HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-06-76 h C?TY OF L~Ir,~''VZLLE COTJ£dCIL NL~..T"I'~~tG ~EC~I~~ b, 1g76 ~e meeting was .:.called. to order b.~ I~;ayor I~aako at 8:00 P.~. Flag pledge folloi~eed. Roll call was 'taken. Present: Zau_n, Curry, Nako and F.mond. Absent: Clarkson. Also present: Pate Farrell, ..City. Attorney, Robert .ccosene, `City Consul tlr~o r.'~2gineer ..and .Dave Licht, City Planner. 76.626 T~otion by ~nond :seconded by Cuj~ry to accept the minutes of the November 1, 1976, meeting. as presented. Roll was taken on-~e motion. Ayes: Zaun, Curry, I~"ako and`..r~'rnond, motion carried. .76.627 i~ioti on by Za-un seconded by' Eri~ond to accept the mi nutes' of the November 3, 1x76, meeting as presented. Ro11 ~*as taken on the .motion. ayes; Curry, Tyta.ko, ~'mond and Zaun, motion carrieLL. 76.628 I~iotion by ~nond Seconded by Zaun to accept tl^,e r.~inutes of-the £~ovember 15, 19!5, r~aetir~; as presented. , Roll call was taken on the-motion. Ayes: £~ako, H~ond, Zaun and Curry; motion ca~~~ 76.629 T~iotion by ~nond..seconded by Curry to payT the claims against the City. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes:.~nond, Zaun, Cus•ry and I~~ko, motion carl;e~. Councilwoman Curry requested that a notice be sent to Dakota.~mbulance Service t?-~at Lzkevlle is expecting a year end report as provided under the contract. J A discussion took place with I~!r. Dave Lickt regarding the Comprehensive Comrrnan=; ty Profile amd t'Ze Sfetro ..Systems Statement. 76.630 I~otion by faun seconded by Curry to acknowledge receipt of the Comprehensive Comcranty Profi e . Rolf call was taken on the ..motion. Ayes: ~nond Zaun, Cussy and I~Iako, :notior_ carries. 7.631 Notion by Nako seconded by`Gurry to authorize the Planner', : ttorney and/or ineer and Administrator to meet urith "etro Council to discuss "the T~'ietro S-,~ ste~_s Statement. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Za'an Curry, £~~:!~o and ~nond, motion carr_ec. 76.32 I~otion`by Zaun seconded by Curry to acl~otialedge receipt of the liquor store piar_s and set a meeting. for u7e~esday, December 15th, at ~-:OO P.A:. to review these plans.` Roll call was waken on the motion. Ayes; Curet*, Nako, ~nond and Zaun, motion carried 76.633 IYiotion by ~nond seconded by .Curry to release the check to ~'~ckerberg & Associates ~n the amount. of X7,604.63. Roll call was taken on the :motion. ayes:" a.ko .F-nand, - Zaur_ and Curry, motion. carried. 76.634. £mtion by Curry :seconded by Zaun to approve chs.nge order No. 2 for 1,:estlurid Constru.etior. Company_in the amount of X113.00. Fcoll call was taken on'the motion. Ayes: `Emonci:, Zaun, Curry and ILko, motion car-~ied. 76.635 I~iotion by Curry seconded by Zaun to approve the fina3 payment of 10,839.30 to '.~estlund Construction Company ,subject to the receipt of a letter from the City ~gineer which will constitute a'regstered. certificate that the specs have been .met and the project has been completed. Roll call was taken on the motion. ..Ayes: Zaun, Curry, Nako and Emond. ~l_ . CITY OF 'I~~V'ILI.F, COiJTdCIL I+'1~~ Tes .~Ic1~~~~: 6, 1976 76;:66 I.,otion by Curry seconded by Zaun to approve. the final pa~Tment for the boaster station in the mount of 6,p81.00 subject to the receipt of a letter from the C~.ty ~igineer which will constitute a rebstered certificate that the specs ':ave` been yet and the project has been eomplEted. :Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes:; Curry, l~iako, fond, Zaun.. ~ 6.637 T~iotion by IY,a.ko seconded by Zaun to approve the 'final: payment to i~i3.nnesata Valley Surfacing Company in the arsc~unt of 29,39.1x1- -subject to the receipt of a letter from 'the City ~.,...'ngineer-which will constitute a registered certificate that the specs have been met and the .;project has been completed. roll call was -'taken on the motion... '.Ayes: I~~aa.ko, IInond, Zaun, Curry.' :sir, Farrell discussed ytems 13 and item 20 t,Tth the Couneyl and advised that the ?'~,tters .should be consydered'sep~.rately. He advised paying the ~1,625.00~ on ~~,he orchard Lake Trunk Contract with the final payment of X130,020.85. 76.63$ I4iotion by T~.~ako seconded by Zaun to :approve the final payment to Richard Knutson in the amount of;130020.85 ~tiTth the request. of X1625.00 subject to the receipt ,of a' letter from the City '~':.^~gineer .which v,ill constitute a reds ~ered certificate that'the specs 'have been met and tl:e project has been corspleted. Roll call i~ias taken on the motion. A~?es: ~tonc3, Zaun, Cllrkson, I~~~.ko. I~~ Clerkson arrived' at 9 s 00 P a~~. 7663q motion by r"~or_d seconded by Zaun to approve the State ~~id streets as ,resented and ap~;rove the .resolution." Ro11 .call Baas taken on the notion. Ayes: Clarkson, Zaun, Curry, I~ko, Viand, 7.6.6';0 T~iotian by fond seconded by, Zaun to accept the minutes of the Park>~;, fiecreation Ca~r:datee as presented.. Roll call .was taken `ors the moti en. Ayes: Zaun, Gvrry, 1+~a.ko, r'lnond, °C1a.rkson. It was requested -that ;a list be furnished shoeing .the names of all camr_attee members, terms of office, expiration dates and an upaate_on the attendance records through November. 76,6+1 :~ia ;ion by Ifako seconded by Curry to accept the minutes of the November 18 anti December 2 Planr,~ng Comm~.ssion meetings. Roll call was taken on the mo i or . A.,yes : Curry, I~iako, Fond, Clarkson, Zaun. 76.6x+2 i~sotion by G`'arry seconded by Zaun to .follow tine Planning Commission reeommendatyorl anci grant Paul Dagno?-l a bui Idrig permit for an airport .hanger building. _Roll call was .taken on the motion. Ayes: h~a.ko, ~nor_d, Clarkson, Zaun,.Curry. 76,6xF3 I~iotio~ by Zaun seconded bti= Carry to table the final plat of ronnayts i,Talley Park 9 Sri ,.l~ddition and place it on t?Ze .agenda for the next meeting. Roll call t~as ta:-yen on the motion. :.Ayes: fond, Clarkson, Zaun, Curry, I~~ako. 76.6xrx~ I~iot~ on by- fond seconded by Clar'_~son` ~o approve. a c'rrange, in the bid opening' an Ci ty ~surance from December 13 to .December 17, 1976 at 11:00 b: Tw!. Roll call was taken on the motion. -Ayes: Clarkson, Zaun, Curry, 'r•ako, ~aond.- >ssr. Farrell will neet with Richard F,nutsan and return to the next :meeting with fur:cher recommendaton•regarding the Ipava to Highview utility= pro jest. 7.6.65 I~io-~ion by fond seconded by Curry to approve .the snowmobile trail throagh .~.ronson`Park as approved by the Park & Recreation Director. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Zaun, Curry, I~iaka, r"~aond, Clarkson. _2_' • ~ e ~ ~ ~ . CITY OF L!-3Y~.GrILI CGEJTJC~L i ~~T`~TG D~c~ 6, 1976 `fie ordinance regarding plastic containers was read and the Council reeor~~nended that the first reading be held at :the next meeting; placing it early on the agenda a_*~d that the second reading: be held in .January. Bob ~uinb~* of the Country View Trailer .Park requested infozn~.:ation regarding possible funding for a youth center there. ?~Ie eras..advised.to go to the youth' .kdvisory Coir~.ittee. The .gravel perr.~it 3rdirla_nce was discussed ~~th _changes, being rioted. It v;Tll be p?aced on t~~e agenda in January. 76.6+6 I~iotion b3T nand .seconded by Zaun to approve the abatements ors ttaa parcels of land ov.~ed by George & .Helen Sta_hoi~ti.ak. Roll call was taken on .the r~ot-_on. flyer: Curry, Ttiiako, ~,ond, Clar'_~sor., Zaun. ~7 T~lotian by Clarkson seconded by Curry to establish the posti orl of Finance Director as defined in the adr^:inistrator's job deseriptior.. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ades: Tlako, ~nond, Clarkson, Zaun, u^urry. 7~.6T;-8 T.iotion by C~zrr~,y= seconded by .Clarkson to appoint Dennis Fe11er as anancz .director startiro December 20, 176 at the salary'of x,16,500 kJith the probation peri©d ~hs'oug-h 1977 and alloiring T~s. teller the same vacation tie first year as he is .now receiving vrhich is ttih7o wee'_~s. o11 call was taken on the moll on. .ayes: fond, .Clarkson, Zeman, Curry, I~Tako. '~6.6~G I~Totian by C1arl>san seconded by ~nond to approve the payment of ;500.90 to the Soi 1 Ex-plorati on Co. far work on the Liquor Store' eppansior_. roll call v.*~.s taken on the motion. ~~es: Clarl~son, Zaun, Curry, I~`ako, fond. 76.50 IYiotion by gnond seconded by Curry to approve theiollowing licenses: Special.: Club-------_TY~; nnreg' s Off Sale deer-------~iggren's, and 1~Ylree Tor. Thw~b Stores. Roll call. was, taken on the motion. .A,yes: Zaun, C~ar~y: I•ia.lso, Eraand, Clarkson. 76.651 I•Toti or. by ~?ond seconded by Zaun to follow the recommendation of the Publi c ?Narks Direc tar and aceb•pt the. streets in Golden Leaf Forest. Roll call i,-as taken on the motion. A1Tes: Zaun, C'a~rry, I~~.l~o, fond, Clarkson. T6.652 r.'sotian by fond seconded by Carry to release the escro:, of .Golden i,ea.f Forest. Fall call eras taken on the motion. Ayes: Cur~~,~, ?•~Ta.kc, fond, Clarkson, Zaun, ?t -,ras recor~-~encled by the Co-ancl that the policy= regardi the acceptance of streets be reviewed and report made to the Council by the staff. 76. X53 I•Tati on by ~nond se ear_ded by Carry to appo i nt Tom ,Tapper and Guy %.~.Chappelle to the ~'"outh l~dvisar~= Board.. r all call eras taken on .the motion. Ayes:. T%~ko, fond, Clarkwon, Zaun, Curry. 'one Lavrcon applicati on .will be di seussed at the same :meeting that the Council *~eets Frith t_he architect. ~6.65~ Z~otian by Zaur~ seconded b~ fond to adjourn the r.~et-~n~;. Roll call was taken on the motion. I~~es: Fond, Cla_rl~,son, Zaun, Curry Clark.sor_. Respectfully sub:~.tted, Marc"cline Temstr~~i, Deputy: City C3erk ~.~~-f Bdward J. Tv' , I'ayor _3_