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~ ~ - CITY OF I.AI~E~TILLE COtJAiCIL MEEi'Ip3Cr - APRIL 8, 197 The meeting was called to order at 8:Q® P.M, b3'1Kagor Jensen. Flag pledge followed. Members present; Brander, Jensen, Emond and Clarkson. absent; Mako. Aldo present; Pat Farrell, City Attorney and Hobert Frigaard, City Eagn.eer. 7.175 Motion by Emond reconded by .Brander to accept the minutes off' the April 1, 197~+,.meeting as presented. Brander, Jensen, E~ond and Clarkson nays", motion carried. The City Inspector presented his March report. He also informed the Council t the City could buy Lots ~ and. 5 in Lakeville Hills for the amount of $2400 for both lots.. 7+.176 Motion by Et~nd seconded by Brander to ptarchase Lots 4 & 5, Lakeville Hills in the sa~otuat of ~2tJ00 for both lots.. Jensen, Emond, Clarkson and Brander "ayes, mention carried. Mr. John Hamblet and Thomas Schaeffer said they would be willing tc> give easements on the back of their lots along County Road #5 in Lakeville Hills. This would be for water drainage. Mr. Ackerman also reported that -~~ere are quite a few unfinished homes in Valley Park which are an :attraetivendisaace tc~s children and someone cotia].d ..get. hurt playing ire these domes. Mr. Farrell advised :the council that there are two alternatives that the city has, 1. a notice could be served on the o~mer that he has a. certain time to board. up these .houses and then a lien could be filed against this property if the City did the work 2. file a petition xt the Federal District Court requesting the court to issue an order with the debtor in possession to board up these homes. 7.177 Motion by Brander seconded by Emond to authorize the attorney to pursue Alternate N©. 2, is file a petition in the District Court. Emond, Clarkson, Brander and Jensen "aye", ~tioncarried. The City Ectgineer presented his monthly report regarding the status of the City pro3ects. The Playing ~~ssion minutes for March 28, 197k, were presented. 7+.178 Motion by Emond seconded by Clarkscm to fellow tie recommendation of the Planning Comm~.ssion and grant a conditional 'ore permit to William Jackson, Jr. a~ad Mary Huth to operate a family youth center at 175th St. and 8enwood Frail for 1 year.' Clarkson, Brander, Jenren and Emond t'ayen, motion sarried. 7k.179 Motion by Emend reconded by Clarkson to grant Joe Daffy a conditional use permit for one year to operate a stable on property located on County Road ~6, 1 mile iwest of Cedar Ave. ,The num~kaer of horses ~ri.ll be limdted to 25. Brander, Jensen, Emond Abel Clarkson nays", motion carried. Mr. Clarence Eisele expressed concern with the parking and also some persons riding horses over hir property. The owners of this stable were .advised. to see that there is plenty of parking for customers. 7~+.18o Motion by Brands seconded ~ E+~nd tc> continue the variance application of the Mills. Northfield & S. R. R. until next Monday evening,ro that-they may obtain permits from the FAA and FCC for .this tawer._ Jensen, Haond, Clarkson and Brander "aye", moticm carried. Mr. Mako wrote a letter to the council regarding this tower.:. This latter is made a part of these minutes. tl) OF L~~~~II1~ ~OU~i'CIL~F: APRIL 197# 7.181 Motion by ~ozsd seconded by Brander to follow the reeona~nesndation of the Planning Cem~ission artd grant R©nald Birkemeyer a variance to side-ysrd setback (8~' instead of 14') on his property at 1611 Gannon Ave. W. for a garage. end., Clarkson, Brandes and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 7~.1~2 Motion by ~aond seconded by Brandes to fallow the recoa~endatien of the Plating Commi.ssimn and grant Art Pettis a re~aswa7. of his special use permit for a period of twa years. Clarkson, Brat~des~anct ~mond "age", Jensen abstained, metimn carried. 7~F.18 Motion by ESaond seconded by Brander to follow the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant John LaFavor a renews]. of his conditional nee per~ai.t for Johns Custom Csbine+ts for a period of two gears.. Jensen, Brander, k~aond and Clarkson "aye", me?tion carried. 7+.1€3&+ Motion by Brander seconded by E~onel t,A fallow the recommendation of the Planning Commi.$siOm and grant a conditional Lire permit t0 Ac3uarius Swim~aing Pool Co. for outside storsgefor a period of tw<a pears. Jensen, Emend, Clarkson snd Braades "aye", mntis~n carried. 7,185 Motc~xt bg E~ond seconded by Clarkson tQ follow the recommendation of the Planning Com~i.ssion and .grant John and Jerry Enggren a permit tc~ eve a hsuse from 2c~755 Halt. to the Buberty Property. End, Clarks©n, Braradesand Jeassn "aye", motion e~rried. 7+.186 Motion by Clarkson seconded by Brander to refer the Logarte Addn. plat to the attorney for a recommendation which will be heard at the meeting of the .15th. .Clarkson, Brander, Jensen and Errand "aye", motion carried. 7+.187 Motion by Emond seconded by Brandas to Pollaw the recommendation of the Plaiming Commission and grant Williams Bros. Pipe Line Ce. a conditional use permit for a three year period for an interface detector site and a building. permit for the building needed to house this equipment. Brander, Jensen, Emond and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. Mr. Frigaard reported to the council that the state wodld ultimately like to have three dual dxiveway accesses on State gighway #5(? faar the property beginning at the easterly edge caf the new restaurant to the west edge of the ~ibfried property. Theg would also like to see a limited traffic drive o8 the front end of Mr. Leibfred's property. 7+.188 Moti®n by Emend seconded by Clarkson to approve the raviseci p3aa of the Leibfried shopping center as presented by the engineer. Jensen, Emond, Clarkson and Brander "aye", m~etion carried. Mary ~n Curry, representhg the League of Woffien Voters and the Women's Political Caucus,.-asked the council to adopt a resolution to invite the Dakota County Beard. to use the City Council Chambers for meetings whi.eh would allow more residents of this area to attend these meetialgs. 7~.18i Motion by .Jensen seconded by Clarkson to adopt the resolution as prepared by Air. Farrell inviting the County Board to meet in Lakeville, Emau~d, Clarkson,. Brander end Jensen "aye?', motion carried. Resolutcu3 attached.. Mrs Ctarry ales presented s petition which would request the ~establis}amemt of a County Government Studg Commission. `Phe petition was signed b'y the Council. The_ scavariger ordinaries was .put off for one week, 7~+.19c3 Nkati.on by Jansen seconded by Emond tQ authorize the clerk to get some new pfieme stickers with the new telephone numbers. These stickers will be distributed to the, residents of Lakeville. Clarkson, Brander, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. 74.191 Motion by Er~nd seconded by Brances to adopt the resolution regarding the platting along c®unty roads, resolution attached. Brander, Jensen, Emond and Clarkson "ire", motion oarried. r~ • • • • • CITY 4F+' ~T T•F C~tTNCIL MEE'~'IIJG APRIL 8, 19'4 74.192 Motion by Brander seconded by Hnond to authorize the Magar and the Clerk to sign the lease agreement for the Aronson,propertg. Jensen, ~mond, Clarkson and Brandes "age", motion carried. 74.193 Motion bg Jensen seconded bg Clarkson that the recamaaendation of the Public Works Director be Followed and the GMG truck be kept instead of trading it in when. the new truck arrives. E~aond, Clarkson, Brandes and Jensen "age", motion carried. 74.194 Lotion bg ~aond seconded bg Jensen 'to authorize the purchase of a used rmller for not more than X1250. Clarkson, Brandes, end and Clarkson "age", motion carried. 74.195 Motion bg Clarkson seconded bar Brandes to authorize the purchase of two. trim mErwere. Brandes, Jensen, Hmond and Clarkson"age", motion carried. Motion by Clarkson seconded by end to adjourn carried unanimx~usig. Respectfltl.lg submitted, T • • • • • ce~~Os~Y~~ d*~ V a,~9~/ e~t~ D <,,,,.,,.o,a ~ Sao ~-f ~t`.we~ x.-w~.t~,V :r2. ~ ~ c~-~: ~ ~ ~ 9~o-~,-