mr. John Asmus questioned as to when sewer service along 168th Street would be
available and .the Engineer answered that it would be at least four weeks or more.
Mrs. Karen Brough stated she felt that the City right-of-way of a road was being in-
eluded in computing .the lot area for her.
Mr. Martin Klein asked when the 168th Street project would be completed. The'
Engineer answered that it would be finished somewhere. between_November 1 and 15th
in his opinion.
Mrs. Olson complained that her driveway needed work.
A citizen questioned about the restoration of the Jackson Heights Addition streets.
The Engineer stated that the restoration was with the gravel only and that if as-
phalt streets were desired, another project would be required . The sewer and.
water project did not. include 'restoring the street with blacktop.,
Mr. Don Bergstrom asked if the P.C.A. or M.W.C.C. can limit the City's hook-ups.
Mayor Mako explained that the City. intends to allow hook-ups, to"existing lines,
but can be prevented from nstalling additional sewer lines by these agencies
due to the limited treatment plant capacity.
Mr. .Don Schaeffer and Clara Jones questioned about the front footage used in
-:guying heir assessment.
Mr. Roger Hawkinson asked what the minimum lot size the City requirement is.
The answer was 11,000 square feet with.. 85 front foot.
Mr. Ed Doelbe asked if the $250 acreage charge is a fixed charge and the answer
was yes..
76.517 Motion was made by Emand, seconded by Zaun to close the public hearing.'
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry, Zaun and Clarkson.
76.518 ^~otion was made by Emond, seconded by Curry to adopt Resolution No. 76-57 adopt-
-~:rg .the assessment roll.
Roll call was-taken on the motion. Ayes, Mako, Emond, Zaun, Curry and Clarkson.
At this time Mayor Mako opened the public hearing on the .assessment of" he Jack-
son Heights/Lakeville Hills assessment of the sewer unit charge, water unit charge,
waver and sewer laterals services and restoration of the street.
The City Attorney attested to the legal notice and legality of the hearing.
The Gity Engineer explained that the assessment of the laterals was computed
at $25.45 per front foot,. At the preliminary hearing, at the... time the project
was being proposed,=the estimate was $26_per=foot.
Mr, Don Peterson questioned the provision under the Green Acres law and Mr. Farrell
Mr. Russell Heagel questioned what the assessment 'of 7-lots on County Road 44 were
for and it was explained that that project is not being assessed this year, but
will be assessed in 1977.
76.519 Motion. was made by Curry,.seconded by Zaun to close the hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry, Zaun and Clarkson.
76.520 Motion was made by Emond, seconded by Curry to adopt Resolution No 76-58 adopt-
ing the assessment .roll.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Curry, Clarkson, Zaun, Emond and Mako.
At this time the. hearing was opened on the assessment of the Lakeville Hi11s/
.Jackson Heights Additions storm sewer project. The Gity Attorney attested to
the legal notice and .the legality of the hearing.
-3- -
OCTOBER 6, 1976
The City Engineer reported that the total project cost was..$24,378,67, and
reviewed the area-being assessed.. The City Engineer reported that the assess-
went is based on asquare foot cost.
76.521 Motion was'. made by Curry, seconded'by Emond to close the°hearing.-
Roll call was ..taken: on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako,'Curry,.Zaun and Clarkson.
76.522 Motion was made by Clarkson, seconded by-Zaun to adopt Resolution No. 76-59
approving the assessment roll.
Roll call was taken on the motion. 'Ayes, Zaun, Emond, Mako,, Clarkson and Curry.
The Mayor. opened the .public hearing on the utility assessment for Maplewood
.Estates.. The .City: Attorney attested to .the legal notice and the legality of
the hearing.
The City. Engineer reported that the project cost came to $25,377.10.
Sarold Johnson asked if the original estimate was on target and the Engineer
.answered apes...
Harley Sutton asked if the assessment was being made on a front foot basis or
-unit basis. The Engineer answered that it was based on a front foot basis and
the question :arose that the project was initiatedand that: several of the bene-
fittedpropertyown~rs were under the understanding that it was gong to be
assessed on-a unit`basis`with an equal amount to each parcel: Council directed
the. City Administrator to-look into the .matter and if that had been the case to
change the assessment to a-unit basis.
76.523 Motion was made by Clarkson, seconded by Emond to close-the public hearing..
Roll call was taken `on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako, Curry, Zaun and Clarkson.
76.524 "lotion was made by Mako, seconded by Emond to adopt Resolution 76-60 approving
the assessment roll in either a front foot or unit basis as determined by the
City staff after checking the City records.
Roll ,call was taken on the motion. Ayes,..Emond, Mako, Curry, Zaun and Clarkson.
76.52.5 Motion was made by Emond,-seconded by Curry to adjourn the meeting.
Roll call. was taken on the motion. Ayes, Emond, Mako; Curry, Zann'and Clarkson.
Respectfully submitted,
' _
Patrick E. McGarvey,'Clerk
Edward J. Mako, May