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i s ~ 1- ~ - ~ Y' CITY OF,ILLS COUNCIL MEETING 3s 197+ The meeting war .called tc> order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Jensen. Present; Brander Mako, Jensen and Clarkson. Absent; F~aond. Alropresent; Robert Pul.scher, Finaneia3.Consultant, Robert Frigaard, City Engineer and Pat Farrell, City .attorney. The bids..forthe X405,000 bond issue were opened and recorded, copy of bidr attached. Mr Pinscher recommended that the Council award the bond to the low 'bidder. 74.297 Motion by Mako'seecanded by Clarkson to award the .bid to the low bidder, Banenorthwest whose bid war for a net interest dollar cost of $189,75+.60 and net interest rate of 5.789614. Brander, Mako'Jensenand Clarkson "ayes', motion carried. James end arrived at 7:~+5 P.M. Flag pledge was given. 74.298 Motion by Mako seconded by Et~nd to acept the minutes of the May. 18, 1974, 'meeting as, presented. Mako, .Jensen, Emond, Clarkson and Brander "aye", motion carried, 7+.299 Motion by Emend seconded. by Brander to accept the minutes of the Special May.. 29, , 197+, meeting ar presented.. Jensen, Emond, Clarkson, Brander and Mako "aye", m©tion carried, 74.300 Motion by m3ond reeonded by Mako to pay the claims against the City, lists attached. Emond, Clarkson, Bander, Mako and Jensen "aye?', motion carried.. -The. Water .and Sewer minutes for May 14 were presented. 7.301 Motion by Mako seconded ~ Clarkson to follow the recommendation of the Water& Sewer.Cammai:ttee and-authorize the engineer to prepare the plans .and epees for a water tower on the Quist property with an alternate bid on a concrete reservoir. .Clarkson,.. Brander, Mako, Jensen and.Et~ond "aye.", motion carrried. 74.302 Motion by Nlako seconded by Brander to amend resolution X72.405 and increase the trunksewer area charge. to X250.00 per. acre, the trunk sewer t~ni.t ehaxge to X75.00, the trunk water unit charge to X275.00, water lateral benefit from trunk to $7`.5O/ft and the sewer lateral benefit from trunk to X69.00/ft. Brander, Mako, Jensen, Emond and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. Mr. Frigaard reported thatthe bids for the trunk water and sewer extensions, Project No. 74-3, had been opened and'recommended that the Council accept the bids. 74.303 Motion by .Brander seconded by ..Clarkson to accept the bids for Project No. 74-3. Mako, Jenren,,Emond, Clarkson .and Brander "aye", motion carried. 74.30+ .Motion by Mako seconded by Brander tc~ fallow the engineer's recommendation and.. award the contract for Project 7~+.3 to the~l~ow bidder, Barbarosra & Sons, Inc. whose bid was $226,525.00:. Jensen, E~nond, Clarkson, Brandes and Mako "aye", motion carried. 74.305 Motion by Mak© seconded by Bra,ndes to set a bid letting date for the I3ighview Avenue Project for the 8th day of .July at 2:00 P.M. Emond,' Clarkson, Brander, Mako and Jensen'."bye",.motion carried.. 7+.306 Mo~i.on by Brander seconded by Clarkson to adopt the resolution as prepared by the attorney regarding the water and sewer hook up fees for .the new high.: school, Clarkson, Brander, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", m©tion carried. Resolution attached, 74.307 Motion by Jensen seconded by E~nd~ authorize the issuance of a check for X5000 to pay for the ,purchase of the acres of land on which the maintenance building is heated. Brander,: Mako, Jensen, Find and Clarkson."aye", motion carried. . The Park & Recreation minutes for May 22 were presented with adiscussion/~inlthe~'~'g number of tennis courts to be constructed in each-area. 74.308 Matian by Clarkson seconded by Mako to authorize the engineer to prepare plans & specs for the eonstruction`of four courts at the park on 167th St.in Valley Park as 'indicated on plans presented to the Council. ~ 1972• ~1) . ~ ~ CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL. MEETING A .TUNE 3, 197+ ; 7+.309 Motion by Jensen seconded by Emond to amend motion 7+.308 to also authorize the engineer to prepare .plans and specs fora double tennis court at the Oak, Shores park. Mako, Jensen, Emond and Brander "aye"', Clarkson opposed, motion carried. Roll call was then taken on motion 7+.308 whichis as follower Jensen, Emond, Clarkson, Brander and Mako "aye", motion carried. Clifford Nelson, attorney, appeared before .the Council to speak for. George Grohoski in regard to a reconsideration of a motion of denial of plat. He reported that a petition had been filed at noon on the 3rd of June with the Environmental Quality Commission by the Concerned Citizens group. He said that it was his opinion that land acquired before January of 197+, was excempt from the new law which requires an envirnmental impact study if a petition is filed.. He also felt that this land would be grandfathered in and he also stated that there is no rezoning required for a plat. He felt that the Council should twice some decisive action. Mr. Farrell reported that he had talked to Mr. Hopeman of the Environmental Quality... Commission and is not prepared at this time to give a definitive answer whether or not this land is exempt from the impact study. He also said that there is a hearing on the 11th of June at which time. something could be learned about this question. Mr. Farrell .told the Council that they have two alternatives, one to do nothing and two -a motion to reconsider anal put on the table and. to table for some time-with Mr. Grohoski.'s consent in writing. Mr. Curry raised some points such as the petition being filed and the propriety of the motion to reconsider. Mrs. Val Nordin stated that i.n Robert's Rules of Order, the motion mast be reconsidered at the same meeting. Mr. Farrell advised the Council that it is alright to reconsider a motion at the next meeting..iie would not recommend that the Council approve the. plat subject to the Envirnmental .Impact Study. Mr. Marks of EcoPlanning, said that more than likely this matter would not be settled. at the meeting on the 11th. Mr. Steve Grohoski stated that he is on the agenda for the 11th where he hopes to obtain a definitive ruling on the question of the exemption. Marianne Curry said that the petition had included G:& G Builders, Inc. and/ the City of Lakeville so that either one could pay for the impact study. Mr. Nelson stated that Mr. Grohosk is now willing to give his consent to a continuance but Mr.,Farrell saki this should be i.n writing.. Mr. Mako asked Mrs. Curry. what factors were involved in asking for this study. She replied that there are three; silting, water .quality and. the lake level. He then asked her if a ponding area for this plat would be acceptable but she felt that the study should be done. 7+.310 Motion by Mako seconded by Jensen to reconsider the denial of the final plat of Lakerdge Addition for G & G Builders, Inc. Emond, Clarkson, Brander, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried... 7+.311 Motion by Jensen seconded by Emond to continue the hearing on Lakeridge final plat anti]. the 17th of June at 8:30 P.M. Clarkson, Brander, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. The hearing on the Garbage Ordinance was opened. Many rubbish haulers were present. Sheryl Salit of Valley Park said that there is arrays garbage on the streets and she would like to see the haulers pick up the. garbage by the garage area. Jim Thompson of Town and Country said that he picked up in Valley Park and Apple Valley and stated that his rates are higher for pickups at the garage area. Dick Clemmer of Dick"s Sanitation said that it would be impossible to pick up the whole area i.n one day. Mr. Thompson said that he would like the use of plastic bags. to be required and these placed by the. curb to make the job easier and neater. Mr. Robinette said. that plastic bags would not be feasible for some bully material. Jack Feist of Lakeville Sanitation said that there s_about 1~ of the people that complain and that these few would never be .satisfied. Gary Kehler of Valley Sanitation said that it is his policy to pick. up the .garbage by the garage. It was also stated that some of the people do place their garbage out much too early. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING "JUNE. 3, 1974 74.312 Motion by Mako seconded by Jensen to turn this matter of the Garbage Ordinance over to the health and sanitation eom~ai.ttee and to have them return on the lst meeting in July with recournnendatons for or against changes to this ordinance. Brandes, Mako, Jensen, E3nond and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. 74.313 Motion by E~nond seconded by Clarkson to apply the Fifth Entitlement Period Revenue Sharing funds of $42,868 to the Antler's Park and Aronson Park payments. Mako, Jensen, Emond, Clarkson and Brandes "aye", motion carried. Mr. Robinette presented the Council with an itemeized list of proposed expenditures for the operating cost of Antler's Park .for the summer. He requested that the park administrator be appointed at this dune so that some preparations could be made before the park opens on the 15th. It was decided no fees would be charged this year due to the high cost of collecting them. The food concession fee would be lE~ of the gross profit and the contract will be .for one year. The paddle boat, canoe and fishing boat concession fee would be on a sliding scale on the. gross with the contract to be for two years with the option to cancel by mutual agreement. There will be no boat launching except at the usual place on the north end of the park, 7'x.314 Motion by Mako seconded by Brander to hire Gerald S. Michaud as park administrator at Antler's Park for the months of June, July and August at the salary of X400 per month. The $6000 expenditure for the operation of the .park is approved and will be taken from the .Liquor Store profits. The Council also agrees in principal Witt items 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the June 3rd agenda and instructs the attorney to return next week with the details of the neceasasy contracts for going into business. Jensen, end, Clarkson, Brander and Mako "aye", motion carried. 74.315 Motion by Mako seconded by:~Brandes to hire the two chief life .guards, Jennifer S1ind for -0rchard Lake and Christy Coon for Lake Marion. The Council also empowers these lifeguards, the park administrator and the Public Works Director to proceed with the hiring of the re~'~n~ng lifeguards. Emend, Clarkson, Brander, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 74.316 Motion by E~nond seconded by Brander to appoint Jim Robinette the official Tree Inspector for the .City of Lakeville. Clarkson, Brander, Mako, Jensen and Emond "aye", motion carried. Mr. Ray Brandt asked if the council was sti11 considering interviewing other engineering firms. Mr. Denny Dun~€am requested an excavating permit and was advised to wait until after his building permit is approved. Mr. Mako asked if the Industrial Coumnission should be turning in their minutes. 74.317 Motion receipt of . by Mako seconded by~Clarkson to acknowledge/~Totice of Ciaim in re. .John Albert King & Carol Ray King-John Boyd Powe & Karen Kay Powe. Brander, Mako, Jensen, Emond'and Clarkson "aye", motion carried. 74.318 Motion try F~nond seconded by Brander to approve the. set-up license for John's Tavern. Mako, Jensen, t+~nd, Clarkson and Brander r~aye", motion carried. Various pieces of corresp`andence were presented. Motion by Emond seconded by Brander to adjourn carried unanimauely. Respectfully submitted, CLERK OR