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~ ~ ~ r` CITY OF LAI{EVILLE~{~UNCIL MEETING ` ~ ~ APRIL 15, 197+ The meeting was called to order at B:DO o'clock P.M. by Mayor Jensen. Flag pledge followed. Present; Brander, Mako, Jensen, Emoad and Clarkson. Also present; Robert Frigaard, City Engineer and Pat Farrell, City Attorney. 7~.1g9 Motion by Emond seconded by Brander to accept the mutes of the April 8, 197~+~ meeting as presented. Brander, Mako, Jensen, Emond'and Clarkson "aye", motion carried... 7~+.2ttx~ Motion by Brander seconded by Clarkson to accept the minutes of the 3peeiai April 9, 197, meeting as presented. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Clarkr~on and Brander .''aye", rm,tion carried. 7~F.201 Motion by Mako seconded ~ Brander to pay. the claims against the City. Jensen, E~aond,..Clarkson, Brander and Make "aye",.motion carried. 7+.202 Motion by Mako seconded by Brander to pay the claims against the Liquor Store. Emond, Clarkson, Braaades, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. Mr. John Wren and Mrs. John Lewis presented the proclamation declaring May l as Loyalty Day, to the Mayor for hi$ signature. 7.203 Motion by Mako seconded by Clarkson to acknowledge receipt of the letter from. G & G Builders, Inc, Copy of letter attached to these minutes. Clarkson,. Brander, Mako,.Jensen and.E~nd "aye"', motion carried. Mr. Frigaard presented and reviewed the preliminary report for the water and sewer extensions to North Lake Marion. Mr. Farrell recorasended that tie council not proceed. with I~r. Grohoaki's request without a hearing on the... entire program.. Mr. Grohoski offered to install a well in the interim period if the engineer felt it would be feasible. 7+.2()4 Motion by Brander seconded by Mako to adopt the resolution as prepared by Mr. Farrell accepting the preli'~ report and establishing the hearing date for the 13th of May at 8x30 P.M. Brander, Mako, Jensen, Hmond and Clarkson ".aye", motion carried. Mr. Vic Kohlnhofer reviewed the. present term insurance coverage of the City employees and said he felt that the Council should eoasiaer picking up a portion of the cost for the employees, Mr: Kohlnhofer bras advised to prepare a report on this and present it when wages are negotiated again. 74.205 Motion by Mako seconded by Brander to authorize the signing of the contract between the City of Lakeville and Springsted, Inc. for the capitol improvements study. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Clarkson and Brander "aye", motion-carried. 74.26 Motion by Emond seconded by Jensen to pay the. claims presented by the City Attorney, list attached. Jensen, Emond, Clarkson, Brancies and Mako "aye'+, motion carried. 74.207 Motion by Clarkson. seconded by Mako to grant the J C's en on sale beer license and aset-up license upon the receipt of a. rscoa~endation of ttze police chief, the proper fee and the proper insurance papers. Brander, Mako and. Jensen "aye", Emond Clarkson abstained, motion carried. 74.208 Motion by Jensen seconded by Mako tc> authorise the clerk to attend the human Rights Conference on the 26th and 27th of April. Clarkson, Brander, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye,,, motion carried. David Martin of .Valley Park appeared before the Council to ask that some action be taken to control the teen° age youth as there is quite a lot of property destruction in this area. Fie felt that something should be done:. about institutingacurf~w Por the City. ~1) { ~ cITY aF I:~AKFSVTLLE ecycnvezL MF,gTING - APFiSL 15 ~ 197+ Mayor Jensen feels that this is a law violation and would like the Council police committee to confer with the police chief and come beak with a recommendation. The bearing for the Dotl~,~ 7°%~ r?~ ~<</ NG ~ vT propasednaequisition of land and the improvements of the same wan opened at 9:04 P.M. The Z~'otiee of Pleating was read, after which the proposed land saquisition asd i.slprcvements were reviewed by the attorney and the engineer. A list of interested-property owners present is attached to these minutes. Mr. Farrell explained that he is not in the position to tell the method of assessment but said the following factors would be considered: .amount of .square footage of property, amount of square footage in terms of buildings and prc~xim3ty to parking lot property. Fie felt mat there should be some input from the police chief and the manager of the Liquor .Store to determine the City's need. Mr. Leonard Bentson, representing Herb Schmitz, said that he is>opposed to the acquisition of this property. The real estate agent for the Heller and Phillips property stated that the owners would accept a reasonable offer for this property but axe against the condemnation. Fci Sauber asked. if his property wa.s to be condemned but was advised that it was not. Fie was advised that he would be assessed. Mr. Michael Larken felt that the percentage of the assessment$ should be known. Mrs. Francis Mahowald said that she did not feel residential. property should be assessed for the parking lots. .Mayor Jensen feels that the two lots on the north end of the block should also be acquired. 7+.249 Motion by Jensen seconded by Mako to continue.this hearing for a period of time anci authorize the attorney and the clerk to prepare Notice Af Pleating for the additional. lots with all to be heard on the same night. Brander, Mako, Jensen, end and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. A fi~te mia~ute recess. was declared after which the meeting was called back to order. Mr. Jason LaMont was interviewed by the Council for the open position on the Park and Recreation Committee. Mr. Cox of Central Telephone Coa~aariy, showed the Council the plans for a full service center wFii~h the compa~? would like to build on the southeast corner of 17th St. and Pilot Knob Rd. Mr. Jerry Soderbaek, architect for °~'he phone. company, explained how this would be lanalscaped and fenced.. Mr. Cox explained to the Council that a rezoning had bees requested from the Planning Commission, but had been denied. 7+.210 Motion by Mako seconded by Fond to table the matter of the Central Telpphane Compax;V rezoning until the 6th of May at 8x30 P.M. Tb.e Planning Commission and the City Player will be requested to pre$ent their reasonas for the denial oP this rezoning. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Clarkson sad F3randes "aye", motion carried. A representative of the Mp1s., Aiorthfie~d and Southern Ft. R. appeared .before. the council in reference to a radio tower near .antler's Park. A Motorola Radio representative said that .the permit that had been issued was for the wrong property and that a new permit .had been requested. The railroad will place an 8' feriae around the tower. It would cost between X25©~ and ~30oa to dismantle and relocate the t~awer. Mr. Farrell feels that the railroad should have a conditional use permit i.nstea.d. of a variance to the height as had base requested.. 74.211 Motion by Fond seconded by Clarkson to table the variance request for the railroad until the 1st meeting in May when the attorney will return .with a reaamtnendation. Jensen, ~$ond, Clarkson, Brander aAd Mako "aye", cooties carried. A letter from Burnsville relating to the division of certain late in Logarto ~ r CI3'Y OF LABFVTLLE C©BN'CTL ME~TIPtG APRIL 15 ~ 197+ 2nd Addn. plat for taxing purposes was read attd will be kept available until- the final plat is presented far appz~c>val to the Council. 7+.212 Motion by end seconded hY Mako to approve Logaxto 2nd Addition preliminary plat. ~mond, Clarkson, Brandes, Ma,ko and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 7+.213 Motion 'py Jensen seconded by Clarkson too adopt the Scavenger D ce and set the fee in See. at ~S.AC~ and the license Fee at ~5t3.00. Clarkson, Brander, Mako, Jensen and end "aye", motion carried. 7~+.21~F Motion by Clarkson seconded. by Brander to approve the water and sewer extension plans for the. Woodbwry* Plat as presented by the engineer. Brander, Mako, Jensen, Ea~noad anti Clarkson "aye", motion carried. 74.215 .Motion by Jensen seconded by Mako to instruct the City Attorney to notify Jens CaspersAn of .the ui+~lations of the law in regards to his property on Lake Marion, and that he take the necessary steps to correct these violations. Mako, Jensen, Ha~ond, Clarkson: and Brander "aye", motion carried. A letter and resolution f'roffi the Minesota Women's Political Caucus was read to the Council. as received A letterrc~m ~dancy IIsright i.n which she recommends.=that the Council follow the recoemdation for the use of the old court house as outlined in a letter from Connie Mc,rrison. A17. letters attached tan these minutes. 74.216 Motion b9' Mako seconded by Brander that the Council supports the recommendation for the County Court House as set forth in the attached letters from Nancy Ea3uright and Connie Msrrison. Jensen, Clarkson, Brands and Mako "aye", end opposed., mcation carried, Motion by ~nond seconded hY Clarkson to adjourn carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, CL Mj ~lA r r ~ ~.~"ire+'_ M,AY~R